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History and Future of Rare Earth Elements
The rare earths are 17 metallic elements, located in the middle of the periodic table (atomic numbers 21, 39, and 57–71). These metals have unusual fluorescent, conductive, and magnetic properties—which make …

(PDF) Element Case Studies: Rare Earth Elements
Element Case Studies: Rare Earth Elements 307. Zhang H, Feng J, Zhu WF, Liu CQ, Xu SQ, Shao PP, Wu. DS, Yang WJ, Gu JH (2000) Chronic toxicity of rare-earth elements on human beings. Biol Trace ...

Journal of Rare Earths | ScienceDirect by Elsevier
Enhanced magnetic properties of (Nd,Ce)–Fe–B magnets with Ce/TRE≤25 wt% can be achieved by incorporating a moderate amount of La elements. This study presents a novel approach for the fabrication of high-performance and resource-efficient sintered magnets based on LaCe alloys. Research articleFull text access.

Studies of Rare‐Earth‐Doped BiFeO3 Ceramics
Rare-earth (RE) (Eu3+, Gd3+, Tb3+, and Dy3+)-doped BiFeO3 (BFO) ceramics were prepared by a modified solid-state reaction method, which adopted higher heating as well as cooling rates during sintering process. All the fabricated samples showed ferroelectric hysteresis loops with a remnant polarization of 21–35 μC/cm2. A …

Rare-earth element | Uses, Properties, & Facts | Britannica
Rare-earth element, any member of the group of chemical elements consisting of three elements in Group 3 (scandium [Sc], yttrium [Y], and lanthanum ... Moseley's experimental studies verified the existence of 13 of these elements and showed that the 14th lanthanide must be element 61 and lie between neodymium and samarium.

Sensitivity of the r-process rare-earth peak abundances to …
The sensitivity of the r-process rare-earth peak abundances to nuclear masses has been studied in different astrophysical scenarios.The most impactful nuclei lie along the r-process paths at r-process freeze-out and at the time when the neutron-capture timescale is approximately 3 times of the β-decay timescale (τ n γ ≈ 3 τ β), …

Geophysical and Geochemical Approaches to Evaluating …
Geophysical Data Analyses: Objectives were to develop geophysical approaches to rare earth element evaluation, including the analysis and synthesis of …

Cosmochemistry of the Rare Earth Elements: Meteorite Studies
Cosmochemistry of the Rare Earth Elements: Meteorite Studies - ScienceDirect. Developments in Geochemistry. Volume 2, 1984, Pages 63-114. Chapter …

Special Issue: Rare earth luminescent materials
Benefiting from the sharp emission and theoretical internal quantum efficiency, rare earth luminescent complexes have been intensively explored over the …

The Rare-Earth Elements— Vital to Modern …
Most REEs are not as rare as the group's name suggests. They were named "rare-earth elements" because most were identified during the 18th and 19th centuries as "earths" (originally defined as materials that could not be changed further by heat) and in comparison to other "earths," such as lime or magnesia, they were relatively rare.

DOE Awards $17M To Conduct FEED Studies for Production of Rare Earth …
This total includes $16 million in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding for detailed engineering and cost FEED studies that are focused on design, construction, and operation of a first-of-a-kind domestic, demonstration-scale rare earth production facility that will extract, separate, and refine rare earth elements from unconventional sources ...

Electronic structure of rare-earth doped SrFBiS2 …
The electronic structure study of the Rare Earth (La, Ce) doped SrFBiS 2 superconductors using valence band photoemission in conjugation with the band structure calculations have been presented. The spectral features shift towards higher binding energy, consistent with the electron doping, for the doped compounds.

The race to produce rare earth materials | MIT Technology …
China has dominated the market for rare earth elements, but US scientists and companies are scrambling to catch up. By. Mureji Fatunde. January 5, 2024. US-based Noveon Magnetics extracts ...

An international comparative study of rare earth research …
Rare earth refers to a type of strategic resource. Countries worldwide have invested considerable money in relevant research. This bibliometric study was to evaluate the global situation of published rare earth research to discover rare earth research strategies in a wide range of countries. In this study, 50,149 SCI papers related to rare ...

