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The purpose of this program is to review the Safe blasting procedures for shotfirers in underground bituminous coal mines. Covers 29 CFR Part 1910 - General Industry, 29 …

Evolution of Explosives in Mining | PPT
Presented during Short Term Course on "Recent Rock Blasting Trends In Mining Operation" held on 13-15 April, 2017 at iCEM, Ahmedabad, India Read less. Read more. Engineering. ... Blasting accessories (EM113) ... UNIT-1 PPT.pptCS 3492 DBMS UNIT 1 to 5 overview Unit 1 slides including purpo...

blasting accessories in mining ppt
blasting accessories in mining ppt T19:03:49+00:00 Blasting accessories (EM113) Blasting accessories (EM113) EM 113 Drilling and Blasting subject presentation Read more Mk Blanco License Mining Engineer Follow 5 Comments 4 Likes Statistics Notes Full Name Comment goes here 12 hours ago Delete Reply Block blasting 1 …

In shafts withhazardous gas and dust conditions, shortdelay blasting makes possible the firing of an entire set of blast holes in one stage instead of several, with instantaneous …

Blasting inprovement techniques | PPT
Oct 19, 2013 •. 8 likes • 4,254 views. Krishna Deo Prasad. Business. 1 of 33. Download Now. Download to read offline. Blasting inprovement techniques - Download as a PDF or view online for free.

JAn 203 1 of 21 Surface Blasting Safety Procedures
oitted to Ecellence in Mining Safety Last odi˜ed: Pge: JAn 203 1 of 21 HSLP MANUAL surfac Blasti safet Procedures MODULE 12 (CONT.) Surface Blasting …

Training on safe handling of explosives | PPT
Prevention of personnel and equipment from falling over the edge 2. The site geology and stability of the face. 3. Access to the blast site for drill rig, delivery of stemming, explosives delivery vehicles, bulk …

Principles of Surface Rock Drilling for Excavation
1. Principles of Rock Drilling Drilling for Excavation by Blasting This reference edition deals with surface rock drilling used for the purpose of excavating rock by means of blasting. Other types of drilling, …

Drilling and Blasting – Courseware :: Centurion University
CO1 Explain the blasting accessories and drilling methods PO1 (2), PO2(1) ... Elements of mining technology By D.J.Deshmukh. Session Plan. Session 1. LECTURE: Types of explosives, their composition and properties, classification ... blasting accessories.ppt. blasting.ppt. Session 6. LECTURE: exploders WEB LINKS: exploder.ppt. Session 7.

Opencast mining overview | PPT
Opencast mining, also called open-pit or open-cut mining, involves removing mineral resources from the earth through large pits or holes dug on the surface. It has advantages like high coal extraction …

Mining Engineering
Mining Engineering; NOC:Drilling and Blasting Technology (Video) Syllabus; ... Explosives accessories-1: Download Verified; 19: Lecture 19 : Explosives accessories-2: Download ... Verified; 24: Lecture 24 : Basics of blasting-1: Download Verified; 25: Lecture 25 : Basics of blasting-2: Download Verified; 26: Lecture 26 : Explosive storage and ...

Mining Engineering
Mining Engineering; NOC:Drilling and Blasting Technology (Video) Syllabus; ... Explosives accessories-1: Download Verified; 19: Lecture 19 : Explosives accessories-2: …

Propagation of Ground Vibrations Due to Explosives | PPT …
We referred to this as the safety zone of environmental effects as far as "How much explosives could be safely initiated in the area without having adverse effects on the surrounding areas. The two areas of focus were air-blast and ground vibrations. The first phase—this study—was to find the parameters for completing the model from the ...

