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Utilization of Pellet Fines in the Iron Ore Sintering Process
The sinter plant that converts the iron ore fines into a desirable blast furnace feed, offers an avenue for recycling wastes. One of the several wastes that are produced at an iron and steel plant is the undersized pellet fines, which cannot be directly used in iron making. The present study evaluated the influence of these pellet fines on …

Utilization of Pellet Fines in the Iron Ore Sintering …
One of the several wastes that are produced at an iron and steel plant is the undersized pellet nes, which cannot be directly used in iron making. The present study evaluated the inuence of these pellet nes on the sintering process. 5 experiments were conducted, by varying the pellet nes from 0 to 50% in the iron ore blend.

Sintering | SpringerLink
An iron ore sintering plant has a production rate of 50 t h −1 measured the classification and return of the inadequate fraction of the sintered product. The efficiency of the installation is of 90%. ... Mochón J, González-Gasca C, Verdeja LF (2017b) Iron ore sintering: process. Miner Process Extr Metall Rev 38(4):215–227. Article Google ...

New Measurement Techniques Describing the Sinter Process
Steel making using the integrated blast furnace (BF) process route is still the dominant steel production method covering 70% of worldwide steel production and iron ore sintering is one of the most important iron sources within this process, which represent 70–80% of charged iron-bearing materials into modern BF [].Inside this route, …

Recent advances in iron ore sintering
Sintering is the most economic and widely used agglomeration process to prepare iron ore fines for blast furnace use. Owing to the depleting reserves of traditional high grade iron ore, there have been considerable changes in iron ore resources available throughout the world, especially in steel mills in East Asia. ... Finally, sinter plants ...

Sinter strength evaluation using process parameters under …
1. Introduction. The integrated iron and steel industry is the most energy-intensive sector, accounting for 10–15% of the total energy consumption in the world [1].In 2009, the CO 2 emission from Chinese iron and steel sector is nearly equal to 50% of the world's steel industry's CO 2 emission [2].It is aimed at converting iron ore fines to …

Ore Sintering
Iron ore sintering is a material preparation process employed worldwide in the production of iron and steel. According to statistical data on pollution, sintering plants rank second in terms of toxic emissions, after the incineration of municipal solid waste (Menad et al., 2006; Remus et al., 2013 ). Of the eight CORINAIR (Core Inventory of Air ...

A Novel Sintering Process for Porous Iron Ore …
The present work proposes a novel process to sinter porous iron ore (porosity ~23–24%) with enhanced productivity and quality. The iron ore is pre-processed in the presence of calcined lime for the temporary closure of pores, which further prevents water absorption during the granulation process in drum in the presence of water. The calcined ...

Iron Ore Sintering | SpringerLink
Iron ore sintering is the iron ore powder agglomeration process that changes fine iron ore powder into the lumpy iron-bearing raw material used for blast …

Sinter Plant Operations: Design, Physical And Chemical …
In the context of an iron ore sinter plant or steel production, this process is used to agglomerate iron ore fines with flux fines (such as limestone, dolomite, and …

A Process Intensification Approach to Improve Productivity …
Intensification of the iron ore sintering process is approached with a four-way framework covering granulation improvement, waste gas recycling, fuel gas injection into the sinter bed, and reduction of stack emissions. ... For example, some sinter plants consume the calcined lime of 60 to 100 kg/t of sinter but the benefits may not be up to the ...

A Novel Sintering Process for Porous Iron Ore Sintering …
The coated iron ore either with serpentine or fine ore is expected to alter the assimilation reaction of the ore particles during sintering and thereby improve sinter plant productivity. To overcome the above mentioned challenge a new process is proposed, where the porous iron ore will be pre-processed with calcined lime before dry …

Thermodynamic Analysis of Iron Ore Sintering …
The sinter process of iron ore with biomass carbon instead of coke breeze as fuel was investigated via thermodynamic analysis in this paper through a comparison of sinter composition indexes, …

Sinter Quality and Process of Sintering Iron Ores – IspatGuru
Fig 1 Schematics of sinter mix and product sinter Sintering process is a generic term that is used to describe the process of agglomeration of a green mix of iron ores, fluxes and coke and plant solid wastes having a particle size of -10 mm so as to produce sinter which can withstand operating pressure and temperature conditions …

Iron ore sintering
The sintering process begins with the preparation of a sinter mixture consisting of iron ore fines, fluxes, solid fuel (called bonding agents in Japan) such as coke breeze, and return fines from the sinter plant and blast furnace as well as recycled ferruginous materials from downstream iron and steelmaking processes.

