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Platinum-Group Element
Platinum-Group Metals, Production, Use and Extraction Costs. ... The ratio of platinum to palladium varies with location but together these two metals account for about 90% of the PGMs. The Russia is the largest palladium producer, with Canada and South Africa following. The ores in the Russia are about 30% platinum and 60% palladium, whereas ...

Platinum Group Metals
Published on May 24, 2022. by APMEX. Platinum Group Metals, an assortment of six rare, naturally occurring elements, have been sought after since at least 700 B.C.E. Known …

Platinum Group Metals Ratios and Metrics
Platinum Group Metals Ratios and Metrics. Market cap in millions USD. Fiscal year is September - August. Source: Financials are provided by Nasdaq Data Link and sourced from the audited annual ( 10-K) and quarterly ( 10-Q) reports submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Financial ratios and metrics for Platinum Group …

Platinum group | Chemical Properties, Uses
Platinum group, six metals, in order of increasing atomic weight, ruthenium (Ru), rhodium (Rh), palladium (Pd), osmium (Os), iridium (Ir), and platinum (Pt). The elements all possess a silvery white colour—except …

(PDF) Platinum-Group Element Mineralization of the Main …
Platinum-Group Minerals in Samples of Pristine Main Sulfide Zone of the Great Dyke Contents of ΣPGE and ratios of ΣPPGE/ΣPGE in the various chromitite seams and the MSZ (Main sulfide zone) vs ...

An Improved Fe—Ni Sulfide Fire Assay Method for …
An improved Fe–Ni sulfide fire assay method has been developed for determination of Re, the platinum group elements (PGE), and Os isotopic ratios using inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and negative thermal ionization–mass spectrometry (NTI-MS).

Gold Platinum Ratio Charts
from $3,230. View. Gold : Platinum 5 Year Ratio. Our regularly updated gold: platinum ratio charts allow you to determine which of the metals is a stronger investment by tracking and comparing the historical and current ratios. The gold : platinum ratio is the proportional relationship between the respective prices of gold and platinum.

Concentration of Platinum Group Elements During the Early …
Among them are: p resence of non-chondritic platinum-group element ratios (e.g., Pd /Ir ) in the Earth ' s mantle [79] ; non- chondritic distrib u- tion of the highly siderophile elements found ...

Platinum Group Metals Ltd. (PLG) Stock Price, News, Quote …
Find the latest Platinum Group Metals Ltd. (PLG) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing. ... PE Ratio (TTM) N/A: EPS (TTM)-0.0600 ...

Platinum Prices
Interactive chart of historical daily platinum prices back to 1985. The price shown is in U.S. Dollars per troy ounce. The current price of platinum as of April 12, 2024 is $976.62 per ounce. Interactive chart of historical daily platinum prices back to 1985.

Non-chondritic platinum-group element ratios in oceanic …
The concentrations of the platinum-group elements (PGE) Ir, Ru, Pt and Pd were determined in 11 abyssal peridotites from ODP Sites 895 and 920, as well in six ultramafic rocks from the Horoman peridotite body, Japan, which is generally thought to represent former asthenospheric mantle. Individual oceanic peridotites from ODP drill …

Chloride solutions are the predominant media for the commercial separation and refi ning of PGMs. In this application, PGMs form sequences of aquated species with the relatively …

Osmium-isotope ratios of platinum-group minerals …
OSMIUM-ISOTOPE RATIOS OF PLATINUM-GROUP MINERALS ASSOCIATED WITH ULTRAMAFIC INTRUSIONS (2) There is a significant variation in tg'Os/ "Os ratios in a given area. Because there was no change in 'R'Os/ISbOs ratios during placer formation and immobility of Os during serpentinization, the variation …

Platinum-Group Metals Statistics and Information
Statistical Compendium. Platinum-Group Metals. Statistics and information on the worldwide supply of, demand for, and flow of the mineral commodities iridium, osmium, palladium, platinum, rhodium, and ruthenium (platinum-group metals)

LETTERS TO NATURE Non-chondritic platinum-group …
Non-chondritic platinum-group element ratios in the Earth's mantle L. Pattou, J.P. Lorand & M. Gros Nature 379, 712-715 (1996) THE date of submission of this Letter for publication was given

Is Platinum Group Metals Limited (USA) (PLG) Stock a Good …
Latest Platinum Group Metals Limited (USA) Stock News. As of April 11, 2024, Platinum Group Metals Limited (USA) had a $148.8 million market capitalization, putting it in the 40th percentile of companies in the …

Platinum-group element abundances and Re–Os isotopic
The concentrations of platinum-group elements (PGEs, including Os, Ir, Ru, Pt and Pd) and the geochemically related Re, as well as 187 Re/ 188 Os and 187 Os/ 188 Os ratios, are reported here for globally-distributed glacial diamictites that were deposited during the Mesoarchean, Paleoproterozoic, Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic eras. The …

Effects of Slag Composition and Oxygen Potential on Distribution Ratios
Request PDF | Effects of Slag Composition and Oxygen Potential on Distribution Ratios of Platinum Group Metals between Al2O3-CaO-SiO2-Cu2O Slag System and Molten Copper at 1723 K | The demand of ...

