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CDC Radiation Emergencies | Resource Library
Clinicians, Public Health Professionals, First Responders, Medical Examiners: How Potassium Iodide (KI) Works. ... Cesium-137 (Cs-137) plus icon. Radioisotope Brief; Toxicology FAQs; Cobalt-60 (Co-60) plus icon. Radioisotope Brief; Toxicological Profile; Toxicology FAQs; Iodine-131 (I-131) plus icon.

Cesium-137 (Cs-137)
Cesium-137 (Cs-137) Half-life: 30.17 years Beta particles: electrons ejected from the nucleus of a decaying atom. Although they can be stopped by a thin sheet of …

CDC Radiation Emergencies | Information for First Responders
Prenatal Radiation Exposure (brochure) To order copies that include this material and information on a medical response to nuclear/radiological terrorism and the role of public health in a nuclear/radiological incident, please send an e-mail to [email protected] or call 1-800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636); TTY: (888) 232-6348.

CDC Radiation Emergencies | Cesium-137 (Cs-137)
Information for Clinicians. Acute Radiation Syndrome: A Fact Sheet for Clinicians; Cutaneous Radiation Injury (CRI): A Fact Sheet for Clinicians; Radiation and Pregnancy: A Fact Sheet for Clinicians; Radiological Terrorism: Emergency Management Pocket Guide for Clinicians; Public Health Preparedness Capabilities; Toolkits; Resource Library ...

CDC Radiation Emergencies | Plutonium
Cesium-137 (Cs-137) plus icon. Radioisotope Brief; Toxicology FAQs; Cobalt-60 (Co-60) plus icon. Radioisotope Brief; Toxicological Profile; ... Guidance for Public Health Departments and Clinicians Caring for Individuals Who May Have Been Recently Exposed to Polonium-210; Strontium-90 (Sr-90) plus icon.

Cesium-137 contamination of river food webs in a gradient …
We examined the cesium-137 (137Cs) contamination of river food webs in a gradient of initial fallout deposition (net density estimates 2.5–3.5 months after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident in March 2011), in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. Litter, aquatic insects, and salmonid fish were collected in five headwater stream …

Radionuclide Basics: Cesium-137 | Radiation Protection
Cesium (chemical symbol Cs) is a soft, flexible, silvery-white metal that becomes liquid near room temperature, but easily bonds with chlorides to create a crystalline powder. The most common radioactive form of cesium is Cs-137. Cesium-137 is produced by nuclear fission fission The splitting of an atomic nucleus into at least two …

The Goiânia Tragedy: Cesium-137 and its Impact to the …
The worst radiation accident in South America occurred in the city of Goiânia in Goias, Brazil, on September 13th, 1987. An abandoned telegraph machine was dismantled by a junkyard owner unaware of its content (Green 2018). Inside the telegraph machine was an encased radioactive Cesium-137 (Cs-137) source, seen in Figure 1.

CDC Radiation Emergencies | Radioisotope Brief: Cesium-137 …
Information for Clinicians. Acute Radiation Syndrome: A Fact Sheet for Clinicians; Cutaneous Radiation Injury (CRI): A Fact Sheet for Clinicians; Radiation and …

Cesium-137 (Cs-137)
Cesium-137 (Cs-137) Half-life: 30.17 years Beta particles: electrons ejected from the nucleus of a decaying atom. Although they can be stopped by a thin sheet of aluminum, beta particles can penetrate the dead skin layer, potentially causing burns. They can pose a serious direct or external radiation threat and can be lethal

Cesium 137 | Encyclopedia
Cesium 137. A radioactive isotope of the metallic element cesium. Cesium-137 is one of the major products formed when uranium undergoes nuclear fission, as in a nuclear reactor or nuclear weapons.During atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons after World War II, cesium-137 was a source of major concern to health scientists.Researchers found that …

Césium 137 : provenance, origine et usage
Cet isotope radioactif du césium (Cs) est principalement produit dans les réacteurs nucléaires à partir de la fission des noyaux d'uranium 235 contenus dans les barres de combustible. La fission de ces noyaux crée des produits dits de fission secondaire comme le césium 137 au terme de réactions successives. D'après les experts, les ...

