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Fording Coal Ltd Coal Mine – Fording River
Elk Valley Coal is the world's second-largest supplier of metallurgical coal, with sales of 22.6Mt in 2006. Fording River itself now has a mine capacity of 8.9Mt/y and a wash plant capacity of 10Mt/y, but in 2006 produced only 7.7Mt. This was considerably lower than the 9.2Mt produced in 2005 and 9.5Mt in 2004 and reflected the strongly ...

An affective absence: Memorialising loss at Pike River Mine…
Amidst the sublime rainforest of the west coast of New Zealand's South Island is the Pike River Coal Mine containing the bodies of 29 men. On the November 19, 2010 at 3.45 p.m. the first of a series of explosions occurred, with 31 men underground. The explosion was caused by methane gas, which occurs naturally in coal.

Pennsylvania Annual Report of Mines by Year: 1870-1979
Published since the 1870s this report contains production statistics, mine names, locations, owner information, and accident statistics. Prior to the mid-1880s the reports for anthracite and bituminous coal were produced by separate agencies; therefore early reports for bituminous coal are available as part III "Industrial Statistics" of the Annual Report of the …

Mine Index 0857 Peabody Coal Company, River King Surface Mine
Mine Index Number: 0857. The area shown on the accompanying map, combined with that shown on Mascoutah and New Athens East Quadrangles, is much smaller than expected from the reported production. The area shown for River King Pit No. 6 Mine (mine index 0934) on the Tilden, Baldwin, and New Athens East Quadrangles is …

About Us — Poplar River Mine
The mine has been supplying coal to the station since 1978. Coal is uncovered using two draglines (model: BE2570-W). The exposed coal is hauled from the pits to a loadout facility, where it is loaded into rail cars and hauled by rail to the power station, about 20 kilometers away. Annual coal production at the Poplar River Mine varies from 2.3 ...

Egypt Coal Mine – An Interpretive History of the Lower Deep River …
A Note on Naming. Peter Evan's incorporated the LaGrange Mining Company in the late 1840s. According to local lore, Evan's renamed the area Egypt during a year of a particularly bad drought. The mine adopted this name and operated as the Egypt Mine through the 1890s. After the 1895 disaster, word of Egypt's dark history spread.

Pike River: The 29 coal miners who never came home
The Pike River Recovery Agency is a government department that has re-entered the so-called drift, a 2.3km (1.4 miles) tunnel that connects the entrance of the mine to the working areas and coal ...

Growth of coal mining operations in the Elk River Valley …
Koocanusa Reservoir (KOC) is a waterbody that spans the United States (U.S.) and Canadian border. Increasing concentrations of total selenium (Se), nitrate + nitrite (NO3–, nitrite is insignificant or not present), and sulfate (SO42–) in KOC and downstream in the Kootenai River (Kootenay River in Canada) are tied to expanding …

U.S. Pledges to Ease Pain of Closing Coal Mines in Shift to …
Employment in the coal mining industry is at a 20-year low. ... Wyoming and Montana's Powder River Basin, job options are limited. ... U.S. Pledges to Ease Pain of Closing Coal Mines in Shift to ...

Residents concerned after Luzerne mine subsidence
28/22 News Reporter Iyee Jagne was near Toby Creek where the waterway went dry after the subsidence. Multiple people were evacuated out of their homes out of …

An affective absence: Memorialising loss at Pike River Mine, …
Volume 41, November 2021, 100845. An affective absence: Memorialising loss at Pike River Mine, New Zealand. JackyBowring. Show more. Add to Mendeley. …

Alberta Mine Map — Careers in Coal
Permitted and/or Operating . 1. Gregg River, operated by Westmoreland and located in Alberta's historic Coal Branch on the Eastern Slopes of the Rocky Mountains, approximately 43 kilometres south of Hinton. 2. Grande Cache, operated by Grande Cache Coal (GCC). Surface and Underground mines located in the Smoky River Coalfield, …

Pike River mine disaster
Major mining disasters. Pike River is the latest major New Zealand mining disaster. Previous mass mining tragedies include: Kaitangata mine, South Otago: 21 February …

Report on Coal Mine Development and Transport …
the rivers are narrow and shallow in the upstream. Furthermore, it is impossible to operate barges in the dry season in some areas due to the shallow water depth. In addition to these existing issues, new mines far from the rivers need long-haul road accesses to the closest river as the coal production shifts to inland Kalimantan.

Powder River Basin Mining
Peabody is the leading global pure-play coal company and a member of the Fortune 500, serving power and steel customers in more than 25 countries on six continents. The company offers significant scale, high-quality assets, and diversity in geography and products. Peabody is guided by seven core values: safety, customer focus, leadership ...

Fording River
Fording River produces steelmaking coal – also called metallurgical coal or coking coal —which is used to make steel. ... Proven and probable reserves at Fording River are projected to support mining for a further 42 years. Coal Business Unit Operating Results ($ in millions) 2022: 2021: 2020. Revenue. $10,409: $6,251: $3,375. Gross profit ...

