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Fluorescent Light Bulb Recycler | Mercury …
Quick Facts for Fluorescent Light Bulb Crusher. Crushes straight lamps of any length; Crushes u-tube lamps (model VRS-U only) Crushes a 4 …

Welcome To Sumo FTC LLP : Sumo FTC LLP
The Sumo Fluorescent Tube Crusher was designed and developed in 1993. During that period it was a revolutionary idea for the containment of crushed fluorescent tubes, as they proved to be a difficult waste to handle. This method of crushing and containment provides a safe, cost effective solution for the re-lamping process of any structure with ...

Fluorescent Bulb Crusher
These fluorescent bulb crusher meet the EPA and OSHA standards for bulb crushing and disposal. The toxic mercury vapor in the bulbs is captured in the filtration system. Fit up to 1,350 crushed four foot T8 …

Drizit Environmental Fluorescent Lamp Crusher
The controlled crushing of fluorescent tubes as close as possible to the source of the tube exchange minimizes the chances for uncontrolled mercury release. LAMP CRUSHER FEATURES AND BENEFITS The Drizit crushers feature an activated carbon filter for mercury vapor recovery to keep vapors below 0.05mg/m3 TLV|(Threshold Limited …

Linear Fluorescents, 1,350 Capacity of 4 Ft. T8 Lamps, Bulb Crusher
Light bulb crushers fit on top of a 55-gal. drum and have a chute for feeding fluorescent light bulbs into the crusher. The units crush the bulbs completely, and they have a filter that captures and neutralizes mercury and other contaminants released during the crushing process. Once the current drum is full, it can be shipped to a facility for ...

AIR CYCLE Bulb Crusher: 1,350 Capacity of 4 Ft. T8 Lamps
Looking for AIR CYCLE, 1,350 Capacity of 4 Ft. T8 Lamps, Bulb Crusher? Find it at Grainger®. With over one million products and 24/7 customer service we have supplies and solutions for every industry. ... Light bulb crushers fit on top of a 55-gal. drum and have a chute for feeding fluorescent light bulbs into the crusher. The units crush ...

Nvirobuild Sealed Fluorescent Crusher
Sealed Fluorescent Crusher quantity. Add to cart. Categories: Environmental Products, Environmental Protection Units. Related products. USED OIL FILTER DE-OILER X 3 UNITS R 11,756.25 Add to cart; Recycling Bins With Stickers – 240L R 1,353.75 Add to cart; Lube Pad 130 x 180 R 78.38 Add to cart;

On-Site Fluorescent Light Drum-Top Bulb Crushers
2. The permitee is limited to a given number of equivalent eight-foot fluorescent light bulbs crushed per calendar day and per 12-month rolling time period. 3. The bulb crusher shall be installed, maintained, and operated in a satisfactory manner, and maintained and operated according to manufacturer's specifications. 4.

Fluorescent tube crusher
Fluorescent tube crusher. The CFL Premium Bulb Eater is engineered to crush straight fluorescent tubes of any length, as well as compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs). This technology crushes a bulb in one second, saves up to 50 percent on recycling costs, reduces labour by up to 20 hours per 1,000 lamps, and minimizes storage space …

Fluorescent Bulb Crusher . Fluorescent Bulb Crusher . search box Call or Email for a Free Savings Analysis 419-522-9550. Home; Products. 55 Gallon In-Drum Compactor; In-Box Compactor; Fluorescent Bulb Crusher; Testimonials; Warranty; Gallery; GSA; …

Drizit Environmental Heavy Duty Lamp Crusher
This innovative concept is built into all dextrite lamp disposers providing assurance in safety and reliability during the lamp disposal process. Our top of the line model designed for maximum versatility, crushes all lamp types (straight tubes 4 & 8 feet, bulbs up to 7.5 in, u shaped and circular up to 15 in diameter of between legs).

Portable Fluorescenta Lamp Crusher
Portable Fluorescenta Lamp Crusher. Friday, 14 February 2020 / Published in.

Bulb Eater® 3 Light Bulb Recycler | Accessories | Safety-Kleen
The safe, efficient way to recycle fluorescent lamps. The Bulb Eater® 3 system not only crushes spent fluorescent lamps of any length, U-tubes and CFLs into recyclable material, but it also captures over 99.99% of the vapors released! The system, which is mounted to a 55-gallon drum, can hold up to 1,350 4' fluorescent lamps. Powerful DC ...

Air Cycle Bulb Eater 3L | Model BE3L 333-100-120 …
The Bulb Eater 3L crushes your old fluorescent lamps in less than a second per bulb, capturing 99.99% of the vapors released, exceeding the HEPA standard! With a multi-stage filtering process and digital LCD …

Fluorescent Lamp Crusher Equipment | Environmental XPRT
Bulb Eater - Model 3 - Lamp Crusher. a 4-foot fluorescent lamp in less than 1 second. Reduce labor by up to 20 hours per 1,000 lamps. ... By TerraCycle Regulated Waste, LLC based in North Aurora, ILLINOIS (USA) .

