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Pressure Leaching of Copper Concentrates
20 October 25th, 2004 Phelps Dodge Concentrate Leaching Milestones 2Q 1998 Sulfate-based concentrate leaching development started 1999-2000 Batch testwork at Hazen Research, Dawson and Phelps Dodge Process Technology Center 2000-2001 Continuous Pilot Plant Testing 3Q 2001 Technology Development Agreement executed with Placer …

Hydrometallurgical Molybdenum Recovery from Spent …
In this study, a green and sustainable hydrometallurgical process, based on soft acid derived from agrifood waste as a byproduct, is used to recover …

Enriching metal elements of carbonaceous molybdenum
The process used hydrochloric acid leaching at atmospheric pressure together with autoclave oxidation approach to dispose the off-grade molybdenite, the molybdenum concentrate grade could be ...

Recovery and purification of molybdenum from Ni–Mo …
A direct hydrometallurgical process for molybdenum extraction and recovery from a Ni–Mo ore is reported. The novel technology includes leaching molybdenum by air oxidation in alkaline solution,purifying the leach solution with freshly precipitated "nascent" Fe(OH) 3 and "buffer agent" NaHCO 3, enriching molybdenum by ion exchange and …

A fundamental study of leaching kinetics and mechanisms of …
Leaching of co-ground MoS 2 and Na 2 CO 3 and NaClO 2 followed two steps. •. Na 2 MoO 4 was dissolved within 0.0625 h while ground MoS 2 was leached …

Release mechanism of impurity potassium in molybdenum …
The kinetic characteristics and mechanism of potassium release in the molybdenum concentrate treatment process were studied by kinetic analysis and analytical techniques such as SEM−EDS, MLA and ICP. The results show that the first-order kinetic model is the best kinetic model of potassium release in the water washing …

Recovery of Molybdenum with Sodium-Carbonate Solutions …
An alternative, integrated method for processing sulfide molybdenum concentrate to recover molybdenum and associated rhenium is proposed. The method involves oxidizing roasting without the release of sulfur dioxide, dust entrainment, and loss of valuable metals and two-stage leaching with selective dissolution of rhenium and, …

Recovery of tungsten and titanium from spent SCR
However, less attention has been paid by researchers to the effects of the alkali leaching process on TiO 2 carriers. The catalyst preparation process requires high temperature roasting, during which the specific surface area and pore capacity are reduced and the pore size increases. ... Separation of vanadium, tungsten and molybdenum …

Selective Separation of Molybdenum from Leaching …
Because of analogous physicochemical properties, the extraction and separation process for molybdenum and vanadium are difficult . ... Study of Molybdenum Extraction from Alkali Roasted and Water Leaching of Ferro-Molybdenum Slag by Using TOA and TBP, J. IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science. 182: …

Industrial-Scale Technology for Molybdic Acid Production …
Therefore, the general reaction schemes for the molybdenum leaching process can be presented as follows: MoO 3(s) + 2 NaOH (aq) → Na 2 MoO 4(aq) + 2 H 2 O (9) ... In turn, it was found that molybdenum leaching from the roasted catalyst should have been carried out at low NaOH contents, low temperatures, and low liquid-to-solid …

Solvent extraction of molybdenum (VI) from spent …
First published: 30 January 2019. https://doi/10.1002/ep.13169. Citations: 4. Read the full text. PDF. Tools. Share. Abstract. This article investigated extraction process of molybdenum (VI) from acid …

Recovery of molybdates from an alkaline leachate of spent
Highlights Nearly closed cycle for recycling Mo from an alkaline leaching solution of an HDS spent catalyst. Precipitation of aluminum as Al(OH) 3, with high yield. Effective recovery of molybdenum as SrMoO 4 or PbMoO 4, with high purity. Advantages of the process: (i) limited generation of residues; (ii) use of simple and inexpensive …

Molybdenum removal from copper ore concentrate by
The results show that leaching time, liquid to solid ratio, leaching temperature, agitation speed, and sodium hypochlorite and sodium hydroxide concentrations all have a significant effect on the removal of molybdenum. The optimum process operating parameters were found to be: time, 4 h; sodium hydroxide …

