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Province of Manitoba | Resources for Health Care Providers
Resources for Health Care Professionals. Health care providers play a critical role in sharing information about COVID-19 and immunization with their patients. Provincial Factsheets for COVID-19 vaccines can be located at Resources for the Public. Additional information on vaccine development, Canada's authorized vaccines and clinic planning is ...

Employment Standards | Young Employees
If you cannot download the workbook, contact Employment Standards at 204-945-3352 or 1-800-821-4307 to ask for a copy of the Young Worker Readiness Certificate Course material. Once you have a copy of the Young Worker Readiness Certificate Course Guide and Workbook: Complete the Guide and Workbook.

Immunization (Vaccination) | Health | Province of Manitoba
Talk to your doctor, public health nurse or call Health Links – Info Santé : 204-788-8200 toll-free - in Winnipeg 1-888-315-9257 - outside Winnipeg

Aboriginal Peoples: Fact Sheet for Manitoba
One in seven Aboriginal people in Canada live in Manitoba. Numbering 195,900, Note 1 14% of the Aboriginal identity population in Canada lived in Manitoba in 2011. They made up 17% of the total population of that …

Tetanus and Diphtheria (Td) Vaccine
Possible side-effects of the Td vaccine. Vaccines are known to be very safe. It is much safer for you to get the Td vaccine than to get tetanus or diphtheria infections. Common reactions to the vaccine include soreness, redness and swelling where the vaccine was given. Some people may have fever, chills, and sore or swollen joints.

Updated Boil Water Advisory Fact Sheet 2 -21Apr23
Manitoba has developed a series of Well Water Factsheets to help you find and fix problems with your privately owned well. Well Water Fact Sheet #1 "How to Reduce the Risk of Well Water Contamination" discusses proper well construction and maintenance. Well Water Factsheets #3 and #4 tell you how to

Tenant and Landlord Responsibilities
This fact sheet will provide social housing tenants with information about issues that could cause them to ... Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3Y4 Phone: 204-945-2476 Toll free in Manitoba: 1-800-782-8403 Fax: 204-945-6273 E-mail: [email protected] Brandon 157 - …

Varicella (Chickenpox) | Health | Province of Manitoba
Government of Canada – Varicella (chickenpox) Communicable Disease Control (CDC) Public Health. Manitoba Health. 4th Floor - 300 Carlton St. Winnipeg R3B 3M9 CANADA. Health Links – Info Santé. 204-788-8200 or 1-888-315-9257.

Seasonal Flu | Health | Province of Manitoba
Click here for weekly and end of season influenza reports. If you have any questions about seasonal flu or pneumococcal immunization: Speak with a health care provider or call Health Links – Info Santé at: 204-788-8200 in Winnipeg or toll-free 1-888-315-9257.

Vaccine Factsheets and Resources | Province of Manitoba
Vaccine Factsheets and Resources. Note: All documents on this page are in Adobe Acrobat format unless otherwise indicated. A listing of health information resources (ex: factsheets, posters, brochures, etc.) that are available for Health Care Providers across the province, free of charge, is available by clicking here.

COVID-19 Vaccine Public Health Factsheet
elsewhere in Manitoba at 1-888-315-9257. Severe adverse events after receiving the vaccine are rare. If you develop any severe adverse events or . a severe allergic reaction (including hives, swelling of your face, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing), call 911 or go to the nearest emergency department or health centre right away.

Manitoba Remembrance Day Fact Sheet- Public Holidays …
Employees have the right to refuse to work Remembrance Day regardless of what day of the week it falls as long as they provide 14 days' notice to their employer. For more information contact Employment Standards: Phone: 204-945-3352 or toll-free in Canada 1-800-821-4307. Fax: 204-948-3046.

Employment Standards | Employment Standards
Quick Guide to Employment Standards. Remembrance Day. Reservist Leave. Residential Caregivers. Standards for employees in Climate Controlled Facilities. Standards for employees of Agricultural Service Providers. Standards for employees working on a farm in the primary production of agricultural products.

Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning
This Fact Sheet and Poster provide teachers, students, and parents with a clear understanding of Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity (MVPA), and explain how to …

Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet - Teacher. Regulated profession (NOC 2021) 41220 – Secondary school teachers. 41221 – Elementary school and kindergarten teachers. Regulatory body. Province of Manitoba - Education and Early Childhood Learning - Professional Certification Unit (PCU) Teaching Certification Application Process for Internationally Educated Teachers.

Public Health Fact Sheets Index | Health | Province of Manitoba
COVID-19 Fact Sheets. Cryptosporidium. Diaper Requirements for Swimming Pools. The Use of DeltaGard 20EW in Mosquito Control Programs. Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis & …

Aboriginal Peoples: Fact Sheet for Manitoba
Almost half of Aboriginal children live with both parents. In Manitoba, 40% of First Nations children aged 14 and younger lived in a family with both their parents in 2011, as did 57% of Métis children and 75% of Inuit children. The corresponding percentage for non-Aboriginal children was 80%. Four in ten First Nations children and 31% of ...

