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Coal Composition
To begin with, the chemical composition of coal is analyzed by proximate and ultimate analyses (ASTM, 1993 ). Proximate analysis determines by using set procedures regarding moisture, volatile matter, fixed carbon, and ash content ( Figure 5.21 ). Proximate analysis is reported by percent on as-received, moisture-free, and moist- and ash-free ...

(PDF) Study on the Use of Coal Bottom Ash as a Raw
This indicates that, in terms of the silica content, coal ash can be used as a substitute for clay . On the other hand, the presence of Fe 2 O 3, a compound related to the formation of hematite, can

Thermal effect on fluorine emission in coal and clay minerals …
The fluorine in coal mainly exists as inorganic mineral form (i.e., fluorapatite, kaolinite, montmorillonite and fluorite) (Liu 2009).Fluorapatite was considered to be the most important mineral containing with fluorine in coal (Godbeer and Swaine 1987; Demir et al. 1998; Qi et al. 2003).Figure 9 shows that there is a linear relationship between fluorine …

Influence of clay mineral content on mechanical properties …
Clay mineral content has an important influence on the mechanical behaviour of tailings, and this mechanical behaviour significantly affects the stability of tailings dams. X-ray fluorescence (XRF ...

Geology of the Fire Clay Coal in Part of the Eastern …
The Fire Clay coal generally contains 0.8 to 1.2 percent sulfur, with a mean of 1.0 ± 0.2 percent in areas where the coal is mined. Areas of greater than. 1.2 percent sulfur occur in the Hoskinston quadrangle and near the northeast–southwest trend of total coal thinning in the Hyden East quadrangle (Fig. 6).

The effect of clay slimes on coal flotation, part I: The nature …
Fuel oil improves coal recovery in the presence of clay slimes, but the ash and pyrite content of the floated coal also increases. AB - The role of slimes in coal flotation has been the subject of controversy in the literature, and the present study is designed to determine the effect of the nature of the clay on coal flotation.

Rare Earth and Critical Element Chemistry of the Volcanic
The illitic clay, presumed to have been a terrigenous depositional event, is an influence on the REE chemistry of the coal underlying the tonstein, with the coal below the illitic clay having a lower REE content than coal directly underlying the ash-fall tonstein (Fig. 2c) (Hower et al., 1999, 2020). Weathering of the tonstein preferentially ...

Characterization studies on coal gangue for sustainable …
The specific gravity values (Gs) ranged from 1.98 to 2.52 for 0.425 mm and 4.75 mm passing fractions, respectively. The relatively lower Gs value for coal gangue compared to normal soils (sands and silts) is due to lower iron (FeO) content and the presence of hollow cenospheres similar to that exhibited for typical fly ashes [4, 9]. Gs …

Energies | Free Full-Text | Influence of Clay Content on CO2 …
The injection of carbon dioxide (CO2) is an essential technology for maximizing the potential of hydrocarbon reservoirs while reducing the impact of greenhouse gases. However, because of the complexity of this injection, there will be many different chemical reactions between the formation fluids and the rock minerals. This is related to …

Moisture in Coal
Moisture content is an important parameter in coal analysis. It is needed for determining the calorific (heating) value and handling properties of a coal. The moisture value given for a proximate analysis is …

Coal Characteristics
Coal is composed of macerals, discrete minerals, inorganic elements held molecularly by the organic matter, and water and gases contained in submi- croscopic pores. Organically, coal consists primarily of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, and lesser amounts of sulfur and nitrogen.

Circular 891
The curve of the neutron log records high readings adjacent to permeable fluid-filled rocks because of their high hydrogen contents, but it also records high adjacent to a coal bed …

Characteristics of Dust in Coal Mines in Central North China …
The average content of Mn in the dust is five times that in the coal, and the content of Mn in the dust has the highest value of 153.6 μg/g in LTS and the lowest value of 38.6 μg/g in DY. However, the content of Mn in the …

Effects of clay species on coal flotation under the cationic regulation
Clay minerals could deteriorate the coal flotation efficiency and target index slime coating [13], [14], [15], mechanical entrainment [14], [15], [16], etc., thus leading to low flotation recovery and bad concentrate grade. Because of the adverse effects of clay minerals on coal flotation, many researchers have carried out the targeted work to ...