Radionuclide Basics: Cesium-137 | Radiation Protection | US …
Cesium (chemical symbol Cs) is a soft, flexible, silvery-white metal that becomes liquid near room temperature, but easily bonds with chlorides to create a crystalline powder. The most common radioactive form of cesium is Cs-137. Cesium-137 is produced by nuclear fission fission The splitting of an atomic nucleus into at least two …

Deposition and Dispersion of Radio‐Cesium Released due to …
The dispersion and deposition of radio-cesium (137 Cs) carried by two types (type A and type B) of water-insoluble Cs-bearing solid microparticles (CsMPs) released due to the Fukushima nuclear accident were simulated for the first time.The presence of type B CsMPs (70–400 μm found in soil and 1–5 μm found in air), associated with the …

Cesium-137: A Deadly Hazard
Cesium-137 is an especially dangerous fission product because of its high yield during fission, moderate half-life, high-energy decay pathway, and chemical reactivity. Because …

Radiozäsium (veraltet) Symbol: 137 Cs or 13755 Cs Mass number A: 137 (= number of nucleons) Atomic number Z: 55 (= number of protons) Neutrons N: 82 Isotopic mass: 136.9070893 (3) u ( atomic weight of Cesium-137) Nuclide mass: 136.8769194 u (calculated nuclear mass without electrons) Mass excess: -86.54576 MeV Mass defect: …

Determination, Separation and Application of 137 Cs: A Review
1. Introduction. 137 Cs (T½= 30.17 y) is among the most important hazardous radionuclides involved in radiological pollution to humans and the environment due to its long half-life and high fission yields [1,2]. 137 Cs, as one of more than 30 isotopes of cesium, is fission a product of 235 U, whose decay chain is shown in Figure 1 [3,4]. …

[PDF] Cesium-137: Radio-Chemistry, Fate, and Transport, Remediation
In recent years, considerable interest has arisen with regard to the fate and transport of radionuclides such as iodine-131 (131I), cesium-134 (134Cs), and cesium-137 (137Cs) in aquatic environments. 137Cs is an important indicator of radioactive pollution in aquatic environments. The transport and fate of anthropogenic 137Cs is related to the …

Tracking radioactive source recovery: New Cesium Irradiator …
Alternatives to cesium-137. Despite their many useful applications, inherent risk still exists with the use of radioactive materials such as cesium-137. These materials also could be used in a radiological dispersal device, or "dirty bomb." Fortunately, technology has progressed, and alternatives now exist that can irradiate blood to ...

Cesium-137: A Deadly Hazard
Cesium-137 is an especially dangerous fission product because of its high yield during fission, moderate half-life, high-energy decay pathway, and chemical reactivity. Because of these properties, cesium-137 is a major contributor to the total radiation released during nuclear accidents. Finally, a discussion of its practical applications is ...

Photodynamic Therapy Excited by Cerenkov Radiation from Cesium-137 …
In this study, we used a Cesium-137 irradiator as the high-energy γ-ray source to excite a photosensitizer, MPPa (Pyropheophorbide-a methyl ester), in cancer cells inside cell plates to establish the feasibility of the proposed approach. ... (1993) Quality of cancer registry data: a comparison of data provided by clinicians with those of ...

Joint Investigation Report
from the May 2, 2019 breach of a cesium-137 sealed source and resultant spread of contamination at the University of Washington (UW) Harborview Research and Training Facility (HRT). This was a joint investigation involving NNSA employees and Triad National Security, LLC (Triad) employees (as the Management and Operating [M&O] contractor, or

Hazardous isotopes: Cesium-137, Iodine-131, Strontium-90
Cesium-137. Cesium-137 arises as a cleavage product in the nuclear fission of uranium. Cesium-137 reacts further as a β - source to give barium-137. The barium-137 is generated in an excited state (what is referred to as "metastable"), but becomes stable after release of γ-radiation. Cesium-137 has a half-life of 30 years; for example, if ...

