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Recent progress on synthesis and structural aspects of rare …
Rare-earths in phosphate minerals in world comprises about 8 million metric tons of rare-earth oxide [10], [11], [12]. Rock phosphates of rare-earths occur with …

(La0.2Ce0.2Nd0.2Sm0.2Eu0.2)PO4: A high-entropy rare-earth phosphate
Therefore, in order to further reduce the thermal conductivity, a novel high-entropy rare-earth phosphate monazite (La 0.2 Ce 0.2 Nd 0.2 Sm 0.2 Eu 0.2)PO 4 was designed and synthesized in this work. The phase composition, microstructure, chemical compatibility, thermal expansion coefficient and thermal conductivity of this new type of …

Rare earth elements (REE) for the removal and recovery of phosphorus…
Rare earth element-based sorbents have also gained considerable attention in recent years for P removal as they have high affinity to bind phosphate over a wide pH range in solutions (Su et al., 2015; Liao et al., 2018; Tang et al., 2019) (Fig. 2, Fig. 3).

Review of Rare-Earth Phosphate Materials for Nuclear Waste
The rare-earth phosphate minerals are both compositionally and structurally diverse and can be found in nature as monazite [(Ce,La,Nd,Th,U)PO 4], xenotime [(Y,HREE,U,Th)PO 4; HREE = heavy rare-earth elements], fluorapatite …

Theoretical and experimental investigation of Xenotime …
rare earth phosphate Repo4, (Re = Lu, Yb, er, Y and Sc) for potential environmental barrier coating applications Jing Han, Yanfei Wang *, Rongjun Liu & fan Wan

Monazite: A rare-earth phosphate mineral.
Monazite is a rare phosphate mineral with a chemical composition of (Ce,La,Nd,Th) (PO 4,SiO 4 ). It usually occurs in small isolated grains, …

Masking Phosphate with Rare-Earth Elements Enables …
The values of K app between 1 and arsenate in the presence of rare-earth elements ranged from 3.2 × 10 4 M −1 in the case of Lu III to 5.1 × 10 4 M −1 in the case of Ce III (Table 2) and was ...

Roles of pH and phosphate in rare earth element biosorption …
Roles of pH and phosphate in rare earth element biosorption with living acidophilic microalgae. Environmental Biotechnology. Open access. Published: 14 …

Sulfuric acid baking and leaching of rare earth elements, …
Monazite, a rare earth and thorium bearing phosphate mineral, is one of the major minerals used for the production of rare earth elements.Although sulfuric acid baking is one of the main processing routes for extraction of rare earth elements from monazite, the chemistry involved is not well understood. In this study, a combination of chemical …

Leaching and recovery of phosphate and rare earth …
@article{Soltani2019LeachingAR, title={Leaching and recovery of phosphate and rare earth elements from an iron-rich fluorapatite concentrate: Part II: Selective leaching of calcium and phosphate and acid baking of the residue}, author={Faraz Soltani and Mahmoud Abdollahy and Jochen Petersen and Rahul Ram and Seyed Mohammad …

Calcium-Magnesium-Aluminosilicate (CMAS) corrosion …
Single phase high entropy rare-earth phosphate in a chemical formula of (Lu 0.2 Yb 0.2 Er 0.2 Y 0.2 Gd 0.2)PO 4 was synthesized via the chemical precipitation method, and its structure, CTE, thermal stability, and thermal conductivity were characterized. The CMAS resistance of ...

Rare earth (RE) doped phosphors and their emerging …
Rare earth activated oxide phosphors are cheap, environmentally sustainable and versatile materials, efficient in producing a broad range of desired color …

Raman Spectra of Rare‐Earth Phosphate Glasses
Raman spectra have been recorded for glasses in the binary systems CeO 2-P 2 O 5 and Pr 2 O 3-P 2 O 5.The cerium phosphate glasses were prepared having different concentrations of CeO 2 and the praseodymium phosphate glasses with different ratios of Pr 3+ to Pr 4+.The spectra indicate that both cerium and praseodymium enter the glass …

High-entropy rare earth phosphates (REPO4, RE = Ho, Tm, …
High-entropy rare earth phosphates (HE REPO 4, RE = Ho, Tm, Yb, Lu, Dy, Er and Y) with xenotime structure have been successfully synthesized and comprehensively characterized to evaluate their feasibility as thermal/environmental barrier coatings (T/EBCs) applied in SiC f /SiC ceramic matrix composites (SiC-CMCs). HE REPO 4 …

New Mineral Deposit Models for Gold, Phosphate Rare Earth …
Carbonatite and alkaline intrusive complexes, as well as their weathering products, are the primary sources of rare earth elements. A wide variety of other commodities have been exploited from carbonatites and alkaline igneous rocks including niobium, phosphate, titanium, vermiculite, barite, fluorite, copper, calcite, and zirconium.

