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DupliM HDD Drive Demolisher Hard Disk Drive Destruction Destroyer Crusher
Destroys up to two 3.5" or 2.5" hard disk drives at a time by physically breaking the hard drive chasis and deforming the magnetic platters which hold data. Manually operated hydraulic pump, no power source is required. Designed for speed and safety. Destroying a hard drive takes less than 1 minute. Fully enclosed for safety and security while ...

Crunch 250 Hard Drive Destroyer | Verity Systems
Features. Fast destruction. Destroy drives in just 9 seconds. 250 full height and 500 laptop hard drives processing per hour. Multiple formats. SATA, PATA, SCSI, Fibre Channel, …

Hard Drive Destroyers and Hard Drive Crushing Machines
Hard Drive Destroyers are meant for the physical destruction of magnetic media drives. For a solid state drive destroyer, check out our ssd destruction page. Call us at ... PDS-100 HDD Destroyer/Crusher; PDS-75 HDD Destroyer/Crusher (888) 881-9000. info@protondata. 235 Peachtree St NE, STE 400 Atlanta, GA 30303. BECOME A …

HDD Demolisher Hard Disk Drive Destroyer Crusher …
The DupliM HDD Demolisher is rugged, simple to use, requires no electricity and is fully enclosed for safety. Simply insert up to two 3.5" or 2.5" hard drives at a time into the HDD Demolisher chamber …

Crunch 250
The PDS-100 Hard Drive Crusher elevates physical hard drive annihilation, advancing beyond the capabilities of the PDS-75 with its automated, motorized functionality. Just slide in the hard drive,... REG US: $6,345.00 $5,695.00. Choose Options. Hard Puncher 3.5"/2.5" HDD, SSD and Flash Media Destroyer ...

SEM 0101 Automatic Hard Drive Crusher
The SEM 0101 hard drive crusher is an ideal way to meet the destroy mandate as part of the DoD's Degauss and Destroy specification. the SEM Model 0101 Hard Drive Crusher delivers 12,000 pounds (or 490K PSI) of force to a conical punch causing catastrophic trauma to the hard drive chassis while destroying the internal platter at the touch of ...

DupliM HDD Drive Demolisher Hard Disk Drive Destruction Destroyer Crusher
The hand-operated hydraulic pump delivers enough force to mutilate a hard drive's chassis, puncture the magnetic platters, and permanently destroy the hard drive with little human effort required. Simply insert up to two 2.5" or 3.5" hard disk drives into the reinforced safety chamber, and engage the hydraulic pump to shatter the hard ...

PD-5 Physical Hard Drive Destroyer | Solid State Destroyer
At 72 pounds, the PD-5's all aluminum chassis, motor and main components make it the lightest hard drive destroyer available as well as completely recyclable. Features. Fastest NSA/CSS 9-12 compliant HDD destroyer on the market. Destroys SSD's, Flash and USB thumb drives*. 32 Character LCD display with counter. Crushes multiple drives at a time.

Explore Model 0101
The SEM Model 0101 NSA listed hard drive crusher is the world's top-selling hard drive crusher and an ideal way to meet the destroy mandate as part of the NSA's Degauss and Destroy specification. With a durability rating of 204 drives/hour, this hard drive crusher destroys all hard drives regardless of size, format, or type up to 1.85 ...

Model 0101 Hard Drive Crusher
Description. The Proton PDS-100 Hard Drive Crusher is NSA/CSS Evaluated and Listed for destruction. Handles all 3.5-inch Form Factor Drives including 1″, .65″, 1.65″ & …

Hard Drive Crusher • MediaVise Rackmount • Phiston …
Hard Drive Crusher: The MediaVise® Rackmount HDD Destroyer (MVR-HDD) is the first and only commercially available HDD destroyer that can be installed in a server rack. The MVR-HDD was designed for data center deployments utilizing between nine and twelve standard rack units. The MVR-HDD only takes up nine rack units.

intimus Crusher Hard Drive Solid State Media Destroyer
The Crusher is one of the fastest, lightest hard drive and solid-state media destroyer on the market. Bends, breaks, and mangles hard drives, including data platters and other internal components, eliminating the risk of data recovery. Destroys solid-state media, flash drives, USB thumb drives, and SSHD controller boards when used with optional ...

DX-8 Destruction Device
DX-8 Destruction Device. Designed for simple, quiet, and reliable operation, the DX-8 Destruction Device will thoroughly destroy any hard drive. Within seconds, a hard drive is crushed in a waffle-like pattern that breaks and shatters media platters inside the drive. The mangled remnants drop into your waste bin for easy recycling and disposal.

Crunch 250 Hard Drive Destroyer
The Crunch 250 Hard Drive Destroyer is the ultimate crusher for a wide range of businesses, law enforcement and government agencies looking to safely destroy data quickly and efficiently. With fast and powerful SSD and HDD destruction in less than 9 seconds, operators can dispose of high volumes of hard drives in a secure environment.

