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Toxics | Free Full-Text | Helium Suicide, a Rapid and Painless …
Suicide by helium inhalation has become increasingly common in the last few decades in Europe and the US because it produces a quick and painless death. Inhaled-gas suicides can easily be assessed through death scene investigation and autopsy. However, helium is a colorless and odorless inert gas that unfortunately cannot …

The era of cheap helium is over—and that's already causing …
Generally speaking, helium concentrations must be at least 0.3% for gas companies to bother with it. Such levels can be found in only a handful of countries including the US, Algeria, Canada, and ...

Helium is a chemical element; it has symbol He and atomic number 2. It is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic, inert, monatomic gas and the first in the noble gas group in the periodic table. Its boiling point is the lowest among all the elements, and it does not have a melting point at standard pressures. It is the second-lightest and second most …

Assisted suicide by oxygen deprivation with helium at a …
Background In Switzerland, right-to-die organisations assist their members with suicide by lethal drugs, usually barbiturates. One organisation, Dignitas, has experimented with oxygen deprivation as an alternative to sodium pentobarbital. Objective To analyse the process of assisted suicide by oxygen deprivation with helium and a common face …

Helium: A byproduct of the natural gas industry
Helium Blimp: Most people have heard of helium being used as a lifting gas for weather balloons, blimps, and party balloons. These are very minor uses of helium. The use that consumes more helium than any other is …

Suicidal deaths due to helium inhalation | Forensic …
Helium is a colorless, odorless, and non-flammable gas commonly used for filling balloons [].It is also used in industry and medicine, among others to treat decompression sickness [28, 39, 40].Unlike xenon, it shows no anesthetic properties [].However, there has been promising research showing cardio and neuroprotective …

Uses. Helium is used as a cooling medium for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), and the superconducting magnets in MRI scanners and NMR spectrometers. It is also …

Helium suicide – A suffocation or a barotrauma?
Abstract. Helium is a chemically inert gas present in atmospheric air that is used in various branches of industry and in medicine. In the case of its improper use, various complications may occur, affecting mainly the respiratory tract and, in extreme cases, even result in death. Helium has also been used for committing suicide.

Helium extraction from natural gas using DD3R zeolite membranes
Abstract. Helium (He) is commercially produced from natural gas by low-temperature condensation. The process is energy extensive because of the extremely low He concentration (<0.3%) and the operation at cryogenic temperature. Herein we demonstrated DD3R zeolite membrane was efficient to extract He from natural gas at …

Helium Facts (Atomic Number 2 or He)
Uses: Helium is widely used in cryogenic research because its boiling point is near absolute zero.It is used in the study of superconductivity, as an inert gas shield for arc welding, as a protective gas in growing silicon and germanium crystals and producing titanium and zirconium, for pressuring liquid fuel rockets, for use in magnetic resonance …

16 Uses of Helium That One Must Know
Everyday Uses of Helium Gas. •••. Updated November 15, 2018. By J. Dianne Dotson. Helium is an element known as a noble gas. It is colorless and odorless, and it is prevalent throughout the universe. …

The fate of America's largest supply of helium is up in the air
Feb. 7, 2023, 9:23 AM PST. By Mary Pflum. For more than a year, the fate of the Federal Helium Reserve, one of the world's largest and most dependable suppliers of helium, has been uncertain ...

Why Do Scuba Divers Use Helium? (+Its Pros & Cons)
Helium is a stable, inert gas that is the second lightest of all known. It is relatively rare, and scientists only realized its existence as an atom in 1868. In scuba diving, helium is used to reduce or remove the effects of gas narcosis underwater when making deep technical dives. As we will see later helium is not normally used by ...

The World Is Constantly Running Out Of Helium. Here's Why …
The helium seeps up through the Earth's crust and gets trapped in pockets of natural gas, where it can be extracted. Like hydrogen, its immediate predecessor on the …

Best Gas for MIG Welding: What to Use (with Chart)
The most common gas used for MIG welding is a 75% argon, 25% CO2 mixture. But it is not the only gas you may need. A few other gases are also important. For example, you may see Helium blends used to weld thick aluminum. Your shielding gas choice significantly impacts the weld quality, arc behavior, productivity, and costs.

Checked into motel, used helium to die peacefully
Karen was found in her bed, neatly dressed, with an empty tank of helium gas nearby. She had committed suicide in a gentle, painless way by breathing pure helium, which rendered her unconscious within a minute or two and dead within five or ten minutes. The hotel immediately called 911, but the paramedics could do nothing to help her. A …

Elements in focus: helium – Science in School
Helium: gas of awe, wonder, and worry. Is it time to give this noble gas the respect it deserves? Release of helium balloons Image: Helen Warren/Wikimedia, CC BY-SA 2.5. Helium: such an inspiring gas to meet. The second most common element in the universe, the stuff of stars, is less dense than air, so if you lose your grip on a helium balloon ...

What Gas Should You Use for TIG Welding? (with …
TIG Welding Shielding Gas Blends. Helium + Argon – The most commonly used mixture is 75% He and 25% Ar. Using less helium provides a more stable arc but lower penetration. Adding more helium …

The role of helium gas in medicine
The noble gas helium has many applications owing to its distinct physical and chemical characteristics, namely: its low density, low solubility, and high thermal conductivity. Chiefly, the abundance of studies in medicine relating to helium are concentrated in its possibility of being used as an adjunct therapy in a number of …

Helium Tank Safety: Dos and Don'ts You Need to Know
Helium itself is a non-flammable gas, but storing or using tanks near open flames, heat sources, or sparks can be extremely hazardous.In the air, helium can replace oxygen, depleting the atmosphere of oxygen.If helium comes into touch with oxygen or other flammable gases, it may catch fire or ignite.

