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Remediation Opportunities for Arsenic-Contaminated Gold Mine …
Arsenic is toxic to plants; therefore, it is vital to assess soil amendments and their ability to reduce toxicity, enhance plant growth, and improve soil conditions. ... Arsenic (As)-contaminated gold mine waste is a global problem and poses a significant risk to the ecosystem and community (e.g., carcinogenic, toxicity). Arsenic concentrations ...

Evaluation of various chemical extraction methods to estimate plant …
Arsenic analysis in soil and plant samplesArsenic in soil samples collected from mining soils and control area was determined by both Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy method (when the XRF arsenic detection limit permits As analysis in soil samples).

Native Plants for Revegetation of Mercury- and Arsenic …
The objective of this study was to investigate if native rapid-growing plants could be successfully germinated in mercury (Hg) and arsenic (As) contaminated legacy mine tailings, both untreated and treated with a low dose of sodium selenite (Na 2 SeO 3) to promote growth and decrease bioaccumulation of contaminants.

Arsenic in Mining Areas: Environmental Contamination Routes
The aim of this work is to evaluate the routes and effects of arsenic contamination in environmental compartments (air, water, and soil) and environmental …

Arsenic distribution in soils and plants of an arsenic …
Abstract. A mining area affected by the abandoned exploitation of an arsenical tungsten deposit was studied in order to assess its arsenic pollution level and the feasibility of native plants for being used in phytoremediation approaches. Soil and plant samples were collected at different distances from the polluting sources and analysed for ...

A methodological approach to evaluate arsenic speciation …
Highlights Terrestrial plants from abandoned mine sites accumulated extremely high arsenic contents in their tissues. A new method achieved quantitatively extraction of arsenic species from highly polluted plants without alteration of original speciation. Inorganic arsenic species, mainly As (V), were predominant, regardless the …

Arsenic Toxicity: Where is Arsenic Found? | Environmental …
Arsenic is released into the air by volcanoes, through weathering of arsenic-containing minerals and ores, and by commercial or industrial processes. Arsenic occurs naturally in the earth's crust, and much of its dispersion in the environment stems from mining and commercial uses. In industry, arsenic is a byproduct of the smelting process ...

Arsenic and iron speciation and mobilization during
The direct influence of plant roots on arsenic speciation is also important to consider. We previously showed (Hammond et al., 2018) that whereas ferrihydrite-bound As (V) species predominated in the initial bulk mine tailings, the rhizosphere speciation of arsenic was distinctly different.

Consequences of Arsenic Contamination on Plants and …
Plants can also be affected by As through stunted roots, withered leaves, reductions in photosynthetic pigment, yellowing of leaves, and reduced chlorophyll (Chl), thus affecting plant metabolism [31,32]. Arsenic levels are typically modest in plants growing in natural soil (3.6 mg kg −1) . Most plants are harmed by As at greater …

Arsenic contamination, speciation, toxicity and defense strategies …
Arsenic exists in both organic and inorganic species and generates toxicity responses in the environment. The available form of As for the plant uptake is As III, As v, MMA and DMA; this section deals with the uptake mechanism of these available form As in plants.. Arsenite; As III uptake – Arsenite presented predominantly as a neutral molecule …

Arsenic distribution in soils and plants of an arsenic …
A mining area affected by the abandoned exploitation of an arsenical tungsten deposit was studied in order to assess its arsenic pollution level and the feasibility of native plants for being used in phytoremediation approaches. Soil and plant samples were collected at different distances from the polluting sources and analysed for their As …

Arsenic Hazards to Humans, Plants, and Animals from Gold Mining …
Summary. Arsenic sources to the biosphere associated with gold mining include waste soil and rocks, residual water from ore concentrations, roasting of some types of gold-containing ores to remove sulfur and sulfur oxides, and bacterially enhanced leaching. Arsenic concentrations near gold mining operations are elevated in abiotic …

Arsenic in Mining Areas: Environmental Contamination Routes
The aim of this work is to evaluate the routes and effects of arsenic contamination in environmental compartments (air, water, and soil) and environmental organisms (fish and vegetables) from mining regions as well as the trophic transfer of the element for a risk assessment of the population. In this study, high levels of arsenic were …

National Institute of Environmental Health …
Arsenic is a naturally occurring element that is widely distributed in the Earth's crust. It is found in water, air, food, and soil. Exposure to arsenic affects human health. ... Contamination from …

Arsenic Removal from Mining Effluents Using Plant
Arsenic Removal from Mining Effluents Using Plant- Mediated, Green-Synthesized Iron Nanoparticles Pari Karimi 1, Sepideh Javanshir 1, *, Mohammad Hossein Sayadi 2 and Hoda Arabyarmohammadi 3

