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Proyek Saat ini
2021 – 2025. IBP Project Management & Mine Services PT Indo Bara Pratama – Kalimantan Timur. 2022 – 2026. Mekko Bauxite Mining Services PT Mekko Metal Mining – Kalimantan Barat. 2021 – 2026. CDSM Nickel Mining Services PT Cipta Djaya Selaras Mining – Sulawesi Tenggara. 2022 – 2027. Tentang Proyek Ini.

(PDF) Legal Analysis Towards Mining in North Sulawesi Post …
Table 3 explains that the mineral and coal mining sector in North Sulawesi received 36% of the budget allocation of the total 108 billion revenue -sharing allocations transferred b y the central ...

PT. KTC Coal Mining & Energy | LinkedIn
Manado, Sulawesi Utara Pamapersada Nusantara Mining PT. HASNUR RIUNG SINERGI ... PT. KTC Coal Mining & Energy | 2,638 followers on LinkedIn. Coal Mining & Energy Company.

Workers Keep Dying at This Chinese Nickel Mining Company in
In 2022 alone, they poured $3.2 billion into the islands of Sulawesi and Halmahera, Indonesia's nickel mining hubs, making China the biggest source of foreign investment in Indonesia's nickel ...

Agus Salim
LEIGHTON CONTRACTORS INDONESIA, Toka Tindung Gold Mine Project Desa Likupang Timur, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, Sulawesi Utara (March 2010 – May 2012 ) Responsibility: - Design Camp, Office and Workshop facility. - Supervisor, Project Construction Camp, Office, Workshop, Fuel Farm, Wash Pad PT.

State Losses from Illegal Mining in PT Antam Konawe Utara …
Southeast Sulawesi Prosecutor's Office in Kendari, Thursday (17/6/2021). KENDARI, KOMPAS - Illegal mining and sales of nickel ore in the PT Antam Konawe Utara concession area in Southeast Sulawesi are estimated to have caused state losses of Rp 5.7 trillion. For years, the mostly forested area in the concession has been illegally mined.

Sulawesi Utara
Bahasa resmi instansi pemerintahan di Sulawesi Utara adalah bahasa Indonesia. Hingga 2019, Badan Bahasa mencatat ada 10 bahasa daerah, di Sulawesi Utara [15] walaupun sebenarnya ada lebih dari 10 bahasa yang dituturkan di Sulawesi Utara karena satu rumpun etnis di Sulawesi Utara ada berbagai sub-etnis dengan bahaa masing …

(PDF) Legal Analysis Towards Mining in North Sulawesi Post …
Table 3 explains that the mineral and coal mining sector in North Sulawesi received 36% of the budget allocation of the total 108 billion revenue -sharing allocations …

Study on Comparative Advantage of Mining Sector in South Sulawesi …
This became basis of this study. Problem examined was comparative advantage of mining toward South Sulawesi. This study used ... 4 of 2009 concerning Mineral and Coal Mining, can be realized with mineral industry clusters in a mining business area (WUP). ... 9,234.37 3,128.66 2,589.19 19 Luwu Utara 18,225.70 6,174.98 20,716.60 20 Luwu Timur ...

(PDF) Artisanal and small-scale gold mining in …
The formulation of the mining tax and/or retribution was derived from case studies obtained from ASM operations in gold commodities in North Sulawesi [7]. Thus, this study aims to breakdown …

Tambang Nikel Sulawesi: Peluang, Tantangan, dan Solusi …
08/28/2023. Artikel. Tambang nikel Sulawesi khususnya Sulawesi tenggara akan menjadi pilar perekonomian negar. Menurut data Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), Sulawesi Tenggara adalah salah satu provinsi di Indonesia yang memiliki potensi nikel sangat besar. Cadangan nikel terbukti mencapai 1.085 miliar ton, atau sekitar 55% dari cadangan nikel ...

Support Activities for Mining Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction Printer Friendly View Address: Ruko Marina Plaza, Blok E No.21-22 Jl Piere Tendean Kav.3 Kota Manado, North Sulawesi, 95111 Indonesia

Items where Subject is "TN Mining engineering. Metallurgy"
A. A Andrawina, A Andrawina and R Ernawati, R Ernawati and T A Cahyadi, T A Cahyadi and W S Bargawa, W S Bargawa and N A Amri, N A Amri and I Ferdian, I Ferdian (2021) Effectiveness Vetiveria zizanoides plant in ability absorption of heavy metals in coal mining waste. In: The 3rd International Conference on Green Civil and Environmental …

Menengok Tambang Emas Archi di Manado, Salah Satu yang …
Baca juga: Erick Thohir: Tambang Freeport Bakal Pakai Mobil danTruk Otonom. "Kami ingin menjadi perusahaan pure-play emas (pure-play gold producer) yang terintegrasi dan terbesar di Asia Tenggara," ujar Deputy Chief Executive Officer Archi Indonesia, Rudy Suhendra di Manado, Sulawesi Utara, Kamis (25/11/2021).