Province of Manitoba | fs
Canada-Manitoba Housing Benefit; Manitoba Child Benefit. Children's Opti-Care Program; Benefit Levels and Allowable Income Ranges; Rent Assist. Rent Assist For Manitobans Receiving EIA Fact Sheet; Rent Assist for Manitobans Not Receiving EIA Fact Sheet; Rent Assist Estimator; 55PLUS. 55 PLUS FAQ

Employment Standards | Remembrance Day
In addition, employees also receive a regular day's pay for working on Remembrance Day, or 5% of their gross earnings in the 28 days before Remembrance Day if their hours vary. Employees who work more than half their normal hours on Remembrance Day are paid 1 ½ times their regular wage for all hours worked, plus a …

Boil Water Advisory
Fact Sheet #4 "Boil Water Advisory - For All Domestic Water Uses"). Anyone who has a weakened immune system (ex: cancer patient, someone taking immune suppressing medication, etc.) should contact their doctor or public health professionals for advice. Some of the additional precautions listed under Boil Water Advisory Fact Sheet

Employment Standards | Employment Standards | A
Employment Standards is a government program under Manitoba Finance. It administers laws on minimum wages, hours of work, holidays and other workplace entitlements and responsibilities. The program enforces The Employment Standards Code, The Construction Industry Wages Act, The Remembrance Day Act, The Worker …

Employment Standards | Employment Standards | New Business Owners Fact
Employers must keep records for all employees that show: name, address, date of birth and occupation. date the employee starts work. regular wage and overtime wage when employment starts, the dates of changes to the wage and the new wage. regular and overtime hours of work, recorded separately and daily. dates wages are paid and the …

Fact Sheets and FAQs | Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba
Fact Sheets and FAQs. ... By completing this form, you consent to receive e-mail messages from The Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba. You may unsubscribe at any time. Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba 333 Broadway Winnipeg, R3C 4W3 Canada [email protected]. 1-855-954-4321.

Fact Sheets – MHERC Manitoba
FACT SHEETS. Fact Sheet | Depression; Fact Sheet | Positive Mental Health and Resilience; Fact Sheet | Living with Anxiety; Fact Sheet | Counselling; Fact Sheet | …

Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet - Geoscientist. Geoscientists Canada is the national organization of the provincial and territorial regulatory bodies that govern Canada's professional geoscientists and geoscientists-in-training. See Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba - For Internationally Educated Professionals. Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba refers internationally ...

Meningococcal Conjugate C (Men-C-C) Vaccine
The meningococcal conjugate type C (Men-C-C) vaccine is approved by Health Canada and provides. 1 Public Health Agency of Canada – Canadian Immunization Guide. May 2019. protection against meningococcal disease that is caused by the type C strain. This vaccine is given by needle.

Varicella (Chickenpox) Vaccine
The doses of varicella vaccine can be given as individual vaccines or, as part of a combined vaccine containing mumps, measles, rubella and varicella (MMRV). If your child has had chickenpox before their 1st birthday, they should still get the vaccine as they may not have developed a long lasting immunity and could get chickenpox again.

Hepatitis B (HBV) | Health | Province of Manitoba
Public Health Agency of Canada - Sexual Health and Sexually Transmitted Infections. & U - Hepatitis B. Communicable Disease Control (CDC) Public Health. Manitoba Health. 4th Floor - 300 Carlton St. Winnipeg R3B 3M9 CANADA. Health Links – Info Santé. 204-788-8200 or 1-888-315-9257.

Employment Standards | General Holidays
Hourly Wage ×Regular Hours Worked. $20 ×32=$640. To calculate wages for working on the general holiday, multiply the hourly wage by 1 ½ times: Hourly Wage ×1.5=Overtime Wage. $20 ×1.5=$30. This amount is then multiplied by the number of hours worked on the general holiday. In this example, the salesperson earned:

COVID-19 Vaccine Public Health Factsheet
Public Health Factsheet. October 2021. Health Canada has authorized a number of vaccines to protect our families, communities and ourselves against COVID-19. The …

Public Health Fact Sheets Index | Health | Province of Manitoba
Public Health Fact Sheets - A-Z Index. Click on any of the underlined letters in the bar to jump to a particular topic, or hit CTRL + F to search for a keyword. A listing of resources that are available for Health Care Providers across the province, free of charge is available by clicking here. A.

Meningococcal Conjugate C (Men-C-C) Vaccine
Meningococcal Conjugate C (Men-C-C) Vaccine. Immunization is one of the most important accomplishments in public health that has, over the past 50 years, led to the elimination, containment and control of diseases that were once very common in Canada.1 Vaccines help your immune system to recognize and fight bacteria and viruses that cause disease.

Drinking Water Fact Sheets | Health | Province of Manitoba
Drinking Water Fact Sheets (Conservation and Climate) Manitoba has an abundance of good quality drinking water. However, under certain conditions, micro organisms (such as bacteria) and other elements may be introduced into the water. ... Boil Water Advisory Fact Sheet #1 – Boil Water Advisory For Manitoba Water System Users; Boil Water ...

Rent Assist Fact Sheet
You'll need to provide your income tax documents to be eligible. You cannot receive Rent Assist if you are also collecting Employment and Income Assistance (EIA) benefits. Your benefits will be determined by your income and median market rental rates. The maximum benefits available reflect 80 percent of the median market rent in Winnipeg.