Rare Earth Elements Distribution During Phosphoric Acid …
The wet process is the most commonly used worldwide for phosphoric acid (PA) production, in which phosphate rock (PR) is reacted with strong acid mainly sulfuric acid. This work aims on studying the rare earth elements (REEs) distribution during the production of phosphoric acid using different qualities of phosphate through various …

Fabrication and Characterization of New Phosphate Glasses …
Abstract: Rare earth doped phosphate glasses are attractive materials for the engineering of photonic devices, due to their easy processing, good thermal stability, excellent optical properties and high rare-earth ions solubility [1]. Besides, phosphate glasses with a P 2 O 5 content of 50 mol% have been shown to be suitable for fiber drawing. It is well known …

New era for Florida's phosphates? A source of rare earth …
A new era for Florida's phosphates: rare earth minerals for EVs instead of fertilizers. By Serra Sowers WUFT News. July 16, 2023 7:00 AM. A gypstack rises in Bartow, Fla., one of two dozen such ...

Local structures of rare earth phosphate minerals by NMR
31 P solid state NMR studies combined with DFT calculations were conducted over a chosen series of rare earth element phosphates (REEPO 4 s), selected on the basis of the size and magnetic properties of REEs (La, Sm, Lu and Yb). PXRD analysis revealed the presence of rhabdophane (La, Sm), monazite (La) and xenotime (Lu, Yb) phases of …

Crystal Chemistry and Stability of Hydrated Rare-Earth …
In order to understand the crystal chemical properties of hydrous rare-earth (RE) phosphates, REPO4,hyd, that form at ambient temperature, we have synthesized REPO4,hyd through the interaction of aqueous RE elements (REEs) with aqueous P at room temperature at pH < 6, where the precipitation of RE hydroxides does not occur, …

Migration and exchange of rare earth elements between phosphate …
Significant amounts of rare earth elements (REEs) and yttrium, together called REY, have been recently found to be extremely enriched in deep-sea sediments. ... In contrast, since the phosphate component can't fractionate REY (Sensarma et al., 2021), only limited amount of dissolved Ce 3+ diffused into phosphate phase, resulting in …

The production of rare earth elements group via tributyl phosphate …
Apatite, which contains an average of 0.1–0.8% of rare earth oxides, is the main source of phosphate fertilizers and phosphoric acid (Li et al., 2006). Nitric, sulfuric, and hydrochloric acids have been used as leaching agents for the extraction of rare earth elements from apatite.

The mineral monazite, a uranium- and thorium-rich phosphate of a rare-earth element (REE), is a common accessory mineral in a variety of felsic igneous rocks and is a common trace constituent in many metamorphic rocks, particularly metapelites. Because of its high uranium and thorium content, and fairly low common lead content, it has often ...

Leaching Kinetics of Rare Earth Elements in Phosphoric Acid …
Phosphate rock has been considered as one of the most significant secondary rare-earth resource, and the utilization of rare earth elements (REEs) in phosphate rock has attracted increasing attention. In this study, the leaching kinetics of REEs from a phosphate ore from China was studied with the variation of temperature …

Review on rare earth metals doped LaPO4 for
Mainly, the rare earth ions doped with Lanthanum phosphate depends on the physical parameters such as growth mechanism, particle size, morphology and dope proportion [19]. The luminescent ions doped with LaPO 4 …

A novel process for the separation and recovery of phosphorus and rare
The associated rare earth phosphate ore was tested using X-ray fluorescence, and the results are shown in Table 1. The main chemical composition of the raw material was CaO, P 2 O 5, MgO, and SiO 2, of which the P 2 O 5 content was 25.52 %, and the MgO content was 8.13 % (>1%). Hence, the raw material used was a high-calcium and magnesium …

Norway to supply rare earth elements
Some of the phosphate rock used in the fertilizer production comes from Finland, where Yara owns a mine, and some comes from other parts of the world. On average, the phosphate rock contains between 0.3 and 1 percent rare earth elements. In full production, Yara expects to extract 3,000 tonnes of rare earth elements per year.