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(PDF) Floristic composition of gold and uranium tailings …
An inventorying approach was used by Weiersbye et al. (2006) in their study of the floristic composition of a series of gold and uranium mine tailings in South Africa. From their survey of 56 ...

Assessment of heavy metals in tailings and their
The materials used for this work were iron tailings, gold tailing and tin tailing. Iron tailings were collected from Itakpe tailings dump in Kogi State North Central Nigeria and the location lies on the coordinate 7°36′28″ N and 6°18′37″ E. Gold tailing was collected from Bagega Anka tailings dump in Zamfara State, Northwest Nigeria and the location …

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
3.1. Relative density and pH of gold tailings. The relative density of the gold tailings was found to be 2.8064 g/cm3. The pH of the material was found to be 8.94, showing that the gold tailings are not acidic, but moderately alkaline. The gold tailings proved to have a relative high density.

Determination and detoxification of cyanide in gold mine tailings…
The cyanide types typically found in gold mine tailings are free cyanide (HCN, CN − ), which is easily released, ... we explore the effects of HM contamination on the taxonomic composition ...

Mine tailings-based geopolymers: A comprehensive review
The specific surface area of mine tailings, which ranges between 0.5 and 7.3 m 2 /g and is impacted by the distribution and particle shape, is measured [ 142 ]. The bulk density of mine tailings in the bulk state ranges from 1.81 to 1.93 t/m 3, with 1.81 t/m 3 being the average value.

Influence of carlin-type gold mine tailings addition on the …
1. Introduction. Gold mine tailings (GMT) are produced from the process of extracting gold concentrate from gold raw ore [1].The gold grade is measured in g/t, the output of these discharged GMT is almost equal to that of gold raw ore [2].About 90 wt% GMT is in a particle size of −80 μm [3].China ranks first in the world on the gold mining …

Production of gold mine tailings based concrete pavers by …
1. Introduction. Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) contribute significantly to the economic development of several countries (The World Bank, 2008).It provides an important source of livelihood for rural communities throughout the world (Bansah et al., 2016) and generates employment and small businesses (Doucouré, 2014).In some …

(PDF) Stabilization of gold mine tailings: The effect of …
The chemical composition of the gold mine tailings depends on the . mineralogy of the ore deposits, the characteristics of processing fluids used from the processing plant [20-21].

(PDF) Physicochemical Properties, Heavy Metal Composition…
Physicochemical Properties, Heavy Metal Composition, and Metal Resistant Microorganisms Associated with Gold Mine Tailings in Jebba, Nigeria April 2023 Geomicrobiology 40(2):1-12

The viability of using the Witwatersrand gold mine tailings …
Some mining companies such as Bharat Gold Mines in India have explored the idea of brickmaking using gold ore tailings (Be Sharp, 2012). Table I shows the chemical composition of some of the waste materials used in bricks as well as the composition of quarry clay material that comprise the conventional feed material (Bennet et al., 2013).

Current situation and prospects for the clean utilization of …
This paper describes the mineralogical properties of gold tailings, including chemical composition, phase composition, particle size distribution, and microstructure; summarizes the recycling and utilization of components such as mica, feldspar, and …

Mechanisms of microbial-driven changes in soil
In this study, we used soils with different pollution and nutrient levels (non-polluted S1, highly polluted low-nutrient S2, and highly polluted high nutrient S3) around the gold mine tailing ponds, and combined with metabolic limitation modeling and macro-genomics approaches, aiming to investigate the relationship between soil microbial …

(PDF) Gold Mine Tailings: A Potential Source of …
The tailings were of granitic composition enriched in potentially toxic elements such as copper, cadmium, zinc, lead, arsenic, and chromium. A representative sample of gold mine wastes of...

Chemical characteristics and acid drainage assessment of mine tailings …
Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) is a great concern in many abandoned mines because of its adverse effect on the environment. In mining processes, many kinds of wastes are produced. These wastes may become eventually sources of environmental degradation. The focus of this study is the geochemical characterization of the end …

Mechanical and Hydration Characteristics of …
Sustainable resource utilization of tailings is a long-term challenge. Therefore, a novel waste-based binder is proposed in this study to stabilize/solidify gold mine tailings (GMTs). This binder is composed …

Evaluation of a 20–40 year old gold mine tailings …
Gold and uranium tailings ('slimes') dams and the adjacent polluted soils in the deep-level mining regions of South Africa (Carletonville, Klerksdorp and Welkom) were surveyed for the frequency of ...