Investigation of Leaching Kinetics of Molybdenum from …
electrolytic recovery of molybdenum can be obtained at the end of the leaching process. Vosough et al. [4] exam-ined the dissolution of MoO 3 in ammonia solutions. They claimed that diusion was in charge of the leaching pro-cess. This process' activation energy was calculated to be 44.53 kJ/mol. Nam et al. [11] conducted kinetic research

Bagdad Mine
Processes and facilities: The Bagdad operation includes a 75,000 metric ton-per-day concentrator that produces copper and molybdenum concentrates, an SX/EW plant that can produce up to 25 million pounds of copper per year from solution generated by low grade stockpile leaching and a pressure leach plant to process molybdenum …

Gold Recovery from Molybdenum Concentrate by Cyanide Leaching
Here we describe a cyanide leaching-carbon adsorption plant designed to recover the gold from the molybdenum concentrate. Process Design: The molybdenum concentrate assays typically, 45 percent molybdenum, less than 1 percent copper (chalcopyrite) and 3.5-5.0 percent iron (chalcopyrite-pyrite).Gold and silver average 8 …

A leaching, solvent extraction, stripping, precipitation and
Among them, the leaching process is divided into acid leaching and alkali leaching, whose function is to transfer valuable metals from the spent hydrofining catalyst to the solution, to prepare for subsequent metal separation. ... (Cai et al., 2022). Gao et al. treated the spent catalyst via soda roasting and water leaching. Molybdenum was ...

Full article: Highly efficient recovery of molybdenum from …
We developed a process including acid leaching, solvent extraction and stripping in order to recycle spent catalyst. In this study, we conducted selective recovery of molybdenum through focus on finding an optimized extraction and stripping process by comparing different extractants and stripping agents. To separate molybdenum from …

Application of Taguchi method for optimization of process …
A new purification method for molybdenum disulfide via NaNO 3 –HCl–HNO 3 synergistic leaching at 80 °C was developed. The effects of the concentration of NaNO 3, HCl, and HNO 3, and liquid–solid ratio and the leaching time on the purification of molybdenum disulfide were investigated by orthogonal array design methodology.The …

Investigation of Leaching Kinetics of Molybdenum from MoO
Two leaching process parameters, ammonia concentration, and ammonium nitrate concentration, were chosen to investigate the impacts on molybdenum leaching from MoO 3 utilizing a CCD design in RSM. Table 3 shows the …

Recovery of molybdenum from leach solution using …
Leaching solution. Polyelectrolyte extraction. Purification. Synthesis of layered MoO3. 1. Introduction. Molybdenum is a strategic metal which is widely used in …

(PDF) Pressure Oxidation of Molybdenum Concentrates
temperature from 150ºC to 230ºC, the molybdenum oxidation increased from 23% to 98.75%. With the optimum operating conditions of 4 hours, 1.6MPa, and 180ºC, 99% of the molybdenum. was oxidized ...

Molybdenum recovery from oxygen pressure water leaching residue …
In alkaline leaching process, more than 88 % of molybdenum was leached under the optimum conditions (2.5 mol·L −1 NaOH, 80 °C, a L/S of 3 ml·g −1, and reaction time 3 h). Over 97 % of impurities (Si, As and P) could be removed from the leach liquor, and the loss rate of molybdenum was less than 1 %, respectively.

Full article: Highly efficient recovery of …
We developed a process including acid leaching, solvent extraction and stripping in order to recycle spent catalyst. In this study, …

Preparation of ammonium molybdate by oxidation roasting of molybdenum
In the experiment of molybdenum calcine leaching (NH 4) 6 Mo 7 O 24 ∙4H 2 O, the best process conditions for molybdenum calcine leaching (NH 4) 6 Mo 7 O 24 ∙4H 2 O obtained by microwave roasting and conventional roasting are: the impurity remover of nitric acid and the concentration of ammonia water of 25%, but the …

Comparison of the Effect of NaClO3 and H2O2 on the Molybdenum Leaching …
3.1 Effect of Leaching Time. The investigations were performed at diverse times based on the DOI as presented in Table 1.The effect of the time on the Mo-dissolution rate (Mo-D.R.) is presented in Fig. 1.As it can be seen with increasing the time of the dissolution process, the Mo-D.R. is increased remarkably from 53.2 within 2 h up to …

Evaluation of molybdenum recovery from sulfur removed …
There are different techniques, such as roasting followed by leaching, baking in acid followed by leaching and direct leaching, have been employed for their …

Copper Removal from Molybdenite by Sulfidation-Leaching Process …
The process involves a sulfidation of the molybdenum concentrate with 82(g) at 380 °C followed by a leaching stage. H 2 SO 4-NaCl-O 2 leaching of a sulfidized concentrate containing 3.4% Cu for 90 min at 100°C produced a molybdenite concentrate with less than 0.2% Cu, which is appropriate for marketing. Molybdenite dissolution was negligible ...