Optimized design of drilling and blasting operations in open …
1. Introduction. Mining activity is mostly represented by these four main operations: drilling, blasting, loading and hauling. For a proper mine planning and design, all of these operations need to be carefully planned in such a manner that can prevent extra loads such as operating costs, environmental footprints, etc. Amongst these operations, …

ROCK BLASTING FOR MINING. Prof. A. Balasubramanian. Centre for Advanced Studies in Earth Science. University of Mysore. Mysore-6. Objectives: You are all aware that Mining is a major econom ic ...

Drilling And Blasting PowerPoint PPT Presentations
Drilling and Blasting 6. Heavy Mining Equipment suppliers 7. Pipe fitting 8.OB Removal 9.Dredging 10. Bauxite Mining 11. Underground Mining 12. Iron Ore Mining Extraction BGR Mining all the above services providing overall India mainly services in Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Odisha, Jharkhand, Telangana, Tamilnadu and Chhattisgarh.

Explosive initiative devices | PPT
Explosive Initiative devices By Ankur. EXPLOSIVES • Brief Introduction. Initiation Systems Some form of. Electric detonators It. Nonel system. Relay connectors Relay connectors. Exploders Exploders or blasting. THANK YOU Submitted to. Explosive initiative devices - Download as a PDF or view online for free.

Blasting concepts | PPT
Q4-PPT-Arts9_Lesson 1 (History of Theatrical Forms and Evolution) (1).pptx. ... BLASTING ACCESSORIES 4. SELECTION OF EXPLOSIVES 5. DESIGN OF BLAST PATTERN – INFLUENCING PARAMETERS 6. ... Current / Future Status of Surface Mining ii. Importance of Blasting in Opencast mines iii. Search for Better …

Underground Mining Methods and Indian Mining …
1. 1 MI 31003 Underground Metal Mining Methods Lecture Notes K.UMAMAHESHWAR RAO Chapter 1 Salient features of Indian Mining Industry 1. The major contributors of mineral in the country are: …

Free Mining Industry PowerPoint Templates And Google …
Free Mining Industry Presentation Templates. Dig up stunning presentations with FREE mining industry PowerPoint templates and Google Slides themes! Show off shiny minerals, illustrate your powerful machinery, and map out your brilliant plans with eye-catching designs. Easy to use and entirely editable slides!

Blasting | Rock Fragmentation, Drilling & Explosives
blasting, process of reducing a solid body, such as rock, to fragments by using an explosive. Conventional blasting operations include (1) drilling holes, (2) placing a charge and detonator in each hole, (3) detonating the charge, and (4) clearing away the broken material. Upon detonation, the chemical energy in the explosive is liberated, and ...

Drilling and blasting powerpoint 2003 | PPT
22. PROCESS OF BLASTING 1.The blast holes are made and cleaned by using the tools. 2.The charge of explosive placed at the bottom. 3.Remaining portion is filled with clay and tamped. 4.Fuse is …

Blasting Accessories
Incitec Pivot Limited is an industrial chemicals manufacturer, supplying the agriculture and mining industries. Visit Incitec Pivot Limited Incitec Pivot Fertilisers plays a leading role in the manufacture and supply of fertiliser to farmers in …

Short delay blasting involves detonating explosive charges in a specified sequence over milliseconds to increase blast efficiency. It allows for a free face for subsequent charges and increases rock fragmentation. Short delay blasting is used with delay detonators arranged in single or multi-row patterns. Examples of typical …

blasting accessories in mining ppt
Nov 19, 2013· blasting 1. blasting most basic unit operation of any mining activity 2. objective • rock is blasted either to break in to smaller pieces such as in most mining and quarrying operations or large blocks for dimensional stone mining and some civil engineering application, or to create space.

Blasting concepts (1) | PPT
Sequential Blasting Machine It has been developed by research Energy of Ohio. It is a solid state condenser discharge blasting machine that can initiate up to 10 individual blasting circuits in a sequence. With programmable time intervals between circuit can be adjusted from 1 ms to 999 ms. Accessories-Extension cable, Terminal board, …

AMIT 129: Lesson 7 Mine Explosives and Blasting – Mining …
Fly rock consists of pieces of rock blown from the shot area by the explosive force. This rock can be lethal because of its, weight and velocity of travel. Flyrock is also caused by a blowout. When a blast hole is not drilled deep enough into the rock, the explosive force blows the rock out into the drift or work area.