Biden-Harris Administration Invests $17 Million to …
This total includes $16 million in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding for detailed engineering and cost FEED studies that are focused on design, construction, and operation of a first-of-a-kind domestic, demonstration-scale rare earth production facility that will extract, separate, and refine rare earth elements from unconventional sources ...

What China's Ban on Rare Earths Processing Technology …
China announced a ban of rare earth extraction and separation technologies on December 21, 2023. This has significant implications for U.S. national, economic, and rare earth security. Rare earth elements—a group of 17 metals —are used in defense technologies, including missiles, lasers, vehicle-mounted systems such as tanks, and …

Journal of Rare Earths | ScienceDirect by Elsevier
The Journal of Rare Earths reports studies on the 17 rare earth elements. It is a unique English-language learned journal that publishes works on various aspects of basic …

The story of rare earth elements (REEs): Occurrences, global
Preliminary feasibility studies in 2015 revealed that REE extraction is technically feasible and economically viable (Zhou et al., 2016). Even though mining of the Zandkopsdrift deposit was expected to commence in 2017 by the Frontier Rare Earth Limited, the current status is not yet reported. ... Rare earth industry should focus to …

Cosmochemistry of the rare earth elements: meteorite studies.
After a discussion on the condensation of elements from the solar nebula, the REE abundances in Ca,Al-rich inclusions in carbonaceous chondrites are described and interpreted. The normalization values for REE in chondrites are examined at some length and the values of REE in other differentiated meteorites are reported.-R.A.H. Original …

Special Issue: Rare earth luminescent materials
In conclusion, this special issue focuses on recent progress made with rare earth luminescent materials and considers designs, preparation methods and applications in lighting, displays, sensing ...

An international comparative study of rare earth research …
1. Introduction. Rare earth has been extensively used in numerous fields for its excellent optical and electromagnetic characteristics. Notably, it has high application value and is a vital national strategic resource in high-tech electronic products, defense and military industry, aerospace, and other national strategic areas.

Element Case Studies: Rare Earth Elements | SpringerLink
1 Introduction. Rare earth elements (REEs), which include 15 lanthanides and yttrium and have similar chemical and geochemical properties, make up a special group of heavy metals studied in the research fields of …

Recovery potential of rare earth elements from mining and industrial
Rare earth elements (REE) are a group of 17 elements including lanthanides (La-Lu), Sc and Y. REE are often divided into two groups: light REE (LREE; La to Gd) and heavy REE (HREE; Tb to Lu, and including Sc and Y). ... First, relevant case studies related to AMD from coal and base metal exploitation, as well as PG produced from …

Regional rare-earth element supply and demand balanced …
Högberg S. et al. Direct reuse of rare earth permanent magnets—Wind turbine generator case study. 2016 XXII International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM) 1625–1629 (IEEE, 2016).

Pathways for greening the supply of rare earth elements in …
In this study, we focus on three processes that are most commonly used to produce rare earth metals. Light rare earths (La, Ce, Nd, Pr) make up over 90% of those produced in China, the majority of ...

Element Case Studies: Rare Earth Elements | SpringerLink
1 Introduction. Rare earth elements (REEs), which include 15 lanthanides and yttrium and have similar chemical and geochemical properties, make up a special group of heavy metals in the research fields of environmental toxicology and plant nutrition. In recent decades, rapid industrialization and urbanization have spurred increased use of …

Understanding Rare Earth Elements as Critical Raw Materials …
The boom in technological advances in recent decades has led to increased demand for rare earth elements (REEs) (also known as rare earth metals) across various industries with wide-ranging industrial applications, including in the clean energy sector, but with some environmental, economic, and social footprint concerns. This paper reviews …

An Updated Review of Toxicity Effect of the Rare Earth …
Abstract. Simple Summary. Rare earth elements (REEs) have become important metals in modern-day technology. The process of discarding obsolete …