Factors influencing Sinter and Sintering Process – IspatGuru
The sintering process is used to agglomerate a mix of iron ore fines, return fines, fluxes, and coke, with a particle size of less than 10 mm, so that the resulting sinter, with a screened size of 5 mm to 30 mm, can withstand pressure and temperature conditions in the blast furnace (BF). The process of sintering of iron ore fines was primarily ...

NO x Reduction in the Iron Ore Sintering Process with Flue Gas
Materials. The raw materials used in the sinter pot test include the iron ore blending, fuels and fluxes (dolomite, limestone, quicklime) to produce a sinter of TFe 58.11%, SiO 2 4.88%, basicity (R = CaO/SiO 2) 1.85%, and MgO 1.60%.The chemical compositions of the raw materials and their mass fractions are given in Table SI.

Multi-objective Optimization of Integrated Iron Ore Sintering Process
The steps involved in the iron ore sintering process is shown in Fig. 1.Various raw materials used in sintering viz. iron ore fines, fluxes, solid fuel and steel plant reverts are blended in a specific proportion as per the desired chemical composition of sinter and stockpiled in an open yard.

Iron Ore Agglomeration Technologies | IntechOpen
Sintering is a thermal process (1300–1400°C) by which a mixture of iron ore, return fines, recycled products of the iron and steel industry (mill scale, blast furnace dusts, etc.), slag-forming elements, fluxes and coke are agglomerated in a sinter plant with the purpose of manufacturing a sintered product of a suitable chemical composition ...

The ignored emission of volatile organic compounds from iron ore sinter …
Typically, coking, sintering, steelmaking, casting and rolling are the main processes employed in an integrated iron smelt plant. Pollutants emission from iron ore sintering process is the most serious part (Jia et al., 2015, Zhou et al., 2016).In the sintering process, as shown in Fig. 1, the materials in sinter bed exhibit sinter zone, …

Modeling and Simulation of Heat Transfer Phenomena in an …
The iron ore sintering process is the second largest energy consuming process next to the blast furnace in overall integrated steel plant value chain. Sintering consists of two moving beds, namely a sintering machine, and an annular cooler. Once the sintering is completed, hot sinter is discharged on the annular cooler and air is blown …

Life Cycle Assessment of Iron Ore Sintering Process
In order to comprehensively evaluate the environmental impacts of sintering, a detailed life cycle assessment of a sintering plant was conducted. Life cycle inventory showed that, in the ...

Partial substitution of anthracite for coke breeze in iron ore sintering
During the sintering process, sinter fuels are commonly used to provide the required energy. The coke breeze comes from coking plant (typically less than 3 mm in size) and is widely used due to ...

A Process Intensification Approach to Improve Productivity
Intensification of the iron ore sintering process was approached by injecting hydrogen-rich gas into the sinter bed. The location of the injection was critical to the pyrolysis of the …

Sintering emissions and mitigation technologies
A real-scale plant trail was carried out to reduce emissions of PCDD/Fs from the iron ore sintering process by optimizing its sinter raw mix (Chen et al., 2016). Compared with the reference conditions (existing raw mix), the emissions of total PCDD/Fs, I-TEQ, and WHO-TEQ was found to decrease by 65%, 76%, and 75%, respectively, as …

Biomass for iron ore sintering
In a sinter plant, iron ore and fluxes are agglomerated as a suitable feedstock for the blast furnace. Fig. 1 shows a schematic diagram of the sintering process. The sintering process is energy intensive and produces a considerable amount of CO 2 from the combustion and calcination of coke breeze and carbonates, respectively.