Applicability of Controlled Blasting in Large Opencast …
The blast induced ground vibration also needs to be controlled as large amount of explosives were detonated in the dragline benches. Normal dragline blast of Jayant opencast project consists of detonation of 3-8 rows involving 16-70 blastholes in a round. Controlled blasting technique, line drilling was planned and line drill holes of 20 …

Modern Blasting Agents for Mining Explosives | PPT
Modern Blasting Agents for Mining Explosives. May 3, 2010 •. 54 likes • 41,720 views. AI-enhanced title. partha sharma. AN being oxygen positive, is often used as oxygen supplier in addition to being an explosive base. It forms the explosive base in ANFO (Ammonium Nitrate – Fuel Oil) explosives,which are now widely used. Read more.

Blasting | PPT
blasting - download as a pdf or view online for free. 2. objective • rock is blasted either to break in to smaller pieces such as in most mining and quarrying operations or large blocks for dimensional stone mining and some civil engineering application, or to create space. • in mining and quarrying operation, the main objective …

AMIT 129: Lesson 7 Mine Explosives and Blasting – …
Blasting is the process of breaking rocks into small pieces by use of explosives. Types of Explosives: Explosives based on chemical nature. Explosives based on availability. The most important responsibility of the …

blasting accessories in mining ppt
Blasting Accessories In Mining Ppt Apart from blast furnace proper blast furnace section includes many other accessories 1raw materials storage and handling 2gas cleaning system and gas storage 3hot blast supplying equipment consisting of turbo blowers and Cowper stoves for preheating the air 4liquid product disposal and handling 5pulverised ...

Controlled Blasting Techniques.pptx
The technique selected is dependent on the nature of the project or end use of the rock face, geology, drilling equipment available and associated cost. Some common controlled blasting techniques are_ Line Drilling Pre-splitting Cushion Blasting Smooth Blasting Air-Decking, and muffle Blasting. The techniques most commonly used to …

Underground mining | PPT
Lecture-10-Mineral-Resources-and-Mining-s.ppt KrizellaKateMagdarao ... • Room and Pillar Mining Method. • Blasting Gallery Mining Method. • Coal skimming Mining Method . 9. In order to access underground ore minerals removal of overburden is required which can be done in any of these three ways : 1. Vertical Shaft 2. Decline (or) …

Optimization of blasting parameters in opencast mine with …
Blasting has been one of the most important contributors of mining since the start of mineral extraction and excavation. Along with fragmentation of the rocks, blasting also produces an excess of energy in the form of heat and vibration. Due to the spread of the vibration, the surrounding environment gets affected. Therefore, this paper …

Latest Advancement in Drilling-Blasting & Rock
Blast induced vibration is one of the key environmental concerns for blast designers. Design of controlled blasting pattern needs to restrict blast vibration within statutory limits stipulated by ...

Rock Blasting Technique -Mining Engineering Department Rock Blasting
Drilling and blasting are fundamental operations in the mining cycle and constitute an important component of the mining costs. Rock fragmentation can in principle be managed by means of two options: by increasing or reducing the specific consumption of explosives, or by modifying the drilling pattern.

Mining Engineering PPT Template & Google Slides …
Our Mining Engineering template can help you effectively communicate the key concepts and principles of mining engineering, whether you're presenting to students, professionals, or investors. This slide contains 16:9 and 4:3 format. It is easy to change the slide colors quickly. The best PowerPoint theme template.

Applicability of Controlled Blasting in Large …
Abstract: This paper deals with the controlled blasting techniques implemented to control over-breaks, blast induced blast vibration and to aid in the stability to the rock mass of highwall at Jayant …