Daftar Perusahaan Tambang Di Sulawesi Tenggara
Perusahaan tambang di Sulawesi Tenggara yang ada di Indonesia selanjutnya adalah PT Vale Indonesia Tbk. Perusahaan ini bergerak di industri pertambangan nikel. Vale sendiri beroperasi atas penanaman modal asing. Luas operasi lahan perseroan tersebut bahkan sudah mencapai sekitar 118.017 hektar.

Kapuas Prima Coal
Kapuas Prima Coal - Location. Home / About Us / Location. Mining Location. Daerah konsesi pertambangan terletak di Desa Bintang Mengalih, Kecamatan Belantikan Raya, Kabupaten Lamandau, Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah, berjarak 190 km dari Pangkalan Bun, dengan pelabuhan di Kalap.Secara geografis terletak antara 111° 15' 57" – 111° 19' 22. ...

Five largest coal mines in Indonesia in 2020
September 8, 2021. Share this article. Here are the five largest coal mines by production in Indonesia, according to GlobalData's mining database. 1. Sangatta Mine. The Sangatta …

(PDF) Mineral deposits of Sulawesi
Subduksi pada busur magmatik Sulawesi -Mindanao Timur membentuk berbagai endapan mineral di Lengan Utara Sulawesi, salah satunya adalah emas (Kavalieris et al., 1992; van Leeuwen dan Pieters, 2011 ...

PT. Sentosa Laju Sejahtera
PT. Sentosa Laju Sejahtera (SLS) is an Indonesian mining and general contractor specializing in mineral, coal, and quarry mining. PT. SLS is a subsidiary of PT. Sentosa …

Menengok Tambang Emas Archi di Manado, Salah Satu yang …
MANADO, KOMPAS - Tambang emas Toka Tindung di Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, Sulawesi Utara terus berkembang seiring dengan potensi temuan cadangan bijih (reserve) di lokasi tersebut. Tambang emas terbesar di kawasan Asia Tenggara ini dikelola oleh PT Archi Indonesia Tbk (ARCI). Archi merupakan bagian dari …

Bara Indah Sinergi Group | Coal Trading – Coal Project – …
Bara Indah Sinergi Group is an Indonesia company focused on coal trading and mining activities. Our operational activities covers in the provinces of South Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, Southeast Sulawesi and the island of Sumatra. We have established long-term and short-term contractual agreement with a number of mining ...

List Client
Client List Tabel Minerals and Coal PT Gorby Putra Utama (Sumatera Selatan) Shanghai Dingtang Metals Co.Ltd (Morowali, Sulawesi) PT Nusajaya Persadatama Mandiri (Morowali, Sulawesi Tengah) PT ASTIMA (Bahodopi, Sulawesi) PT Mitra Sulawesi Bersama (Morowali, Sulawesi Tengah) PT Pingxiang Mining Industry (IND) …

(PDF) Aplikasi Pemetaan Pertambangan Berbasis Web GIS
Aplikasi Pemetaan Pertambangan Berbasis Web GIS (Geographic Information System) di Sulawesi Utara December 2023 GEOGRAPHIA Jurnal …

Reliable in Mining. We have worked on more than 240 projects by prioritizing aspects of work safety, occupational health, operating safety, and the environment. ... Location: …

Metal Ore Mining Companies in Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, North Sulawesi
Find detailed information on Metal Ore Mining companies in Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, including financial statements, sales and marketing contacts, top competitors, and firmographic insights. Dun & Bradstreet gathers Metal Ore Mining business information from trusted sources to help you understand company performance ...

Makmur Lestari Primatama
The mining location of PT Makmur Lestari Primatama is in the Langgikima area, North Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi. Geologically, the North Konawe region contains high-quality nickel. Nickel ore mined at the PT Makmur Lestari Primatama site has varying grades, from 1.5% - >2.00% Ni.

PT Basin Coal Mining Beroperasi Lagi, Warga Diminta …
Ricuh Protes Pembangunan Jalan Tambang PT Basin Coal Mining, Warga Bakar Kendaraan Operasional Perusahaan. "Ini adalah pelanggaran terhadap kesepakatan yang telah dibuat, karena mereka masih beroperasi," kata Paudu, tokoh masyarakat Desa Paldas, Kecamatan Rantau Bayur, Banyuasin. Dengan kelanjutan operasional tersebut, …

Diversity, structure and composition of vegetation in post-coal mining …
Abstract. Yuningsih L, Hearmansyah, Ibrahim E, Marsi. 2021. Diversity, structure and composition of vegetation in post-coal mining reclamation area in Sumatra, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 22: 3392-3400. The majority of coal mines are operated through an open-pit system which has a significant impact on the environment. Therefore, reclamation and …

Minahasa Utara, North Sulawesi Coal 24% Gas 17% Hydro 23% Diesel/Fuel Oil 30% Renewable 6% | 9. 2 | 1H18 Performance | 10. ...

OHS Supervisor
I am an HSE Specialist with approximately 5 years of experience in the coal and mineral mining industry, as well as oil and gas. I have skills and competencies related to the field of occupational safety and health, and I have basic skills related to the application and implementation of the Safety Mining Management System (I-SMKP), Hazards …