Iron ore sintering
The sintering process begins with preparation of a sinter mixture consisting of iron ore fines, fluxes, solid fuel (called bonding agents in Japan) such as coke …

Iron Ore Sintering | SpringerLink
Iron ore sintering is the iron ore powder agglomeration process that changes fine iron ore powder into the lumpy iron-bearing raw material used for blast furnace ironmaking. High-temperature process and addition of alkaline flux will improve metallurgical performance of iron-bearing raw material. Besides, the sintering process …

Effects of Particle Size of Coke on Iron Ore Sintering Process …
Most of the sintering plant in China controls the ratio of −3 mm coke breeze over 80% to get the best sintering performance. ... Application of fine-grained coke breeze fractions in the process of iron ore sintering. Metalurgija 53(1):37–39. Google Scholar Takayuki M, Ryota K, Ko-ichiro O (2013) Effect of particle size of iron ore and coke ...

How we make steel
The ingredients – iron ore, coke and limestone fines – are carefully stacked and blended, then passed under an ignition hood at the sinter plant. This heating process is carefully controlled to make sure the resulting sinter has the right composition and optimum sizes for the next stage of the process at the blast furnaces.

A short description of the sintering process is also presented in Fernández--González et al. (2018). Figure 2.1 shows the main parts of an iron ore sintering plant (Dwight–Lloyd machine). Despite at first instance the agglomeration of ores has imposed as a process required in the iron extractive metallurgy, this process has changed with the

Prediction of sinter yield and strength in iron ore sintering process
The iron ore sintering process was simulated and computational domain was the same as the configuration of a sinter pot as shown in Fig. 1. Entrance of the sinter pot was defined as a velocity inlet. The magnitude of velocity was obtained from the experimental gas-flow rate [7]. The bottom of the sinter pot was set to be pressure …

Influence of Sinter Parameters on CO Emission in Iron Ore Sintering Process
The good sinter parameters with the lower CO emission are 2.8% carbon content and 7.5% water in the sintering mixture. A higher coke breeze to coal breeze ratio, or only coke breeze fuel in the ...

Sinter Plant, which forms 70-80% of iron bearing charge in the Blast Furnace. This entire process of sinter making is associated with various safety hazards like hit / entanglement with mobile equipment, burns, fire, slip & fall, exposure to ... During the sintering process, iron ore fine particles

Model of an iron ore sinter plant with selective waste gas
The use of sinter influences hot metal production substantially and significantly affects an integrated steel mill's total emissions. Sintering of iron ores is an enormous energy-intensive and resources consuming process. Introducing a selective waste gas recirculation (SWGR) to the sintering process reduces the energy …

A Novel Sintering Process for Porous Iron Ore Sintering …
A Novel Sintering Process for Porous Iron Ore Sintering with Enhanced Productivity. Satendra Kumar1 · Arvind Jaiswal1 · M. Siddaraju1 · Rameshwar Sah1. Received: 10 …

Sintering: A Step Between Mining Iron Ore and Steelmaking
PDF | Sintering is a thermal agglomeration process that is applied to a mixture of iron ore fines, recycled ironmaking products, …

Sintering emissions and their mitigation technologies
Iron ore sintering is a material preparation process employed worldwide in the production of iron and steel. According to statistical data on pollution, sintering plants rank second in terms of toxic emissions, after the incineration of municipal solid waste ( Menad et al., 2006, Remus et al., 2013 ).

Iron Ore Sintering: Process
Read this article. Sintering is a thermal agglomeration process that is applied to a mixture of iron ore fines, recycled ironmaking products, fluxes, slag-forming …

Recent progress in sustainable and energy-efficient technologies …
Iron ore sinter plants are energy-intensive components of integrated iron and steel production (see Table 1), where the iron ore fines (<5 mm) are converted into larger (>5 mm) lump sinter cakes with greater gas permeability, which are the most important burden materials for iron making in blast furnaces (BFs) [7].The main …