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Gold Dredges for Sale
Top quality gold dredges for sale. In stock and ready for immediate delivery. Made in USA with finest materials. Honda Engines have 3 year warranty. Available in two inch, three inch, 4 inch, five inch, and six inch sizes. Capacities up to 20 cubic yards per hour!

Proline Mining Equipment Dredge/Highbanker Combo 2"
2.5" Dredge/Highbanker Combo. Our Proline 2.5" combo has become very well accepted with many prospectors who feel it's the perfect size dual-purpose machine. When this unit is being operated as a dredge, it's capable of processing in excess of five cubic yards of material per hour.

How To Suction Dredge for Gold: The Basics
Think of a suction dredge as a vacuum cleaner for underwater environments. Prospectors use dredging equipment to draw up wet sand, silt, dirt, or clay. The suction hose moves that raw material from the riverbed to a sluice box that separates out the gold particles. The components of a standard suction dredge …See more on nwdetectors
Emily Riedel's Guide to Building a Bering Sea Gold Diver …

5 Things To Consider Before Buying a Mini …
Portability Needs. If you like to go on solo prospecting expeditions, a 2-inch backpack dredge will be your greatest tool. Its relatively lightweight and convenient backpack style makes it highly …

Gold Extraction Equipment | Mining Dredge for Sale | Shell Dredging
The 12-inch Gold Dredge Each dredge is designed and custom-built to adapt to your individual property needs. 12-inch Dredge Specifications. CAPACITY: 250 YARDS/HR. WEIGHT: 25 TONS: HEIGHT: 24 FEET: LENGTH: 45 FEET: ... The 12" dredge handles an average of 300 cubic yards of material per hour, or 7,200 yards per …

Homemade 2 1/2 inch gold dredge...
Barrels work just fine be it 2 1/2"-8" Many sizes,colors and configurations. I use the same frame for my 4"-5. Just 4 barrels for creeks and 6 for raging rivers and …

How Does a 4-Inch Suction Gold Dredge Work?
Step 3: Watching the Sluice. As you suction up gravel and water below the surface, solids will enter the sluice by way of the header box. While seasoned prospectors with smaller dredges may leave the sluice area unattended, having a buddy with you is a good idea for a dredge of 4 inches or larger. Most of the gold you'll find will be ...

Hand Dredge : 5 Steps (with Pictures)
They allow you to suck up material in hard to reach places, such as under rocks, and in crevices. Hand dredges work extremely well if you are prospecting for gold as they allow you to quickly move lots of material. …

The Gold Dredge
Large 8" dredge Model # 8222. Small back pack 2" dredge Model # 2004PJ. The Underwater Dredge. The underwater dredge is the less popular of the dredges available, because it lacks somewhat in its ability to recover as fine of gold as the surface type. It is designed mainly for compactness and portability, but is limited also in its application ...

Proline 2 inch Dredge – Black Mining
Proline 2 inch Dredge. $1,885.00. Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout. Sold Out. Powered by a quiet running 4 stroke 2.5 HP Honda engine driving a 100+ GPM HP100 pump, Proline's 2" gold dredge has all the power you'd want in a highly portable unit. The HP100 pump features a flusher port for running a hose and flusher nozzle, and the ...

Has anybody made their own dredge?
it really depends on the size and how much you want to do. ive converted two highbankers to dredges before. if you want to work a small stream (Lets say less than …

» Setting the Proper Water Velocity Through a Sluice Box
Le Trap Sluice. As a general rule, the optimum slope-setting of a sluice is around one inch of drop per linear foot of box. This can change, depending upon the volume and velocity of water being used, and/or the average shape, size, volume or weight (specific gravity) of material that you are processing. There is no exact formula for setting ...

Plan and design your own home made suction dredge for …
How to plan, design and build your own homemade gold suction dredge so you can prospect and mine for gold: from .

Dredge Suction Nozzles
Ideal for shallow water dredging - these dredge suction nozzles are precision manufactured by Jobe and Keene from thin-wall plated steel tubing with machined orifices to create maximum suction pressure. Choose from 9 sizes below. Prices start at $135 for a 1.5" Suction Nozzle. Use drop down menu to choose size. Example: A ke-sn32 dredge …

6inch homemade gold dredge
04-10-2018· Materials Need For Homemade Inch Gold Dredge. 2a gold dredge is a necessary tool for anyone who pans for gold as more than a hobby. gold dredges are machines that pulls the gold from dirt or gravel. the gold dredge became popular at the time of the california gold rush when thousands were looking for the shiny …

» Suction Dredging for Gold
Just to give you some idea, a top-of-the-line five-inch gold dredge and the miscellaneous gear needed to run a small dredging operation can be obtained for less than $6,000. The size of a gold dredge is determined …

Need help with type of hose for a DIY 2 INCH dredge
There are pvc, flat, canvas and more. Which is the correct hose material. Can anyone send a link to where to buy the proper hose? I'm building a dredge with a homemade venturi suction nozzle with a 1.5 inch pressure hose going to the venturi inlet then outlet is a 2 inch . Using a 3500gph bilge pump powered by slow draining deep cycle batteries...

