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- نحوه عمل سنگ زنی

Danieli intelligent guides in operation at Nucor Steel Sedalia
High safety standards and excellent bar guiding. Nucor Steel Sedalia selected Danieli Morgårdshammar RX series intelligent guides for its plant in Sedalia, USA. This was the world-first installation on a continuous casting and rolling plant –Danieli MIDA® micromill. Four RX series guides were installed at the entry of mill stands #14 and ...

A new Danieli long-product rolling mill in operation in Brazil
Brazilian Aço Cearense Group's Siderúrgica Norte Brasil (Sinobras) officially produced the first steel coil at its rolling mill #2 in Marabá, Pará state, Brazil. The purpose of the investment was to increase production capacity by adding 500,000 tpy of wirerod and spooled rebar in coils. Supplied by Danieli, the new rolling mill features ...

New guide equipment increases productivity up …
The Danieli Rolling Guides team developed a new series of roller-type entry & exit guides which allows Viraj profile do deliver a scratch-free finished rolled stock. The installation of the Danieli roller guides …

Technological packages › Long › MRB ‹ Danieli
Hot Rolling Mills. 95/151. Processes & technologies; Technological packages; ... Possibility of moving the entry roller guide in the proper position under load in order to compensate the wear of the rolls, always maintaining the strand weight in a very narrow range ; Longer rolling campaign ... Danieli & C. S.p.A. Via Nazionale, 41 33042 ...

Rolling Mill Expansion at Steel Dynamics, USA ‹ Danieli
New billet welder and spooler line are producing spooled coils up to 5 tons, in endless mode, at Steel Dynamics, Columbia City, Indiana, USA. Among the main equipment: a 70-m conveyor connecting the existing medium section mill to the new spooler line, a 3-MW induction furnace to heat the stock coming from the existing mill, six housingless SHS …

Technological packages › Long › MH INTELLIGENT ROLLER …
MH INTELLIGENT ROLLER GUIDES. Automatic guide with on-line dimension change. BENEFITS. ... Know-How: Constant feedback on rolling mills' operating performance, …

Danieli has a full range of flexible hot mill configurations to meet customers' requirements. Optimal solutions can be provided for single-stand reversing roughing mills, multi-stand finishing mills, twin-coiler single-stand finishing mills, and combination plate and coil mills. These designs have advanced process control systems to deliver ...

Industry 4.0 Intelligent guides ‹ Danieli
This is the concept of Danieli Intelligent Guides. For more info: Enrico Galeazzo. +39 3484528860. e.galeazzo@danieli. Taking rolling mills to Industry 4.0 The future of …

Pickling Line coupled with Tandem Cold Mill
Our innovative design for the high-speed Turboflo pickling process section makes Danieli Wean United's continuous pickling line the world's fastest, able to reach a speed of 450 mpm. The four/six-high mill stand configuration ensures excellent quality in terms of flatness and thickness control. The continuous process eliminates the need to ...

Danieli Service solutions for rolling mill …
This unique automated system is remotely adjusted for each rolling campaign within a wide range of rolled products, including 15 to 50 mm rounds, squares and hexagonal cross-sections. Perfect guidance of the …

Welcome to Hollteck India Guides Pvt. Ltd.
Whether it concerns only one piece of equipment or a full rolling mill complement of guides, Hollteck can be relied on to assist our customers in every start-up and on-site Hollteck India Guides Pvt. Ltd. was established in 2014, to provide a Rolling Mill Guide design and manufacturing service to the Indian Sub-continent.

Danieli intelligent guides in operation at Nucor Steel Sedalia
This was the world-first installation on a continuous casting and rolling plant –Danieli MIDA® micromill. Four RX series guides were installed at the entry of mill stands #14 and #16 and supplied with consumables for the production of #4, #5, #6 (13, 16, 19 mm) rebar. A local control station (LCS) for RX guide setting located in the guide ...

AIM 12th International ROLLING Conference
The Conference will bring together rolling practitioners, steel producers, plant designers and researchers, providing a forum and dedicated sessions to discuss for best practices and state-of-the-art technology, while looking at short-to-medium-term future developments. Danieli will be main sponsor of the event, and participants will have the ...

DanOil – Danieli Oil Film Bearings
Oil-film bearings engineered by Danieli are highly advanced and fundamental components of modern rolling mill technology. Our experience as a rolling mill manufacturer (for flat and long products, steel, aluminium and non-ferrous metals) as well as our many years of teamwork with customers, provide the best foundation supplying DanOil bearings ...