CDC Radiation Emergencies | Resource Library
Clinicians, Public Health Professionals, First responders, Medical examiners, coroners, funeral directors: Radioisotope Brief: Cesium-137 (Cs-137) A site with information on the radioactive isotope Cesium-137. CDC: Website: Clinicians, Public Health Professionals, First responders, Medical examiners, coroners, funeral directors

Cesium-137 – Wikipedie
Cesium-137 ( 137 55 Cs nebo 137 Cs) je radioizotop cesia, který vzniká jako jeden z hlavních produktů štěpení jader uranu-235 a jiných štěpitelných nuklidů v jaderných reaktorech a jaderných zbraních.Patří k nejproblematičtějším z produktů s krátkým až středním poločasem přeměny, jelikož se v přírodě snadno šíří díky dobré rozpustnosti …

Food Safety and Irradiation: Protecting the Public from …
Gamma irradiation technology uses high energy gamma rays that are emitted by radioactive Cobalt 60 or Cesium 137. These radioactive sources are produced in commercial nuclear reactors and have a long half-life that makes them useful for commercial installation. ... clinicians and laboratory workers, Atlanta: Centers for …

The safe disposal of Cesium: Xstrahl attends cesium-137 …
Cesium-137 is an isotope used in medical equipment such as in last generation radiotherapy systems or irradiators. Used in most countries around the world, with hundreds in the United States alone, the concerns over the dangerous radioactive isotope being used in a terrorist attack, and its safe and responsible disposable have …

Cesium_137 – Metropolis Records
Cesium_137 also worked on a few mixes at the infamous Studio Crash! with dance music guru and friend Dave Falciani. Each member of the associated team has a background in classical music study, and contemporary electronic music production, bringing a true understanding of song structure in each fold of the production process. ...

CDC Radiation Emergencies | Americium-241 (Am-241
Americium-241 (Am-241) Radioisotope Brief. The Basics. Questions & answers from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Sheltering in Place During a Radiation Emergency. FAQ About a Radiation Emergency. Last Reviewed: April 4, 2018. Source: National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH), Emergency Management, …

Cesium | Description, Symbol, Uses, & Facts | Britannica
cesium-137. cesium (Cs), chemical element of Group 1 (also called Group Ia) of the periodic table, the alkali metal group, and the first element to be discovered spectroscopically (1860), by German scientists Robert Bunsen and Gustav Kirchhoff, who named it for the unique blue lines of its spectrum (Latin caesius, "sky-blue").

Cesium-137: Radio-Chemistry, Fate, and Transport, Remediation…
Abstract. In recent years, considerable interest has arisen with regard to the fate and transport of radionuclides such as iodine-131 (131 I), cesium-134 (134 Cs), and cesium-137 (137 Cs) in aquatic environments.137 Cs is an important indicator of radioactive pollution in aquatic environments. The transport and fate of anthropogenic …

CDC Radiation Emergencies | Radioisotope Brief: Cesium-137 (Cs-137)
Information for Clinicians. Acute Radiation Syndrome: A Fact Sheet for Clinicians; Cutaneous Radiation Injury (CRI): A Fact Sheet for Clinicians; Radiation and Pregnancy: A Fact Sheet for Clinicians; Radiological Terrorism: Emergency Management Pocket Guide for Clinicians; Public Health Preparedness Capabilities; Toolkits; Resource Library ...

Cesium-131 Interstitial Brachytherapy for Recurrent …
1 Cesium-131 (Cs-131) is a radioactive isotope with favorable dosimetric properties for interstitial brachytherapy (IBT). The mean energy of Cs-131 is low and the half-life is 9.7 days, leading to a reduced exposure to the patient, treating providers, and families. ... Tumors of the skull base are particularly challenging for clinicians. The ...

CDC Radiation Emergencies | Cesium-137 (Cs-137)
Information for Clinicians. Acute Radiation Syndrome: A Fact Sheet for Clinicians; Cutaneous Radiation Injury (CRI): A Fact Sheet for Clinicians; Radiation and …

Reducing Risk in Our Global Community
to replace two Cs-137 irradiators with an X-ray irradiator and convert a Co-60 radiotherapy machine to a linear accelerator (LINAC). In addition to reducing radiological risks, UW–Madison clinicians report that the treatment they can deliver to their patients using the X-ray irradiator is an improvement over the treatments using cesium devices.

CDC Radiation Emergencies | Information for Clinicians
Information for Clinicians. Emergency services physicians and nurses will be among the first clinicians to see and treat victims of radiation emergencies. Clinicians of all specialties will be responsible for providing care and information to: Patients admitted to the hospital. Patients presenting for follow-up care. Concerned individuals.