Recovery of valuable metals from molybdenum-removal …
The recovery rate of molybdenum was close to 70% when a stoichiometric amount of copper ions (with sodium hydroxide 4 mol/L) were utilized for the reverse sulfurization leaching. The leaching rate of molybdenum obtained on leaching with 2 mol/L sodium hydroxide for 120 min at 80 °C and then fixing with copper chloride was …

Acid leaching–extraction–circulation process based on …
A one-step acid leaching method for molybdenum calcine was proposed. • The effect of H 2 SO 4 on H 3 PO 4 leaching of molybdenum calcine was clarified. • It was confirmed that the addition of H 2 SO 4 promoted the decomposition of H 3 PMo 12 O 40. • The enthalpy change of the P507 extracts Mo(VI) oxycations was calculated. •

Ammonia leaching of MoO3 concentrate: finding the …
In this study, the leaching kinetics of Mo from molybdenum trioxide concentrate was investigated in an alkaline medium-ammonia solution. The influence of temperature, time, pulp concentration, and particle size at various levels was studied on Mo dissolution rate. Elemental analyses of solid and liquid specimens were achieved by X …

Solvent extraction of molybdenum blue from alkaline leaching …
Molybdenum in the Ni–Mo ore was leached by air oxidation in an alkaline solution. Due to the high concentrations of SO 4 2−, S 2 O 3 2−, SO 3 2− and AsO 4 3− in the solution, it was difficult to efficiently extract Mo by chemical precipitation or ion exchange process. So the extraction of Mo from the solution with the mixture of tertiary amine (N …

Solvent extraction of molybdenum (VI) from spent hydroprocessing
This article investigated extraction process of molybdenum (VI) from acid leaching solution to explore the basic data for the recovery of Mo resources from spent hydroprocessing catalyst. The extractant 2-ethylhexyl phosphonic acid mono-2-ethylhexyl ester (P507) was adopted as the extractant, and the effects of specific operating …

Recovering valuable metals from spent
This study discusses an effective and environmentally friendly process for recovering vanadium, nickel, and molybdenum from spent hydrodesulfurization catalysts using an (NH 4) 2 SO 4-H 2 O 2 solution. The leaching efficiencies of vanadium, nickel, and molybdenum were close to 92 %, 97 %, and 84 % under optimum operating …

Acid leaching–extraction–circulation process based on …
A one-step acid leaching method for molybdenum calcine was proposed. • The effect of H 2 SO 4 on H 3 PO 4 leaching of molybdenum calcine was clarified.. It was confirmed that the addition of H 2 SO 4 promoted the decomposition of H 3 PMo 12 O 40.. The enthalpy change of the P507 extracts Mo(VI) oxycations was calculated.

Recovery of molybdenum from residues by simultaneous
The results indicate that a simpler process, lower slurry temperature, 50% shorter treating time, 60% decrease of Na 2 CO 3 content and 15% increase of molybdenum leaching rate can be obtained by the new technology compared with the traditional process. The leaching kinetic equation was determined, and calculation of active energy (E=56.2 kJ ...

Hydrometallurgical Extraction of Molybdenum and Rhenium …
Herein, the leaching of molybdenum and rhenium from the molybdenite roasting flue dust in H 2 SO 4 was studied. The parametric studies showed that leaching performed at a pulp density, 10 wt./vol.%; H 2 SO 4 concentration, 1.0 M; temperature, 90 °C; and time, 90 min was sufficient to yield 96% molybdenum and 93% rhenium. The …

Evaluation of molybdenum recovery from sulfur removed …
Therefore, a multi-step or sequential leaching process has been applied for their leaching 6,18. The sequential leaching is not a low-cost process as it undergoes different sub-processes and ...