Products › Flat › Hot Strip Mills Modern rolling mills
25/116. The Hot Strip Mill represents the most productive solution for flat rolled products. It provides the highest level of productivity together with a large product mix and outstanding quality. Yearly productivity of Hot Strip Mills can vary from 2 to 6 Mtpy, depending on the configuration that is selected.

DANIELI MORGÅRDSHAMMAR AB is an engineering company, specialized in rolling mills for long products in the steel industry. It has been supplying rolling mill equipment and consulting services to steel producers for over 150 years. The process knowledge of steel plant is earned from extensive experience and together with the DANIELI Group ...

Danieli Morgardshammar
Direct Contact. info.dmh@danieli. SBQ3, BEST, and H3 are the latest technologies applied to production processes for special bar quality, special steel, commercial steel …

Danieli Morgårdshammar Guide Systems is ready to introduce automatic and motorized guides for any type of rolling mill, from bar to wirerod, to make the rolling mill plant smart, digital and safe. The intelligent guide setting enables a setup to be changed in seconds from a safe location, either from a local pulpit or mill control.

Danieli Automation
Danieli Morgårdshammar Guide Systems is ready to introduce automatic and motorized guides for any type of rolling mill, from bar to wirerod, to make the rolling mill plant smart, digital and safe. The intelligent guide setting enables a setup to be changed in seconds from a safe location, either from a local pulpit or mill control.

FRS guides represent the monoblock type of entry roller …
Danieli Headquarters THE RELIABLEVia Nazionale, 41 33042 Buttrio (UD) Italy Tel (39) 0432.1958111 Fax (39) 0432.1958289 e-mail: guides@danieli Morgårdshammar AB S-77782 Smedjebacken Sweden Tel (46) 240 668500 Fax (46) 240 668501 e-mail: mh@morgardshammar AND INNOVATIVE PARTNER IN THE STEEL INDUSTRY …

We supply mills of different design, ranging from small laboratory mills thru 2hi, 4hi, 6hi mills up to multi roller mills with 12 or 20 rolls. Thereby it is necessary to mention that also combinations of the above are possible as well as special solutions like cold mills for flexible rolling. Foil mills both for aluminium and copper are within ...

Danieli Service solutions for rolling mill performance …
This unique automated system is remotely adjusted for each rolling campaign within a wide range of rolled products, including 15 to 50 mm rounds, squares and hexagonal cross-sections. Perfect guidance of the bar is provided by the highly advanced and automatically operated RX Roller Guide system, which dynamically adjusts itself during rolling.

Danieli Service chock reconditioning for flat product rolling mills
Danieli draws on many decades of knowledge and experience as a rolling mill designer and builder, using these resources to identify opportunities for saving operating costs and improving profit margins by introducing the latest technologies during the process. For more info: Keith Shillam. [email protected]. +39 0432 195 5647.

Azienda Metalli Laminati relies on Danieli for its new, copper …
This is the third order awarded to Danieli for copper mill supply in five months, raising to more than 120 the total supplied worldwide. For more info: Frank Otterbach. f.otterbach@danieli. +49 160 90126361. Azienda Metalli Laminati S.p.A., market leading supplier in Europe and North America for rolled copper.

Continuous rolling mill upgrades at BSRM ‹ Danieli
Danieli Service Small Revamping Team executes valuable projects. The Danieli Service Small Revamping Team has just commissioned a bar mill upgrade at BSRM Steel Mills, in Chittagong, Bangladesh. The target of the revamping was to improve the productivity for the smallest bar sizes, by implementing 5-strand slitting and producing 5x8- and 5x10 ...

Technological packages › Flat › Q-CHANGE ‹ Danieli
WR automatic system and optimized control for the shortest changing time, for highest rolling mill plant productivity. Very quick changing time for Work Rolls: 10 min. Reduced time for Back-Up Roll change: - 45 min. Return On Investment (ROI): 4 months. Quick work and back-up roll changhing for rolling mills.

Rolling Mill Stand Geometry ‹ Danieli
Typical observations reported by customers who have benefited from mill-stand geometry restoration include: For more info: Michal Zawadzki. [email protected]. +39 3482601498. Correct mill stand geometry is essential for effective and accurate gauge control, strip/plate quality.