Protecting Workers from Mercury Exposure While …
fluorescent bulbs. Fluorescent bulbs should only be broken using appropriate equipment, such as drum-top crushing machines or fluorescent bulb recycling machines. • The seals on the machine are broken or missing. • The machine is opened for servicing. • The crusher unit is removed from the top of a full drum. Reducing Mercury Exposure in the

Bulb Eater | Sybertech Waste Reduction
This lamp crusher unit is mounted to a 55 gallon drum and can hold up to 1350 4' fluorescent lamps. Discover the ultimate solution for safe and efficient bulb disposal with Bulb Eater. This lamp crusher unit is mounted to a 55 gallon drum and can hold up to 1350 4' fluorescent lamps.

Fluorescent Tube Crusher | Crusher Mills, Cone Crusher, …
Premium BE 55 VRSU Recycle Lamp Compactor. Air Cycle 330-010 VRSU Light Bulb Eater Fluorescent Tube Crusher. Starting at: $3,769.80. Please Choose: Accessories. T5 Tube Sleeve (AIR 55-483-D) ( +$92.65 )

333-100-120 Light Bulb & Lamp Crushers
Light bulb crushers pulverize dead or broken fluorescent bulbs to minimize the space required for storing them, and they have filters that capture contaminants released during the crushing process. ... Light bulb crusher accessories maintain or improve the functionality of the crushers. Clear All. For Use With 333-100-120. Note: Product ...

Ensuring lamp disposal safety
Dextrite Fluorescent lamp crusher solutions. We specialize in the design and manufacture of fluorescent lamp disposers, crushers, which meet environmental and safety standards for the disposal of spent lamps. DEXTRITE - Ensuring lamp disposal safety. Dextrite est spécialisée dans la conception et la fabrication de concasseurs de lampes fluorescentes …

Fluorescent Lamp Drum‐Top Crusher Survey Results
Fluorescent Lamp Drum‐Top Crusher Survey Results. Conducted by the ASTSWMO Hazardous Waste Recycling Task Force. December 2012 Fluorescent Lamp Drum‐Top Crusher Survey Results. Problem Statement ‒ U.S. EPA and State and Territorial (States) regulatory agencies recommend that mercury containing fluorescent lamps be recycled.

Fluorescent Bulb Crushers | Lamp Compactors

Linear Fluorescents, 1,350 Capacity of 4 Ft. T8 Lamps, Bulb …
Product Description. Light bulb crushers fit on top of a 55-gal. drum and have a chute for feeding fluorescent light bulbs into the crusher. The units crush the bulbs completely, …

Bulb Crusher & Fluorescent Lamp Crushers | Zoro
Bulb crushers, fluorescent bulb crushers, fluorescent lamp crushers, tube crushers, and light bulb crushers are all commonly used for crushing lamps. How Lamp Crusher Units are Made Lamp Crusher Units are usually made from steel or aluminum and have components such as motors, pulleys, belts, filters, drums or containers that hold the crushed ...

Fluorescent Light Bulb Recycler | Mercury Instruments
Quick Facts for Fluorescent Light Bulb Crusher. Crushes straight lamps of any length. Crushes u-tube lamps (model VRS-U only) Crushes a 4-foot fluorescent lamp in 1 second. Reduce labor by up to 20 hours per 1,000 lamps. Save up to 50% on recycling costs. Minimize storage space by up to 80%. The most fun you can have disposing of lamps!

Lamp Crushers and Bulb Eaters
Light bulb crushers pulverize dead or broken fluorescent bulbs to minimize the space required for storing them, and they have filters that capture contaminants released …

Bulb Eater — TerraCycle Regulated Waste
Crushes a 4-foot fluorescent lamp in less than 1 second. Reduce labor by up to 20 hours per 1,000 lamps. Save up to 50% on recycling costs. Minimize storage space by up to …

Q and A – Drum-top Fluorescent Lamp Crushers
What regulatory requirements apply to use of a drum -top fluorescent lamp crusher in ... Maryland's regulations on "universal waste lamps" a llow a person to use a device to crush fluorescent lamps if certain requirements are met. The specific requirements are found in the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) at COMAR 2.

Air Cycle Bulb Eater 3L | Model BE3L 333-100-240 …
Aircylce TerraCycle BE3L Regulated Waste Model 333-100-240 | Fluorescent Bulb Crusher | 240V input. The Bulb Eater 3L crushes your old fluorescent lamps in less than a second per bulb, capturing 99.99% …

Michigan Fluorescent Bulb Recycling Regulations · …
Area of Responsibility: Recycling programs. Division Phone Number. Phone: (517) 335-2690. Environmental Assistance Hotline. Phone: 1-800-662-9278. Area of Responsibility: Environmental Assistance Center. Anita Singh - Office of Pollution Prevention and Compliance Assistance (OPPCA) Phone: (517) 335-2356. Email: [email protected].

Fluorescent Lighting Disposal Guide
Fluorescent Lighting Disposal Guide. Fluorescent lighting has long been the choice of school, hospital and manufacturing facilities that want to cut energy costs and reduce their impact on the environment. Changing to fluorescent lighting from incandescent lighting cuts energy usage for buildings by up to 75%, saving money and …