Black Warrior Riverkeeper
The Warrior Coal Field lies underneath the majority of the Black Warrior River watershed. This coal field has been the largest, southernmost coal-producing area in North America according to the Geological Survey of …

One man's aerial crusade against West ia's coal industry
Since he was 19 years old, Walk, who is now 33, has risked the wrath of his community by actively campaigning against coal, firstly through direct protest action and, more recently, in more novel ...

pain river coal mine
Did Coal Miners Owe Their Souls to the Company Store. WebAs the demand for coal boomed, previously isolated areas became dotted with minesin West ia the number of commercial mines rose from 35 in 1870 to 325 in 1900 to a peak of 1702 in 1923and transportation costs fell with improved railroad connections and, later, the paving of …

Eagle River No. 1 Coal Mine
Eagle River Mine (also known as Eagle River No. 1) is a U.S. surface steam coal mine in Harrisburg, Illinois, owned by private coal company Eagle River Coal LLC. The Eagle River mine is a surface mine operation just south of Harrisburg, IL, in southern Illinois. It ships primarily to electricity generators in Illinois and the Midwest region. [2]

How Montanans Stopped the Largest New Coal Mine in …
The government has begun closing mines, reducing coal imports and ramping up renewables. China's coal consumption declined 3 percent in 2014, and 4 percent in 2015. India's coal use is still ...

The Farmville (Carolina, Coal Glen) Mine
Explore the mine and it's expanse below. A Note On Naming. Originally called Farmersville, the mine changed names periodically in response to new owners or new identities. The name appeared to change to Coal Glen during the mine's relaunch in the 1920s. After the 20s ended, the mine name changes again to the "Carolina Mine."

Knox Mine Disaster remembered 65 years later
Sixty-five years ago, the earth beneath a swollen Susquehanna River gave way. Weeks before, coal miners on company orders dug for anthracite coal too close to the riverbed. On Jan. 22, 1959, 69 men escaped the flooded mines and 12 were killed. The incident became known as the Knox Mine disaster, which ended the already-fraught …

Assessment of coal geology, resources, and reserves in the …
A fifth mine, the Big Sky, had significant production from 1969-2003; however, it is no longer in production and has since been reclaimed. Total coal production from all five mines in the Montana Powder River Basin assessment area from 1968 to 2011 was approximately 1.4 billion short tons. The Rosebud/Knobloch coal bed near Colstrip …

Powder River Basin coal numbers improve, stay on pace to …
Heading into next year, the company has about 80 million tons of Powder River Basin coal sold at an average of $13.77 per ton, nearing the company's sold-out capacity. 'Continuing decline'. Arch Resources Inc. reported selling 16.8 million tons of thermal coal from July through September, including sales from its West Elk Mine in …

Paint Creek and Cabin Creek Strikes
The Paint Creek-Cabin Creek strikes were some of the most violent labor demonstrations of American history and caused an estimated 100 million dollars worth of damage. West ia History OnView. Starting in the …

Understanding the Deep River Coal Field
In the century after 1850, the Deep River Coal Field expanded and faltered on a regular basis. Many pits sat dormant, but two mines pressed on: Egypt and Farmville. Additionally, in 1857, Egypt experienced its first of many deadly disasters in the region. To learn more about the men killed in 1857, or the other mines in the region, visit the ...

Grande Cache locals question new Alberta Rockies coal mine …
In Alberta's Rocky Mountains, an Australian-owned coal mine is quietly forging ahead. Grande Cache locals were surprised to hear Mine 14 — exempt from Alberta's pause on coal mining in the Rockies — is poised to start digging. By Trina Moyles. Photography by Darrel Comeau. May 25, 2023 12 min. read.

Coal miners Poems
away, past knees bent, swaddled against the cut of the sharp rock. swing and pull, swing and tear, each hour a penny, each day another lost to the sun. far above in the grey rain. mud pools in the colliery yard, and children rush home to gobble down their tea. This is an ekphrasis on the image above.

From Canadian Coal Mines, Toxic Pollution That …
In the past 40 years, large-scale, open-pit mining has come to dominate the region — a technique that involves stripping away layers of rock to get at coal deposits deeper in the earth. A deformed cutthroat …

Dissolved organic matter composition and fluorescence
Besides, coal mine drainage lowered DO by 36% and increased total dissolved solids by 19% in the CMD-affected river. Coal mine drainage decreased absorption coefficient a(350) and absorption spectral slope S 275-295 of DOM in the CMD-affected river; hence, DOM molecular size increased with decreasing S 275-295. Three-dimensional …

States face massive coal mine cleanup as closures loom, says new report
"Timely coal mine reclamation is a win-win for Western communities: it re-opens land for livestock and recreation, it creates good job opportunities, and it minimizes the huge risks to the public if a coal company goes broke," said Mark Fix, rancher near Miles City, Mont., and irrigator from the Tongue River downstream of Montana's ...

Coal in Powder River Basin | National Wildlife Federation
Oil and gas companies have targeted the Powder River Basin for even more energy development, mainly coal bed methane drilling, a form of coal mining that requires …

Wyoming's First Coal Bust | WyoHistory
Wyoming's First Coal Bust. During Wyoming's halcyon days of coal in 2008, Powder River Basin mines collectively filled more than 100 two-mile long trains per day and sent them rolling to power plants in 36 states. After 11 years of decline, the daily pulse of coal trains out of the basin slowed to fewer than 50.

Toxic mine pollution has turned Ohio rivers orange. Now it's
Coal was once an important part of Ohio's economy and the state produced approximately 2.35 billion tons from its underground mines between 1800 and 2010. But before 1977, when the US introduced ...