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study of RT processes was conducted at the lab scale; a demonstration of the optimization of polymer assisted dewatering is given and biogas production and quality monitored. Two custom designed digesters (capacity = 1.5 L) were operated in parallel with one acting as a 'control' digester and the other operating under a semi-batch RT mode ...

Mathematical model and optimization of continuous …
The motion of clay particles under the influence of an electric field was first reported by Reuss in 1808 [1], representing an early application of the Volta cell reported in 1800 [2]. Electrokinetic dewatering has been an on-going topic of research for dewatering effluent from mining operations such as phosphatic clay.

Novel method for optimizing the dewatering rate …
Abstract. The reasonable dewatering rate in the single-phase water flow plays an essential role in pressure propagation and coal-bed …

Optimization Research of Mechanical Dewatering of Sludge …
Optimization Research of Mechanical Dewatering of Sludge with High Pressure. Reducing the sludge water content is the key point of sludge disposal. Based on filter-pressing test by self made constant pressure filtration device, under 2 MPa pressure and 10min filter time can quickly remove the moisture content and decrease to 75.30%. Adding 3% ...

Optimization of a deep foundation pit dewatering scheme …
The optimization scheme for dewatering engineering was determined under hydrodynamic, leakage strength, and ground settlement constraints. The filter length of the corresponding optimization scheme was 12 m, and the suitable depth of the waterproof curtain was 14–16 m. Our results provide an effective solution and method …

Synthesis, characterization and dielectric relaxation of phase …
Phase pure columbite structure in MgNb 2 O 6 is stabilized by optimizing the calcination and sintering through standard solid state reaction route. The crystal structure is orthorhombic with unit cell parameter a =5.692 Å, b =14.231 Å and c =5.023 Å.

(PDF) Studies on optimization of parameters for dewatering of ground
Response surface methodology and central composite rotatable design was used for model development and optimization of the filtration process. Critical filtration parameters such as applied vacuum ...

Sludge conditioning, thickening and dewatering optimization …
Dewatering tests were performed with a 70 mm diameter filtration-compression cell to measure limit dryness according to French standard (NF-T97001-1, 2018). Centrifugability was evaluated in a basket centrifuge by spin tests and/or in a screw lab centrifuge with an inner diameter of 60 mm and 230 mm length, operating at 10–30 …

Combined Simulation-Optimization of an Excavation Site for Dewatering …
Optimal decision of dewatering of an excavation area in an unconfined aquifer is searched by using the combined optimization-simulation approach. In combining groundwater model with the optimization model, response matrix approach, generated on the basis of linear superposition, is used. MODMAN that calls MODFLOW repeatedly to generate response …

Confined aquifer dewatering optimization with a modified …
This study proposes a modified simulation–optimization method for confined aquifer dewatering optimization, which is capable of determining the optimal screen length and depth. The proposed method is based on the linear programming method, and the multivariate adaptive regression splines method is also introduced to develop the …

Mechanism of anatase-to-columbite TiO2 phase …
Abstract. High-pressure torsion (HPT) can facilitate phase transformations in titanium dioxide (TiO 2) and stabilize its high-pressure columbite phase, as an active …

Success in solving mine dewatering
The accepted dewatering process within the region is to pump the water out through boreholes. However, this is not without its challenges. High water temperatures …

Columbite. Columbite, also called niobite, niobite-tantalite and columbate [ (Fe, Mn) (Nb, Ta) 2 O 6 ], is a black mineral group that is an ore of niobium and tantalum. It has a submetallic luster and a high density and is a niobate of iron and manganese, containing tantalate of iron. This mineral group was first found at Haddam, Middlesex ...

Efficient dewatering of waste gasification fine slag based on
Through dewatering process energy optimization, high moisture gasification fine slag can be removed about 15% water within 30s and energy consumption of efficient dewatering is 2.63 kJ/g which is much lower than that of drying. Efficient dewatering is benefit to the GFS recycling which reduces hazardous materials release …

A two‐step coordinated optimization model for a dewatering …
A two‐step optimization model is then established to solve the problems existing in the dewatering process. The objective of the optimization is to minimize the EEI in the …

Optimization of Fe(II)/SPC Sludge Conditioning and Dewatering …
Sludge conditioning is a crucial step in sludge dewatering aimed at minimizing excessive sludge production. The Fenton process, which harnesses oxidative radicals to dismantle extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and microorganisms, has been unequivocally proven to enhance sludge dewaterability. However, the widespread …

Groundwater dewatering optimization in the Shengli no. 1 …
For the groundwater dewatering optimization problems, one objective is to minimize the total pumping rates of the dewatering wells. Another objective is to ensure …

Optimization of dewatering process of concentrate pressure …
Published: 17 May 2022. Optimization of dewatering process of concentrate pressure filtering by support vector regression. Huizhong Liu & Keshun You. Scientific Reports 12, …

Internal and External Cultivation Design of Zero‐Strain Columbite …
Thanks to its robust structure and superb electron/ion conductivities originating from the "internal (i.e., ionic/electronic transport optimization) and external (i.e., structural design) cultivation" design, the CdNb 2 O 6 shows the optimum electrochemical behaviors with a capacity of 102.8 mAh g −1 at 10 A g −1 and capacity retention ...

columbite submerged chain conveying
columbite dewatering optimization; chain conveyor promotion; molybdenum submerged chain conveying; columbite crushing; slat chain conveyor design calculations ... as defined by Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rules, is a broad term which means columbite-tantalite (coltan), cassiterite, gold, wolframite, or their derivatives which are ...

Optimization of dewatering process of concentrate …
Optimization of dewatering. process of concentrate pressure filtering by support vector regression. Huizhong Liu* & Keshun You. This work studies the mechanism and …

Coupling mechanism and parameter optimization of …
Pressurized electro-dewatering technology is considered to be one of the most effective methods for improving dewatering performance of sewage sludge.In this paper, four dewatering protocols were developed to further explore the coupling mechanism of sludge dewatering through mechanical pressure, electric field and their …

Characterization of Kef Shfeir phosphate sludge (Gafsa, …
Water separation and recovery through thickening require adapted flocculants and densification processes.This study aimed to maximize water recovery from phosphate sludge (PS) at Kef Shfeir mine operation, Gafsa Phosphate Company, Tunisia. Representative samples of PS, PS treated with flocculant (F-PS), raw water, and …

U-Pb isotopic dating of columbite-tantalite minerals: Development of
Columbite-tantalite minerals commonly have a broad range of U contents that may reach several thousand ppm and may substitute for Fe and Mn into the crystal lattice, but for high U contents may form phases of its own (e.g., uraninite; cf. Romer et al., 1996). Furthermore, columbite-tantalite minerals typically have very low common Pb …

Optimization of dewatering systems for mineral processing
Optimization of dewatering systems for mineral processing. Edelmira D.Gálvezbc, RonaldCruza, Pedro A.Roblesa, Luis A.Cisternasab. Show more. Add to …

Towards sustainable processing of columbite group …
The dielectric properties of the columbite concentrate and its mixture 1:1 with sodium bicarbonate were characterized using the cavity perturbation method 22 from room temperature to 1000 °C with ...

Research on Multi-Objective Optimization Model of …
Additionally, a dewatering optimization program is developed by utilizing the MATLAB optimiza- tion toolbox and the multi-objective optimization algorithm program based on the NSGA-II algo- rithm ...