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Solubility: Particle Size Reduction is a Promising Approach …
Corpus ID: 138409987; Solubility: Particle Size Reduction is a Promising Approach to Improve the Bioavailability of Lipophillic Drugs @inproceedings{Rawat2011SolubilityPS, title={Solubility: Particle Size Reduction is a Promising Approach to Improve the Bioavailability of Lipophillic Drugs}, author={Neetika Rawat and Murugesan Senthil …

RB-OLITS: A Worst Case Reorder Buffer Size Reduction Approach …
RB-OLITS: A Worst Case Reorder Buffer Size Reduction Approach for 3-D-NoC Abstract: This article presents a traffic splitting method for 3-D networks-on-chip (NoCs) that minimizes the reorder buffer size of the NoC router. Published in: IEEE Design & Test ( Volume: 39, Issue: 6, December 2022) Article #: Page(s): 79 ...

Particle size reduction to the nanometer range: a promising approach …
The particle size and particle surface properties of phenylephrine nanosuspensions were used to optimize the size reduction process. The optimized phenylephrine nanosuspension was then freeze dried and incorporated into a multi-layered buccal patch, consisting of a small tablet adhered to a mucoadhesive film, yielding a …

A Review of Size Reduction techniques Using …
Abstract. Size reduction is one of the most widely used unit operations in the chemical and allied industries. Comminution is the process of exposing materials to …

200 mesh screen (0.074 mm). Ultrafine grinders will accept a feed of a few mm in size and reduce it to a product of sizes in the range 1 – 50 m. Cutters will deliver particles of …

Chapter 4 Mechanical Particle-Size Reduction …
Strategies that rely on mechanical particle-size reduction, also known as the top-down approach, can be roughly classified into milling techniques and high-pressure homogenization techniques. Of all the strategies, wet-media milling, piston-gap homogenization, and microfluidization are the most popular techniques.

Constriction Size Reduction Approach in Granular Filters
Constriction Size Reduction Approach in Granular Filters. In order to assess the capability of a filter skeleton to retain flowing particles transported from eroded soil, different models based on continuous or discrete medium are available. The porous medium is often described by the grain size distribution, whereas constriction size ...

Mechanical Particle-Size Reduction Techniques | SpringerLink
4.3.2 Wet-Milling. Wet-milling, also known as slurry milling, is a particle-size reduction process in which the solid particles are suspended in a liquid medium. As such, wet-milling has a number of advantages over dry-milling, thermal control over the process being one of the most prominent.

Constriction Size Reduction Approach in Granular Filters
Constriction Size Reduction Approach in Granular Filters. S. Azirou 1,2 · A. Benamar 2 · A. T ahakourt 1. Received: 5 May 2021 / Accepted: 27 July 2022 / Published online: 11 August 2022

An instrumental variables approach to assess the effect of class size
The existing small evidence base assessing the association between class size and health is inconclusive. This quasi-experimental study uses an instrumental variables approach based on North Carolina's elementary class size reduction policy to assess the relationship between class size and student screen time.

Genome engineering on size reduction and complexity
The simplification of the genome involves two perspectives: size reduction and complexity simplification. This simplified genome can be employed to investigate scientific inquiries, such as the origin of life, evolution, and artificial life. ... Of course, there are limitations to the bottom-up approach for genome reduction (Fig. 3 d). Firstly ...

Particle-size reduction
The energy efficiency of size reduction equipment tends to be low, and improvement of energy efficiency continues to be a key issue for both technology developers and users (Table 1). Estimating breakage energy. ... d p = particle size of final product, µm. Bond's approach, which gives reasonable approximation for most common …

An adaptive differential evolution algorithm with population size …
With the evolution process, the individuals in P 1 and P 2 gradually approach a better solution, and the distribution of individuals appears to be clustered. ... In the population size reduction aspect, the speed of linear reduction in the whole evolution process is the same, and the non-line reduction in EAGDE is too fast to ignore the ...

Size Reduction
Size reduction is an important stage in the production of liposomes as the liposomes obtained by certain production methods may not be of the desired size. Extrusion …

A Hybrid Approach for Process Monitoring: Improving Data …
A Hybrid Approach for Process Monitoring: Improving Data-Driven Methodologies With Dataset Size Reduction and Interval-Valued Representation Abstract: Kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) is a well-established data-driven process modeling and monitoring framework that has long been praised for its performances. …

Nanosizing Coamorphous Drugs Using Top-Down Approach…
Coamorphous curcumin-artemisinin could highly contribute to the size reduction during milling compared to the crystalline form, which might attribute to the change of crystallinity. ... Qin, Z. et al. Nanosizing Coamorphous Drugs Using Top-Down Approach: The Effect of Particle Size Reduction on Dissolution Improvement. AAPS …

(PDF) Researcher perspectives on class size reduction
logic and assumptions embedded in pupil-teacher ratio (PTR), class size (CS), and. class size reduction studies, we conclude that sometimes research conflates these. constructs and their ...

Reduction-to-synthesis: the dominant approach to genome …
The genome 'reductionist' approach is an engineering method that markedly improves strain performance. ... Genome reduction was initially focused on exploring properties of minimal genomes, but more recently it has been deployed as an engineering strategy to enhance strain performance. ... Download full-size image; Figure 1.