Arsenic hazards to humans, plants, and animals from gold mining
Arsenic sources to the biosphere associated with gold mining include waste soil and rocks, residual water from ore concentrations, roasting of some types of gold-containing ores to remove sulfur and sulfur oxides, and bacterially-enhanced leaching. Arsenic concentrations near gold mining operations were elevated in abiotic materials and biota: maximum total …

Arsenic and Your Health fact sheet
Contamination from mining and fracking, coal-fired power plants, arsenic-treated lumber, and arsenic-containing pesticides also contributes to increased . levels of arsenic in certain locations. PO Box 12233 • Research Triangle Park, NC 27709. Phone: 919-541-3345 • https://niehs.nih.gov. October 2023. National Institutes of Health

The Fate of Arsenic in Soil-Plant Systems | SpringerLink
The stimulation of oxidative stress, associated with the accumulation of arsenic in plants, has been shown to occur in both cultivated plants ... (2008) Evaluation of various chemical extraction methods to estimate. Plant-available arsenic in mine soils. Chemosphere 70:1459–1467. CAS Google Scholar Atker K, Naidu R (2006) Arsenic …

Arsenic hazards to humans, plants, and animals from gold mining
Gold miners had a number of arsenic-associated health problems, including excess mortality from cancer of the lung, stomach, and respiratory tract. Miners and schoolchildren in the vicinity of gold mining activities had elevated urine arsenic of 25.7 microg/L (range, 2.2-106.0 microg/L). Of the total population at this location, 20% showed ...

Arsenic distribution in soils and plants of an arsenic
A mining area affected by the abandoned exploitation of an arsenical tungsten deposit was studied in order to assess its arsenic pollution level and the feasibility of native plants for being used in phytoremediation approaches. Soil and plant samples were collected at different distances from the p …

Arsenic in Gold Mining Wastes: An Environmental and …
Arsenic poses an environmental and human health threat to people in gold mining communities in Ghana. Over the years, limited studies have documented the sources and occurrence of As from gold mining spoils (Table 4.1 ), and these studies have mainly focused on the southwestern mining region of the country.

Arsenic in Gold Mining Wastes: An Environmental and …
We provide an overview of arsenic (As) from gold mining spoils, tailings disposal sites, and mining degraded soils and propose sustainable soil remediation …

Arsenic Removal from Mining Effluents Using Plant …
Arsenic contamination in industrial and mining effluents has always been a serious concern. Recently, nano-sized iron particles have been proven effective in sorptive removal of arsenic, because ...

Evaluation of various chemical extraction methods to estimate plant
Elevated levels of bioavailable As in mining soils, agricultural areas and human habitats may cause potential toxicity to human health, plants and microbe. Therefore, it is essential to determine proper soil chemical extraction method in order to estimate plant-available As in mining soils and prote …

The availabilities of arsenic and cadmium in rice paddy fields …
1. Introduction. Due to rapid urbanization, mining, metal processing, and applications of fertilizers and sewage sludge, the pollution of heavy metals and metalloids in soils occurs widely, especially arsenic (As) and cadmium (Cd) pollution in paddy soils (Yamaguchi et al., 2011, Wang et al., 2014).As a result, rice grown in these contaminated …

Arsenic-transforming microbes and their role in biomining …
In this review, we examine the microbial dissolution of arsenic-bearing minerals as a side effect of biomining processes, with special emphasis on (1) the …

This Fern Is Absorbing Arsenic, Copper From Toxic Mining …
arsenic mining philippines plants positive news public health toxics. Filipino scientists have discovered what might be the next big indigenous plant material for rehabilitating a mining site teeming with copper and arsenic — and it's a largely ignored local fern.Published in the peer-reviewed journal Chemosphere, the study by a group of ...

Evaluation of arsenic in soils and plant uptake using various …
The aims of this study were to assess arsenic concentrations and solubility in soils, and its uptake by plant species growing in an area strongly affected by mining activities in Murcia (SE, Spain) paying attention to the mineralogical composition of the soils and the relation of the same with the bioavailability of this element.. For this, extractions …

Uranium and arsenic accumulation in plants: the impact of …
The focus of my study is to examine the impacts of abandoned uranium mines on the Navajo Nation by quantifying the levels of uranium and arsenic present in the plant community that are near or around the abandoned mines. The motivation behind this project comes from the concern of livestock owners and community members of Cove Arizona, …

Mining: Production and Control of Arsenic
The reported world production of arsenic was 59,000 tons in 2021 Arsenic is used in a variety of applications, as a preservative for pressure treating of lumber; as a strengthening agent … See more