Specialty Cold Rolling Mills
Fröhling rolling mills are equipped with a direct hydraulic screw-down for flatness control, which in combination with a perfectly adjusted automation system, allows for the closest possible strip tolerances. ... Danieli & C. S.p.A. Via Nazionale, 41 33042 Buttrio (UD) Italy Tel (39) 0432.1958111. Partita IVA 00167460302 Numero REA UD - 84904 ...

Danieli Group on LinkedIn: MH Intelligent Guides
137,678 followers. 1y Edited. To support long-product rolling operations and industrial standards, Danieli's Morgardshammar and Danieli Service divisions offer high …

Danieli Morgårdshammar Guide Systems is ready to introduce automatic and motorized guides for any type of rolling mill, from bar to wirerod, to make the rolling mill plant …

Products › Long › Seamless Pipe Mills and Finishing Lines
Our product portfolio covers complete Seamless Pipe Mill Plants (2 Rolls / 3 Rolls Hot Rolling Mill Lines, Expander Mill Lines) producing tube sizes with ranges up to 28" and a production capacity stretching from 100.000 to 1.000.000 tonnes per year. In addition to this, Danieli Centro Tube is a leading supplier of Finishing Lines (Heat ...

1000 Series SR/DR entry guide: the ideal solution for …
guiding on bar and rod mills. > Possibility to install remote ... (39) 0432.1958111 Fax (39) 0432.1958289 e-mail: guides@danieli Morgårdshammar AB S-77782 Smedjebacken Sweden Tel (46) 240 668500 Fax (46) 240 668501 e-mail: mh@morgardshammar AND INNOVATIVE PARTNER IN THE STEEL INDUSTRY Roller guides Fishing size …

Rolling mill guides
Guide Equipment. Since introducing a revolutionary roller guide product in 1945, we have been leading the international steel industry and introducing a number of patented products for rolling mill systems. …

RTC-RS twisting guides represent the reliable solution
Danieli Headquarters THE RELIABLEVia Nazionale, 41 33042 Buttrio (UD) Italy Tel (39) 0432.1958111 Fax (39) 0432.1958289 e-mail: guides@danieli Morgårdshammar AB S-77782 Smedjebacken Sweden Tel (46) 240 668500 Fax (46) 240 668501 e-mail: mh@morgardshammar AND INNOVATIVE PARTNER IN THE STEEL INDUSTRY …

New Danieli MH roller guides for Gerdau Ouro Branco, Brazil
Danieli MH intelligent roller guides can process any diameter ranging from size 5.5 to 21.5 mm. For more info: Marco Castenetto. m.castenetto@danieli. +39 3487998451. Gerdau selected Danieli Service Brazil to supply intelligent roller guides for …

Industry 4.0 Intelligent guides ‹ Danieli USA
Industry 4.0 signals a new era for steelmaking, and Danieli Morgårdshammar Guide Systems is ready to support customers in this transition with new machines and services to increase plant profits. Just one click on the control desk will completely set up a rolling mill, and significantly improve overall equipment efficiency.

The Danieli Rolling Guides team developed a new series of roller-type entry & exit guides which allows Viraj profile do deliver a scratch-free finished rolled stock. The installation of the Danieli roller guides allowed the stainless-steel producer to achieve a reduction of downtime and consequent increase of productivity of as high as 25%.

MIDA endless and direct casting and rolling: the Danieli …
quickly hot charge the rolling mill at a temperature in excess of ~850-950°C, having the possibility of additional heating when necessary through an inductive heater. To minimise radiation losses the roller tables to the mill are insulated. The majority of losses are due to the radiative thermal effect

Danieli Frohling
Specialty Cold Rolling Mills. 413. Specialty Strip Finishing Lines. 411. Aluminium Edge trimming lines. 412. Aluminium Slitting lines. 414. Aluminium Cut-to-Length lines. ... Danieli & C. S.p.A. Via Nazionale, 41 33042 Buttrio (UD) Italy Tel (39) 0432.1958111. Partita IVA 00167460302 Numero REA UD - 84904 . Partita IVA 00167460302

The most modern SBQ rolling mill will operate in Mexico ‹ Danieli
TYASA has contracted Danieli for the supply of a new 350,000 tpy green-field SBQ rolling mill, to be installed in Ixtaczoquitlán, Veracruz state, Mexico, at the premises where approx. 1.5 Mtpy of long and flat products are produced. The new plant –which will include a reheating furnace, a hot-rolling mill, inspection, conditioning and ...