Uses of Helium
Because it is the most visible use of helium, however, it deserves mention in a separate section of this report. Hydrogen is the lightest gas, but helium's chemical inertness makes it the safest lifting gas. Helium replaced hydrogen for blimps in the 1930s after a number of tragic accidents involving hydrogen-filled airships.

Everyday Uses of Helium Gas | Sciencing
About the Author. Helium, the second most abundant element in the universe, is a colorless, odorless gas. It possesses unique properties that make it ideal for modern technological advances, such as …

Four ways of finding vacuum leaks using helium
A sample of the gas within the chamber is drawn off and passes through a mass spectrometer where again, any increase in helium from the background reading is recorded. Fig 3: Integral testing with helium (sample under vacuum). Pressure chamber. Test sample under pressure. Leak detector.

Helium | Definition, Properties, Uses, & Facts | Britannica
helium (He), chemical element, inert gas of Group 18 (noble gases) of the periodic table. The second lightest element (only hydrogen is lighter), … See more

Uses of Helium
One obvious use of helium is as a lifting gas. Unfortunately, this usage is no longer reported separately, making the amount of helium used for this purpose unknown. …

Dalton's law of partial pressure (article) | Khan Academy
Dalton's law of partial pressures. Dalton's law of partial pressures states that the total pressure of a mixture of gases is the sum of the partial pressures of its components: P Total = P gas 1 + P gas 2 + P gas 3 …. where the partial pressure of each gas is the pressure that the gas would exert if it was the only gas in the container.

A Comprehensive Guide on Helium Tanks
Helium tanks are quite simple to use. Here are the steps you can follow to use a helium tank: #1. Remove the rubber tip cap of the helium tank. #2. Attach the appropriate balloon nozzle. #3. Open the tank's valve by rotating its handle anti-clockwise. Continue rotating until it won't allow you to go any further.

Helium is named after the Greek word for the sun, helios, as it was first identified in the sun's corona (the sun is composed of 25% helium). The second most abundant element in the universe, helium is scarce on Earth. A product of nuclear fusion and radioactive decay, it is the lightest noble gas, colorless, odorless, and inert with a low ...

Numerical simulation of atmospheric Dielectric Barrier …
In this work, a one dimensional model of DBD discharge plasma at atmospheric pressure (APP) with helium working gas is presented. This model solves the continuity equations for charged species and the electron energy balance equation, coupled with Poisson's equation, by the finite element method; using COMSOL Multiphysics software. The …

For comparison, the existing sources for commercial helium have approximately 0.3% to about 8% helium from natural gas reservoirs, with 0.3% often considered the economical limit for recovery.

Guidelines for Using Helium Health and Safety Hazards
Guidelines for Using Helium Helium (He) is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless noble gas. Helium has atomic number of 2 and atomic weight of 4. Helium was formerly used as diluent for other ... Store gas in a cool, well-ventilated place. Temperature should not exceed 125 0F. Firmly strap cylinder to secure it to a wall or a stable place. Close ...

Worked example: Using the ideal gas law to calculate number …
The ideal gas law says that PV = nRT. We would multiply by T if we wanted to find something like pressure of volume. However, this problem asks us to solve for the number of moles of …

We Discovered Helium 150 Years Ago. Are We …
What is helium used for, and where does it come from? Learn facts about this noble gas, including how it causes balloons to float, its surprising uses in medicine and exploration, and how its...

Sales gas may typically contain only 0.05% helium and it is not economical to recover helium at this low concentration level. For comparison, the existing sources for commercial helium have approximately 0.3% to about 8% helium from natural gas reservoirs, with 0.3% often considered the economical limit for recovery.

Helium Gas Supplier | Helium Gas | Air Products
Air Products Is A World-Leading Helium Supplier. Pioneer of many of the helium extraction, production, distribution, and storage technologies still in use today. Most diverse helium source mix in the world (LNG, methane and CO₂) Global distribution network using the highest performing storage tanks. Helium experts provide world-class service ...

Helium: A byproduct of the natural gas industry
Other important uses of helium include: a protective gas for welding, an inert gas for controlled atmosphere manufacturing, a fugitive gas used for leak detection, and a …

Helium recycling project sets a new standard for …
Helium, the ultra-light gas found in airships and birthday balloons, has a quirk that makes it invaluable for science and medicine. With a freezing point of -458°F (-272.2°C), it is only a liquid at all but the coldest of temperatures, making it an ideal substance for supercooling the electronics and magnets that run biomedical equipment.

3.3: Helium
Helium is the first of the noble gases. Figure 3.3. Two representations of the helium atom having a filled electron shell. Helium gas has a very low density of only 0.164 g/L at 25˚C and 1 atm pressure. Elemental helium is the second least dense substance next to hydrogen gas. It is this low density characteristic that makes helium so useful ...

Changing trends in suicides using helium or nitrogen
A study was undertaken of cases of suicide utilizing either helium or nitrogen gas. •. 33 deaths involved helium compared to 23 cases of nitrogen inhalation. •. While helium deaths had plateaued, nitrogen-related deaths had increased 16-fold. •. Nitrogen may be superseding helium as the gas of choice in plastic bag and other asphyxial ...

About Helium | Bureau of Land Management
NASA uses helium to keep hot gases and ultra-cold liquid fuel separated during lift-off of rockets. Arc welding uses helium to create an inert gas shield. Similarly, divers and …