Occurrence of Minerals in Coal and Its Geological …
The content of clay minerals with different forms of occurrence varies significantly among the three kinds of coal. The content of dispersing and banded clay minerals in YQ9-BC, GZ9-DC, and GZ9-SD was the highest. The YQ9-SB and GZ9-BC were mainly massive clay minerals, while the YQ15-BC was mainly banded clay minerals. In clean coal, only …

Study on the failure mechanism of clay layer overlying thin …
The water-blocking property of clay at the bottom of the Cenozoic overburden is an important factor for mining safety and protecting underground latent water resources in thin bedrock coal seam mining. The failure mechanism of such a clay is studied based on the actual engineering background of the uan Coal Mine. The …

Fracture Characteristics of Overlying Bedrock and Clay
Some of the coal deposits in the northwest region of China are at relatively shallow depths, covered by a thin layer of bedrock and a thick layer of wind-blown sand. We studied the mechanics and permeability of a clay aquiclude by X-ray diffraction and triaxial loading tests and the fracturing of the overlying bedrock and aquiclude in physical …

(PDF) Effects of Normal Stress and Clay Content on the …
Effects of Normal Stress and Clay Content on the Frictional Properties of Reservoir Rocks Under Fully Saturated Conditions January 2018 DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-0113-1_25

Effects of water content on mechanical failure behaviors of …
The coal samples had low saturated water content because of poor porosity and few clay minerals (illite and kaolinite). The uniaxial compressive strength, elastic …

normal clay content on coal
احصل على normal clay content on coal السعر WhatsApp Coal Wikipedia Coal is a combustible black or brownishblack sedimentary rock, formed as rock strata called coal is mostly carbon with variable amounts of other elements; chiefly hydrogen, sulfur, oxygen, and nitrogen.

A study on the mechanical behaviour of three different …
Fig. 1 shows the dry density versus gravimetric moisture content plots for CT, RM, and GT. The CT sample has the highest OMC and lowest MDD because of the presence of the highest percentages of clay minerals and clay-sized particles (Zhang and Frederick, 2017).The MDD of the gold tailings (≈ 1651 kg/m 3) was higher than that of the …

Clay mineral content, type, and their effects on pore throat …
(A) Clay mineral content vs. porosity; (B) Clay mineral content vs. permeability. Download : Download high-res image (620KB) Download : Download full-size image; Fig. 14. Relationships of single clay mineral content and porosity and permeability, showing the effects that clay mineral types on the properties of tight sandstone reservoirs.

Effects of Normal Stress and Clay Content on the Frictional …
The critical slip displacement as a function of clay content under different normal stresses. The red rhombuses represent the average value of D c and the blue circles illustrate the distribution of D c with a certain clay …

Swelling characteristics and permeability evolution of …
The compositions and contents of the minerals and clay minerals are summarized in Table 2, Table 3. The ash content of the coal samples was 18.68%. The …

Dynamic tensile properties, deformation, and failure testing …
Disc coal samples with different water content were tested using the split Hopkinson press bar test system. Their dynamic tensile failure process was monitored via an ultra-high-speed digital ...

Coupled Effects of Moisture Content and Inherent Clay
The results showed that the natural moisture content of III811 coal seam in Luling coal mine is low, and it contains a large amount of kaolinite (75.2%) belonging to …

The role of clay content and mineral surface area for soil …
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Coupled Effects of Moisture Content and Inherent …
WEBInjecting water into a coal seam to enhance the cohesive strength of coal and thus minimize and reduce the coal wall spalling risk …