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A critical review of the successful CFC phase-out versus the …
Potential impacts of imposing methyl bromide phaseout on US strawberry growers: A case study of a nomination for a critical use exemption under the Montreal Protocol. Journal of Environmental Management, 75 (2), 167–176.

Bromide ion | Br- | CID 259
Bromide is a halide anion and a monoatomic bromine. It is a conjugate base of a hydrogen bromide. In nature, bromine is most abundant as a bromide ion. Physiologically, it exists as an ion in the body. A bromide is a chemical compound containing a bromide ion or ligand. Bromide compounds, especially potassium …

BROMIDE Definition & Meaning | Dictionary
Bromide definition: a salt of hydrobromic acid consisting of two elements, one of which is bromine, as sodium bromide, NaBr. See examples of BROMIDE used in a sentence.

Methyl Bromide Phase-Out Strategies
implementing measures to promote the phase out of the ozone depleting pesticide methyl bromide. By focusing specifically on policy measures, this document addresses a need …

Chemical Nematicides for Control of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes …
Following the methyl bromide phaseout initiated in January 2005 under the provisions of the U.S. Clean Air Act and the Montreal Protocol due to its ozone depletion effects, attention has focused on the application of other chemistries for the short-term management of nematodes.

Federal Register :: Protection of Stratospheric Ozone: The …
Since this rule exempts methyl bromide for approved critical uses after the phaseout date of January 1, 2005, this is a de-regulatory action which will confer a benefit to users of methyl bromide. EPA believes the estimated de-regulatory value for users of methyl bromide is between $20 million and $30 million annually.

Chemical fact sheets: Bromide
Chapter 12 of the Guidelines for drinking-water Quality (GDWQ) includes fact sheets on chemical contaminants, based on comprehensive review documents published by WHO. These fact sheets summarize the information on occurrence and health effects of the chemicals covered, presenting guideline values where these have been …

The U.S. Department of Agriculture and trade groups say a phaseout of methyl bromide in 2005 will place U.S. farmers at an economic disadvantage in the short term because developing countries do ...

A Post‐Phaseout Retrospective Reassessment of the Global Methyl Bromide …
Methyl bromide is an ozone-depleting gas for which production is globally controlled under the fully amended and adjusted Montreal Protocol. As a result, atmospheric methyl bromide levels have declined dramatically since 1999 as measured by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Global Monitoring Laboratory flask air network.

Exemptions to the Phaseout | US EPA
Exemptions to the Phaseout. Certain ozone-depleting substances (. ODS. ) used in specific applications are exempt from the phaseout rules and schedules. Authorized exemptions under the. Montreal Protocol. include: Methyl bromide for certain agricultural uses. "Essential uses" in metered-dose inhalers for treatment of asthma and …

Pesticides: The Phaseout of Methyl Bromide in the United …
GAO provided information on the phaseout of methyl bromide in the United States, focusing on the: (1) scientific evidence that emissions of methyl bromide are depleting the ozone layer; (2) availability of economical and effective alternatives to the pesticide; (3) effects of banning the pesticide on U.S. trade in agricultural commodities; …

The Accelerated Phaseout of Class I Ozone-Depleting Substances
On February 11, 1992, the United States announced that it would consider the possible need to phase out methyl bromide. Starting in 1994, the United States froze the production and consumption at 1991 levels. In revisions made to the Clean Air Act in 1998, the United States conformed its phaseout of methyl bromide to the Montreal …

Applications for Critical Use Exemptions of Methyl Bromide
Application for Critical Use Exemption of Methyl Bromide for Pre Plant Use in the United States (pdf) (2.9 ) Application for Critical Use Exemption of Methyl Bromide for Post Harvest Use in the United States (pdf) (503.6 KB) Contact Us to ask a question, provide feedback, or report a problem. Last updated on May 31, 2023.

A Post‐Phaseout Retrospective Reassessment of the …
stratospheric ozone. Methyl bromide is considered an ozone depleting substance and a multiyear phase-out was initiated in 1999 under the Copenhagen Amendments and subsequent Adjustments to the Montreal Protocol. Global industrial production of methyl bromide declined from over 70 Gg y−1 in 1995 to roughly 10 Gg y−1 in 2018 (UNEP, …

Background on Methyl Bromide phase out | Sustainable …
Methyl bromide is a broad-spectrum fumigant that is widely used to control insect, pathogen, nematode, weed and rodent pests. Approximately 90% of the methyl bromide use in California is for pre-plant soil fumigation to control soil-borne pathogens and pests principally in strawberries, nursery crops, grapes, and tree fruits and nuts. …

Methyl Bromide and the Montreal Protocol
The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer requires a phase out of methyl bromide for applications other than quarantine and pre-shipment purposes by January 2005. Methyl bromide is a chemical used to fumigate soil before planting and for post-harvest treatment and structural fumigation. It is extremely effective but is also …

A success story and its challenges
Methyl bromide phase-out has come a long way in developing countries and it is expected that developing countries will be able to make the transition for the remaining uses smoothly and in time for the 2015 deadline. However, it is always theoretically possible to return to using after implementing alternatives. As long as QPS uses are ...