Model 0100 SSD/HDD Manual SSD and HDD Crusher
SEM's Model 0100 SSD/HDD manual crusher easily destroys both rotational hard drives and solid state boards. SSD kit includes wear plate and press plate for holding solid state boards. Manual operation makes crushing drives efficient and versatile. Up to three tons of crushing force is exerted on hard drives, and destruction time is five ...

PD-5 w/SSD-1 Solid State Media Destroyer | Hard Drive …
Select delivery location. See All Buying Options. PD-5 w/SSD-1 Solid State Media Destroyer | Hard Drive Crushing | Full-Spectrum Destruction. Brand: Garner. Search this page. …

Hard Drive Destroyer
Pure Leverage offers a portable and durable disk drive crusher that meets NSA requirements for destruction. It can crush desktop, laptop, server, tablet and cell phone drives without electricity, sharpening or parts …

Pure Leverage
The Disk Crusher is made of thick steel bar, laser cut parts and welded to make it heavy duty. It should last a lifetime under normal use and occasional grease lubrication. The Pure Leverage Disk Crusher has been reviewed by the NSA and meets the requirements for "Hard Drive Destruction". It does the job!

PDS-100 Proton Hard Drive Destruction | Hard Drive …
The PDS-100 Hard Drive Crusher takes physical hard drive destruction one step further than the PDS-75 by providing an automatic, motor driven operation. Simply insert the hard drive and sensors will automatically start an eight (8) second cycle. A unique feature of the PDS-100 is its ability to operate manually if power is ever interrupted or ...

Destroy Hard Drives with Crunch 250 Crusher
Hard drive destroyer and solid state drive crusher. 250 full height and 500 laptop hard drives per hour. 9 second cycle time. The Crunch 250 HDD crusher is a powerful and fast SSD and hard drive destroyer which renders a wide range of storage devices unusable. Simple and safe to operate, destruction of media is guaranteed.

eDR Solutions
Hard Disk Destruction. You've got sensitive information on a hard disk that requires decommissioning. Every day you hear more about identity theft, security compliance, and cyber criminals trying to obtain your private …

Hard Drive Crushing | Hard Disk Crusher | Destroying Hard …
This process safeguards the company and adds an extra layer of security and protection. For more information on Liquid Technology's hard drive crushing services call us today at 1-800-797-5478 or if you're ready to start the data destruction process, simply use our free online quote form and a representative will contact you promptly.

Hard Drive Crusher | Hard Disk Crusher | Destroying Hard Drives
This process safeguards the company and adds an extra layer of security and protection. For more information on Liquid Technology's hard drive crushing services call us today at 1-800-797-5478 or if you're ready to start the data destruction process, simply use.

Pure Leverage
Option 1: Drive Crusher + Small Device Adapter- $425 for both. DISK DRIVE CRUSHER + UNIVERSAL SMALL DEVICE ADAPTER. Get the Drive Crusher plus the Attachment for crushing small things such as; SSD Drives, 2.5" drives, tapes, thumb drives and Cell Phones. +. Both: Pure Leverage Crusher + Adapter DCV71 + DCA14. Enter: …

Crunch 250 Hard Drive Destroyer
Hard drive destroyer and solid state drive crusher. 250 full height and 500 laptop hard drives per hour. 9 second cycle time. The Crunch 250 HDD crusher is a powerful and fast SSD and hard drive destroyer which renders a wide range of storage devices unusable. Simple and safe to operate, destruction of media is guaranteed.

Proton PDS-100 Automatic Hard Drive Crusher
Features of the Proton PDS-100 Automatic Hard Drive Crusher. Compact, portable and rugged - perfect for deployment. Operates with or without power. Automatic operation - destroys hard drives in 10 seconds or less. Tested and approved by the NSA and DOD for hard drive destruction. Self-contained unit - no maintenance required.

Crushers & Destroyers | Physical Destruction …
Safety interlock prevents operation of the hard drive crusher while door is open. Emergency e-stop immediately halts operation when pressed. 1 year parts, 90 days labor warranty; The Model 0101 HDD "crusher" destroys …

SEM 0101 Hard Drive Crusher Replacement Anvil
Replacement Anvil for 0101 Hard Drive Crusher. Replacement Anvil. Works with both Model 0101 and Model 0100 Crushers. Anvil is replaceable by end user. Resources. Request a Quote. SEM Brochure.

Secure Data Destruction • Data Security • Phiston …
Degausser and hard drive crusher in one.Rack-mounted, compact, and portable for offices and data centers. The MediaVise® Rackmount Dual Sanitizer, or (MVR-DS) for short, is an innovative 2-in-1 hard drive …