The origin of platinum group minerals in oceanic crust
Bulk rock concentrations of platinum group elements (PGEs) were analyzed by the Ni-sulfide fire assay–isotope dilution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) method of Park et al. (2012), and Re and Os isotope ratios were measured by isotope dilution thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) using a …

Effects of slag composition and oxygen potential on distribution ratios
Effects of slag composition and oxygen potential on distribution ratios of platinum group metals between Al 2 O 3-CaO-SiO 2-Cu 2 O Slag System and Molten Copper at 1723 K. Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals. 2014 Jul;78(7):267-273. doi: 10.2320/jinstmet.JA201404

The use of metal ratios in prospecting for platinum-group …
Platinum-group elements have much higher partition coefficients into sulphides than do Ni and Cu and therefore the Ni and Cu to PGE ratios are strongly influenced by the segregation of sulphides. Thus, in order to decide whether an intrusion has the potential to contain a PGE deposit, the Ni and Cu to PGE ratios of the chilled …

Platinum Group Metals Ratios and Metrics
Balance Sheet. Cash Flow. Ratios. Annual. Quarterly. Trailing. Platinum Group Metals Ratios and Metrics. Market cap in millions USD. Fiscal year is September - August. …

The use of mantle normalization and metal ratios in the identification
The concentrations and ratios of platinum-group elements together with other elements represent diagnostic tools to investigate ore genesis (e.g., Crocket, 1990;Lehmann et al., 2003; Pasava et al ...

Platinum Group Metal
The platinum group metals (PGMs) comprise 6 elements, which are platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium, and osmium. These metals have high melting points, high heat resistance, high corrosion resistances, and unique catalytic properties. Owing to these properties, PGMs are being used widely in many industrial fields, most notably as ...

Gold/Platinum Ratio Surging: Platinum Looks Like A Buy
Over the last five years, however, platinum hasn't traded above $1,300/ounce. That means platinum prices are currently trading about 25% below their 5-year high. In comparison, gold prices have ...

U-Pb Ages, Pb-Os Isotope Ratios, and Platinum-Group …
The Pb isotope ratios of tholeiitic andesites indicate the involvement of a component highly depleted in radiogenic Pb, very likely old lower crust. Energy-constrained-assimilation-fractional-crystallization modeling indicates that the rhyodacites may be the result of ∼25% assimilation of upper continental crust, with a ratio between ...

Ore Deposits of the Platinum-Group Elements
Platinum Group Elements (PGE) ... Initial Sr isotope ratios for plagioclase and Cr/MgO values for orthopyroxene from Critical and Main zone rocks are significantly different. Geochemical data ...

Emission reduction characteristics of after-treatment
In this study, six different three-way catalysts were tested based on the engine bench to investigate the effect of platinum group metal (PGM) loadings and ratios of the catalysts on the transient emission characteristics of a heavy-duty natural gas engine.From the results of this study, NOx are the most important emissions to be …

What Are Platinum Group Metals (PGMs)?
By. Terence Bell. Updated on December 10, 2018. The platinum group metals (PGMs) are six transitional metal elements that are chemically, physically, and …

Jubilee Metals Group (JLP.L)
P/E ratio at the end of 2022: 20.7. According to Jubilee Metals Group 's latest financial reports and stock price the company's current price-to-earnings ratio (TTM) is 1016.24 . At the end of 2022 the company had a P/E ratio of 20.7.

Determination of Platinum‐Group Elements and Re‐Os …
We report an improved procedure for the determination of the platinum-group elements (PGE) and Re, and Os isotopes from a single sample aliquot by isotope dilution (ID) ... The method was used to determine the PGE and rhenium, and Os isotope ratios in a range of geochemical reference materials (TDB-1, WGB-1, BHVO-2 and UB …

Platinum group metals in SA
Production. Platinum group metal mines have expanded consistently over the past 10 years, resulting in production increasing from 1522,9 tons in 1992 to 216,5 tons in 1999. Sales of the product locally soared from a negligible amount in 1995 to R2,5 billion in 2000. There are two major reasons for this.

(PDF) Platinum-group element-chromitite associations in …
The platinum-group minerals of the middle group of chromitite layers in the Marikana area. of the western Bushveld are mainly sulfides and arsenides. Laurite is the most common platinum-. group ...

Osmium-isotope ratios of platinum-group minerals …
The platinum-group minerals show significant Os-isotope heterogeneity on the scale of single micrometric grains enclosed within individual chromite grains. This micro-scale isotopic heterogeneity, and their random spatial distribution within the chromites, argue strongly against an origin of the platinum-group minerals via exsolution from the ...

Platinum group elements in mantle melts and mantle …
The platinum group elements (PGEs) – Pt, Pd, Rh, Ru, Ir and Os ... Ratios are normalized to estimated values for "primitive mantle" based on estimates for PGEs from Becker et al. (2006) and for Ti from McDonough and Sun (1995). The ratios Pt/Ti and Pd/Ti are approximately constant with Mg# for komatiites and most Archaean greenstone belt ...

(PDF) Platinum-Group Elements: A New Set of …
chondritic platinum-group element ratios. in the Earth's mantle. Nature 379: 712-715. Pearson DG, Irvine GJ, Ionov DA, Boyd FR, Dreibus GE (2004) Re–Os isotope system -

Distribution ratios of platinum group metals between the Al …
Download Citation | Distribution ratios of platinum group metals between the Al 2O3-CaO-SiO2 Slag and molten iron at 1873K | Gasoline vehicles are fitted with three-way catalytic converters ...