What is Bromide and how is it affecting my …
Bromide exposure could be one of the culprits. Besides being an iodine blocker, other side effects of too much bromide include: Premature births and birth defects, because of its effect on iodine …

All Issues
2016 marked the year of the final phaseout of methyl bromide for use in strawberry production. During the long phaseout period, one replacement fumigant met so much public opposition it was taken off the market, while restrictions on use of other fumigants increased. As part of a larger study on the challenges facing the strawberry …

Methyl Bromide Phase-Out Strategies
Methyl Bromide Phase-Out Strategies. 5-1. AFRICA. In 1996, Africa's use of methyl bromide was approximately 25% of use among Article 5(1) countries, and just over 6% of global consumption. Most use in the region is concentrated in a handful of countries, including Morocco, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Egypt and Kenya.

The phase-out of methyl bromide | UNIDO
UNIDO's "Toolkit for sustainable compliance with the methyl bromide phase-out" aims to facilitate key stakeholders as well as other parties involved in this area in the process of …

Global Phaseout of Methyl Bromide Under the Montreal …
The Montreal Protocol has been very effective in reducing the consumption of the major ozone depleting chemical, methyl bromide (), and represents an excellent model for future phaseout of other environmentally damaging products, such as those involved with climate change.

NPTN General Fact Sheets are designed to answer …
$ Methyl bromide is a colorless, non-flammable gas that has no odor except at high levels (4). $ Methyl bromide use is currently being reduced because of its ability to destroy the ozone layer (5). Beginning January 1, 2005, production and use of methyl bromide will stop in the United States, except for emergency and critical uses (5).

Exemptions to the Phaseout of Ozone-Depleting Substances
There have been several exemptions to the phaseout of the production and import of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) under the Clean Air Act. Learn more about them by following the links below. Methyl Bromide. Learn about critical use exemptions to the phaseout of methyl bromide, a fumigant used agricultural goods and commodities.

Bromide | chemical compound | Britannica
A simple anion (obtained from a single atom) is named by taking the root of the parent element's name and adding the suffix -ide. Thus, the F − ion is called fluoride, Br − is called bromide, S 2− is called sulfide, and so on. The following examples illustrate the nomenclature rules for binary ionic compounds: compound.

Lessons from the Montreal Protocol delay in phasing out methyl bromide …
The Montreal Protocol is the most successful global environmental agreement in history and a shining example of a current generation taking extraordinary precaution in avoiding environmental impacts to future generations. The delayed methyl bromide phaseout, however, alerts us to serious problems that can arise—even in this …

A bromide is a common saying or proverb that is obvious and not that helpful, like "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." SKIP TO CONTENT. Learn; Dictionary; Vocabulary Lists; ... methyl bromide. a poisonous gas or liquid (CH3Br) used to fumigate rodents, worms, etc. silver bromide.

The phase-out of methyl bromide | UNIDO
For decades, methyl bromide has been used as the fumigant of choice in intensive agriculture around the world as well as in the storage treatment of perishable goods and commodities. However, due to its high ozone-depleting potential, in 1992, methyl bromide was included among the Ozone Depleting Substances under the Montreal Protocol. …

The Accelerated Phaseout of Class I Ozone-Depleting …
On February 11, 1992, the United States announced that it would consider the possible need to phase out methyl bromide. Starting in 1994, the United States froze the production and consumption at 1991 levels. In revisions made to the Clean Air Act in 1998, the United States conformed its phaseout of methyl bromide to the Montreal Protocol …

Methyl Bromide | Phaseout of Ozone-Depleting Substances …
The Phaseout of Methyl Bromide. The amount of methyl bromide produced or imported was reduced incrementally until it was phased out on January 1, 2005. Certain uses of methyl bromide are exempt from this phaseout. These include: Critical uses; Quarantine and preshipment uses; Methyl Bromide Alternatives

Lessons from the Montreal Protocol delay in phasing out methyl bromide …
The delayed methyl bromide phaseout, however, alerts us to serious problems that can arise—even in this extraordinary agreement—when actors are allowed to place profit and political concerns over precautionary ones. This is not to say that ozone layer protection is anti-profit for participating companies, governments, and scientific …

Methyl Bromide | US EPA
The amount of methyl bromide produced or imported was reduced incrementally until it was phased out on January 1, 2005.Certain uses of methyl bromide are exempt from this phaseout. These include: 1. Critical uses 2. Quarantine and preshipment uses