Suction Gold Dredge Basics
June 13, 2018. Share. Followers 1. A suction gold dredge is basically an underwater vacuum cleaner. Material is transported from underwater to the surface and run through a sluice box to capture the gold. A sluice box …

Homemade 2 1/2 inch gold dredge... | Page 2 | TreasureNet …
I just completed my homemade 2 1/2 inch dredge. I floated it in the lake to find out what the displacement was and it was almost perfect. The front was about 5 to …

Dredges: Online
Please call us if you need your order in a hurry. We apologize for any inconvenience. 0 (818) 993-0411 ... We have the right equipment at the right price for you! From the lightest, most portable back-pack dredge to a fullly equipped 8 inch production system, our experts can analyze your project and your needs to get you set up with the perfect ...

Gold Dredge Equipment + Prospecting FAQs & 11 Helpful Tips
The cost of a gold dredge varies depending on the size and features of the dredge. For example, a small hand-powered gold dredge can cost as little as $500, while a large electric-powered gold dredge can cost more than $20,000. These are just a few things you'll want to keep in mind when choosing a gold dredge.

Emily Riedel's Guide to Building a Bering Sea Gold Diver Dredge
You need to set the sluice at the right angle – we do 1″ of drop over 10″ of run. The box needs to be long enough. Ours 10 x 4.' making it a good box size for an 8″ dredge, but I'd like 12+ feet for a 10″ dredge. You need to have miners moss under riffles (we use expanded metal) under some kind of grating that classifies material.

KEENE 3 Inch Ultra Mini Dredges (FREE SHIPPING)
FOR CURRENT PRICING AND AVAILABILITY ON KEENE GOLD DREDGES PLEASE CONTACT US toll free: 1-888-985-6463. The Ultra 3 Gold Dredge has set a new standard for smaller sized suction dredges. The unmatched performance of this gold dredge system is designed for those who operate in extremely remote and …

Keene 2 inch back-pack dredge ( FREE SHIPPING ! )
Keene 2 inch back-pack dredge ( FREE SHIPPING ! The Keene backpack dredges are equipped with a lightweight BUT heavy-duty 2.5hp Honda 4 cycle engine. The Honda engine doubles the power of the previous models and is much quieter and smoother, produces an unbelievable 100 gallons per minute, and up to 160 feet of head pressure.

One man dredge operation?
My overall favorite dredge was a 2.5-inch Gold King DPC unit. It ran on a 5hp Brigg & Stratton engine and could really recover very fine gold. I customized the recovery carpet to miners moss and it really helped. The largest dredge I owned was a Gold King 4-inch that I transfered into a 5-inch with (2) 5hp Brigg & Stratton engines ran …

2-Inch Dredges | 2-Inch Suction Dredge | NW Detector Sales
2" Dredge - Jet Faire Backpack Combo Package (2004SNPJLK) Keene. The 2-Inch Backpack Dredges are the ultimate in portability! Our 2-inch suction dredges are worn like a backpack, so you don't need to lug it from place to place as your prospect. Don't be fooled by the lightweight construction; these babies pack some serious power!

Hand Dredge : 5 Steps (with Pictures)
This is where material will collect and you'll need to be able to take it out to pan through your material. After that, to create the part that sucks up material, glue the 6" long 1/2" pvc into the 1-1/4" to 1/2" bushing, then …

» Six inch Dredge For Sale
Fine gold mat for daily clean-up. Fine gold recovery under double-screen classification. Here is what is included: 6-inch Proline dredge platform with an extra set of pontoons on the front end (dredge is in brand new condition). Non-slip decking to allow ease of movement and gear-storage on the platform. T-tie-offs on all four corners.

Dredges & High-Bankers Archives
Dredges & High-Bankers, From floating dredges to Combos. Mini highbankers available. Brands by Proline Mining Equipment, Royal Manufacturing, Geo-Sluicing and Gold Fox. Showing all 61 results ... 2 Inch Jet Faire Backpack Comb Package Dredges & High-Bankers $ 2,995.00. Rated 0 out of ... 2 IN HAND DREDGE Gold Nugget Sucker …

The HF 300 is a real work horse, it can chew through gravel at a phenomenal rate. It is a powerful tool for dry land gold recovery. Includes an instructional DVD to help get you started. HYDRO-FORCE 300 DRY LAND SUCTION NOZZLE. The HF400 unit uses a 4-inch suction hose and a 2-inch pressure hose. This is the top of the line and a true work ...

Keene 2.5 inch Dredge 12" box (FREE SHIPPING)
FREE SHIPPING SPECIAL!: 2 1/2 inch KEENE Pontoon Dredge with an optional air compressor. The 2.5 Inch Ultra Series has set a new standard for smaller size dredges. The unmatched performance of this new dredge system is designed for those who operate in extremely remote and challenging locations. It can be easily transported and quickly …

Some dredge basics
Example. Trying to run a 3 inch dredge with cheap trash pump and use a 10 inch wide box. I have to explain that the 10 inch wide box is too small and the velocity is too high to catch gold. Here are a few examples of a well balanced dredge: 2" backpack dredge. Small but effective 2.5 hp 100 GPM pump with 10" wide box.

Keene 2 Inch Dredges – Armadillo Mining Shop
Gold & Jewelry Supplies; Gold Vials & Containers; Hand Tools; Hard Rock Mining Equipment; High Bankers; Loupes, Magnifiers & Microscopes; Metal Detectors & Supplies; Miscellaneous; ... 2 Inch Dredge Power Jet $ 2,495.00. Item # 2004pjf. 2 Inch Dredge Suction Nozzle $ 2,450.00. Item # 2004snf.