Mineralogical characterization of arsenic in gold mine tailings …
@article{osti_1002345, title = {Effects of Soil Composition and Mineralogy on the Bioaccessibility of Arsenic from Tailings and Soil in Gold Mine Districts of Nova Scotia}, author = {Meunier, Louise and Walker, Stephen R and Wragg, Joanna and Parsons, Michael B and Koch, Iris and Jamieson, Heather E and Reimer, Kenneth J and …

THE INFLUENCE OF THE TAILINGS ON THE pH AND EC OF THE UNDERLYING SOILS The gold mine tailings produces acidic leachate as discussed in Chapter 2, due to the oxidation of pyrite and other sulphide minerals. The acidity and associated trace elements will leach into the underlying soils under normal soil drainage conditions.

Recycling and Reuse of Mine Tailings: A Review of …
Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +1-519-824-4120 (ext. 52902) Abstract: Mining is an important industry, accounting for 6.9% of global GDP. However, global development promotes accelerated demand, resulting in the accumulation of hazardous waste in land, sea, and air environments.

Current situation and prospects for the clean utilization of gold tailings
The mineral composition of gold tailings makes it feasible to replace some of the raw materials needed for other industrial materials, such as bricks, cement, and concrete, and some finished products show considerable improvement. ... studied the possibility of fixing several heavy metals in gold mine tailings using reactive polymerization ...

A practice of ultra-fine tailings disposal as filling material in …
The ultra-fine tailings have the features of being slow-settling, special chemical composition, unreasonable gradation, etc. ... The tailings from Shuiyindong Gold Mine have a large grinding fineness, in which the ultra-fine particles (with the particle diameter below 20 μm) occupy 66.13% and the fine particles (with the particle diameter ...

Mechanical and Hydration Characteristics of …
Mechanical and Hydration Characteristics of Stabilized Gold Mine Tailings Using a Sustainable Industrial Waste-Based Binder. by. Zhenkai Pan. 1,2, Shaohua Hu. 1,*, Chao Zhang. 2,3,*, Tong Zhou. 4, …

Gold Mine Tailings: A Potential Source of Silica Sand for …
composition of mine tailings generated during the extraction of gold show close features with those frequently used raw materials in glassmaking processes [33,34]. The various environmental issues resulting from gold mine tailings had called for several scientific investigations to resolve the environmental burden that emanates from mine …

Tailings consist of a slurry of ground rock, and water and chemical reagents that remain after processing. The composition of mine tailings varies according to the mineralogy …

Tailings Management 101: An Introduction to One of Mining…
Tailings are a mixture of solid particles, mostly rock, and water that is left over after the gold extraction process. Tailings must be managed and disposed of safely, so that any impurities do not adversely affect the environment, ... Companies are required to determine the composition of tailings before a mine starts operation, as part of the ...

Solidification/stabilization of gold mine tailings using …
Chemical composition, LOI and mean particle size of mine tailings. Figures - available via license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Content may be ...

Arsenic mobility in weathered gold mine tailings under a …
Historical gold mining operations in Nova Scotia, Canada, resulted in numerous deposits of publicly accessible, arsenic (As)-rich mine waste that has weathered in situ for 75–150 years, resulting in a wide range of As-bearing secondary minerals. The geochemical heterogeneity of this mine waste creates a challenge for identifying a single …

Study on strength characteristics and thickening
The particle size composition of the gold mine tailings was analyzed by BT-9300ST laser particle size analyzer, and the results are shown in Fig. 1.It can be seen from Fig. 2 that the-200 mesh ...

Re-Processing Gold Tailings in South Africa
ABSTRACT. The technical and economic feasibility or re-processing hundreds of millions of tons of tailings in a number of historic gold tailings dams in the Witwatersrand area of South Africa is being investigated. The objective is to recover uranium and residual gold from the tailings, as well as to oxidize the sulphides to eliminate long term ...

(PDF) Assessment of Gold Mine Tailings as Based
This preliminary study is aimed to investigate the viability of gold. MT as a base of geopolymer binder for concrete. Assessment of its physical properties, chemical composition, microscopic ...

Mine tailings-based geopolymers: Properties, applications …
Among various mine tailings as source material for geopolymer the copper mine tailings (CMTs), iron mine tailings (IMTs), and gold mine tailings (GMTs) are widely researched as is summarized in Table 1.In the geopolymer, they are often mixed with other alumina silicate source materials e.g. fly ash, blast furnace slag, metakaolin, …

Table 2 : Physico-chemical properties of gold mine …
... The pH varies from 7.2 to 7.5, typical for soils with large amounts of calcium and magnesium. The major oxides present are silica (SiO2), which form more than 50% w/w, alumina (Al2O3) with 9.6...