Constriction Size Reduction Approach in Granular …
Constriction Size Reduction Approach in Granular Filters 777 1 3 model of constrictions distribution for any relative density, called constriction size distribution (CSD), usually based on lter's grain size distribution (PSD) by surface. Indraratna and Raut (2006) suggested a criterion based on the diameter of constriction (D c35

MineReduce: An approach based on data mining for problem size reduction …
This work presents an approach that uses mined patterns to perform problem size reduction. The MineReduce approach was applied to extend a previous and state-of-the-art heuristic for the HFVRP (Penna et al., 2013a). The new hybrid heuristic obtained, named MineReduce-MS-ILS, produced. CRediT authorship contribution statement

Clause Size Reduction with all-UIP Learning
In particular, our approach can learn a clause that is not a subset of the 1-UIP clause but which still serves all of the same purposes as the 1-UIP clause. Clause minimization techniques can be applied on top of our method to remove redundant literals. ... The average proof size reduction per instance for and is 16.5% and 3.6% against 1-UIP, ...

Size Reduction
Size Reduction. The types of particle size reduction can be classified as crushing or milling, with crushing referring to reduction of larger pieces of materials into smaller …

Particle size reduction to the nanometer range: a promising approach …
Particle size reduction to the nanometer range: a promising approach to improve buccal absorption of poorly water-soluble drugs Int J Nanomedicine. 2011:6:1245-51. doi: 10.2147/IJN.S19151. ... The particle size and particle surface properties of phenylephrine nanosuspensions were used to optimize the size reduction process. The optimized ...

Size Reduction | International Fine Particle Research Institute
IFPRI's approach in defining the strategic research direction and new programmes is by consultation with the members, helped by workshops in which the states of the art and understanding are critically reviewed and analysed by leading experts in the field. ... Past sponsored research projects and reviews in size reduction include: ...

Funding & tenders
Size & weight reduction of cell and packaging of batteries system, integrating lightweight and functional materials, innovative thermal management and safe and sustainable by design approach (Batt4EU Partnership) ... This topic focuses on delivering a safe and sustainable by design approach for batteries reduced in size and weight which …

An Efficient Dimensionality Reduction Approach for Small-sample Size
A novel SNMFNet classifier is designed to directly associate the dimension reduction process with the classification procedure used for promoting feature dimension reduction to follow the approach that is beneficial for classification, thus making the low-dimensional features more distinguishable and addressing the challenge facing heart …

Development of an Approach to the Simulation of Size Reduction…
The approach reported here begins with an early conceptual model of a binary mineral system's liberation by size reduction, as described by A. M. Gaudin in his 1939 text "Principles of Mineral Dressing."

Nanosizing Coamorphous Drugs Using Top-Down Approach…
Nanosizing Coamorphous Drugs Using Top-Down Approach: The Effect of Particle Size Reduction on Dissolution Improvement AAPS PharmSciTech. 2022 Dec 7;24(1) :14. doi ... Coamorphous curcumin-artemisinin could highly contribute to the size reduction during milling compared to the crystalline form, which might attribute to the …

Pharmaceutical particle technologies: An approach to …
The particle technology involves several approaches from the conventional size reduction processes to the newer, novel particle technologies that modify the …

Bayesian estimation of b-value in Gutenberg–Richter relationship…
As illustrated in Table 1, the estimated b-values employing the Bayesian method in a catalog with a sample size of n = 300 is similar to the b-value of a catalog with the sample size of n = 200. Hence, the minimum sufficient sample size to estimate the b-value using the Bayes method is n = 200, while this number for the maximum likelihood ...

Nanotechnology: Particle Size Reduction …
In the last 30 years, particle size reduction technologies turned from an exploratory approach into a mature commercial drug delivery platform. Nanonization technologies have gained a special …

2016 Collection
The full text of each mini-brief is posted below. Research-Based Options for Education Policymaking is a collection of mini-briefs that takes up important policy issues and identifies policies supported by research. Each mini-brief focuses on a different issue, and its recommendations for policymakers are based on the latest scholarship. At …

Application of size reduction theory to roller mill design and
Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2014. TLDR. Results showed that the most efficient way to increase flour yield in the eight-roller milling system is to increase the upper size limit of flour by increasing the sieve aperture, which is not followed by the deterioration of flour quality as determined by ash content. Expand.

Size reduction and performance improvement of a …
Zdenek Peroutka. Scientific Reports 11, Article number: 7773 ( 2021 ) Cite this article. 9040 Accesses. 62 Citations. 1 Altmetric. Metrics. In the design of a microstrip …

MineReduce: An approach based on data mining for problem size reduction …
Regarding the reduction strategy, the MineReduce approach is closer to merge search algorithms ( Kenny et al., 2019 ), which reduce instances by merging variables based on the intersections observed in a set of solutions. MineReduce's reduction strategy also relies on similarities observed in a set of solutions.

Introduction of a new scaling approach for particle size reduction …
This approach, derived from comminution theory, was used to successfully correlate the normalized energy, E *, imparted by the wet mill to the particle size reduction (logarithmic correlation with R 2 = 0.90) using two independent experimental approaches and across lab and pilot plant scales.

Retraction Note: Constriction Size Reduction Approach in …
Azirou, S, Benamar, A. and Tahakout, A. Evaluation of the constriction size reduction of granular filters due to upstream cohesive base soil erosion. Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2018 (1), 29–41. Download references

Sustainability | Free Full-Text | A Data Size Reduction Approach …
In oil and gas plants, the cost of devices applicable for supervising and controlling systems directly depends on the transmission and storage systems, which are related to the data size of process variables. In this paper, process variables frequency-domain and statistical analysis results have been studied to infer if there exists any possibility to reduce data …