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Wirerod mill order for Novorossiysk ‹ Danieli
Novorossiysk Rolling Plant company awarded Danieli with the order for a new wirerod mill plant, to be installed in Shakhty, Rostov Region, Russia. The new plant will be erected in a greenfield area and produce 600,000 tpy of coils, as smooth rounds, from 5.5 to 16-mm-dia and hot/quenched rebar from 6 to 12-mm dia.

India's Rungta Mines orders Danieli high-speed bar mills
India-based Rungta Mines has contracted Danieli to supply two new high-speed bar mills to be installed in the Chaliyama industrial area, Jharkhand, the technology supplier informs Kallanish. The two new wire rod mills are scheduled to start operations in the September quarter of 2024, the technological supplier adds.

Excellent startup for Pittini's Acciaierie di Verona new high
It features all Danieli latest technologies for best OpEx and quality consistency. The new high-speed wire rod mill of Acciaierie di Verona (Pittini Group) produced the first coil 19 months after the contract signature. The timely start-up and the following hot-test period of 7 weeks, during which 25,000 tons of finished wirerod in quality have ...

Bar and wire rod mills
Reliable of rolling wire rod from 4.5 to 27 mm diameter at a constant speed of 120 m/s (design 140 m/s), entry temperature of 750 °C, product tolerances up to ±0.10 on Ø 5.5 mm and up to 60 % ovality. From 2 to 10 stand-design depending on rolling technology and finished size, total flexibility in roll pass design.

Wire Rod Rolling Mill at Best Price in India
Wire Rod Mill. ₹ 62,000/ Piece Get Latest Price. Material: Mild Steel. Drive: 1/2HP motor coupled to Reduction Gearbox And 3 step pulley. Electric Supply: Single phase, 220 V AC, 1 kW. Floor area: 1.5 x 1m. Length: 350mm. Revolution Counter: Mechanical type.

Danieli Supplying New H3 Wire Rod Mill To Tsingshan …
Based on the customer's request and due to the excellent performances of the existing wire rod line, also supplied by Danieli, the new project will include a 10-stand wire rod block suitable for soft reduction, a related pinch roll, and the latest version of the proven (and patented), high-tech variable inclination angle loop laying head.

wire rod mill
The mill will roll 150 x 150 billets into 5.5- to 16-mm wire rod and deformed wire rod in coils weighing up to 2.1 metric tons. Depending on customer requirements, Danieli notes that its H3 mills operate at over 100 m/sec.

Danieli to supply two more mills to India's Rungta Mines
12.08.2023 - 16:00. Italian equipment manufacturer Danieli will supply two high-speed rebar and wire rod rolling mills to the Indian company Rungta Mines. The equipment will be …

Vietnam's Hoa Phat Hai Dong Steel to install new wire rod mill
Italian plantmaker Danieli has announced that it has signed two contracts with Vietnam-based Hoa Phat Hai Dong Steel, a subsidiary of Vietnamese Hoa Phat Group, for new long-product rolling projects to be installed at Kinh Mon Steel Complex in Vietnam.The first contract concerns a new wire rod rolling line, while the second …

Van Merksteijn to Build New Steel Wire Rod Mill in
The estimated investment is EUR 300 million. January 24, 2022. Netherlands-based wire products supplier Van Merksteijn International (VMI) has announced its plans to build a new Greenfield steel wire rod plant in the country by 2024. Previously, VMI had attempted to start the construction of a new integrated wire rod mill …

Products › Long › Bar and Section Mills High-production
Danieli Multiproduct rolling mills: Over 200 sizes produced in a single rolling mill in bars, light sections and coils. Direct contact info.dmh@danieli. ... Head and tail trimming at 120 m/s of 4.5÷32-mm-dia wire rod. K-SPOOL. The heaviest, the fastest, the winning combination to produce 8 ton spooled coil while rolling in endless mode.

Danieli supplies new SBQ mill to Tata Steel Long Products
Italian plantmaker Danieli has announced that it will supply SBQ (special quality bar) and wire rod mill to India-based Tata Steel Long Products Limited to be installed in Jamshedpur, the first planned industrial city in India.The new mill will roll 150x150, 200x200 and 240x200 mm square billets into finished 20-90 mm round bars …

4 Hi Reversing Breakdown and Finishing Mills for Brass Rolling – Ordinance Factory, Ambernath; 2 Hi Experimental rolling mill – Indian Oil Corporation, Faridabad; 600 mm Hot Strip Mill – Rajinder Steel Ltd., Raipur; Light and medium merchant mill – RINL, Visakhapatnam; 4 Strand wire rod mill - RINL, Visakhapatnam

Rungta Mines orders two more new, high-speed bar & wirerod mills
Rungta Mines Limited selected again Danieli technology and reliability for the supply of two new, high-speed bar and wirerod mills to be installed at Dhenkanal and Kamanda Steel plants in the state of Odisha, India. The mills will produce total 1 million tpy of rebar from 8 to 40-mm-dia in bundles, and wirerod from 5.5 to 20 mm dia in coils of ...

News & events ‹ Danieli
News & events. In this section you will find all the latest news of the Danieli Group. Hopefully you will find what you are looking for, but if we can help please don't hesitate to contact us. Latest News. Service News. Academy …

Products › Long › H³
The H 3 High-speed wire rod and bar-in-coil rolling mills are designed for the production of 4.5 to 27-mm-dia. wire rod and 12 to 62-mm bar in coil at speeds up to 25 m/sec and coils up to 4 ton weight.

Wirerod mill modernization at Baotou Steel, China ‹ Danieli
Danieli four-pass, high-speed finishing block technology. Baotou Steel Group Co. Ltd. in China selected Danieli to modernize its 600,000-tpy wirerod mill. The key equipment to be supplied will be a new, four-pass TMB high-speed finishing block to produce smooth-wire from 4.5 to 26 mm diameter, and rebar-wire from 6 to 16 mm diameter at a ...

Wire Rod Mill
The certification has been awarded for the production and supply of 5.5 mm to 22 mm diameter wire rod coil and 8 mm to 10 mm diameter TMT bar. September 1, 2017 The state-of-the-art wire rod mill at IISCO Steel Plant has received ISO 9001:2015 certification for its quality management.....

coil and wire rod mill Our solution The wire rod mill incorporates an 8-stand Morgan Vee No-Twist Mill, along with Morgan Vee Mini-Block pre-finishing mills, Morgan Water Boxes, a Morgan Reducing/Sizing Mill and Morgan High Speed Laying Head. Technical data 110 m/s maximum finishing speeds, 160 tph, plain rod from 5.5 – 26.0 mm, plain carbon,

Gillanders Arbuthnot & Co. Ltd., Kolkata, India
150 TPH Walking Beam type Reheating Furnace for Wire Rod Mill in IISCO Steel Plant, Burnpur. ... MICCO as Consortium Partner of Danieli India and Danieli Italy and have successfully executed the project for supply of Structural Mill in RINL Vizag Steel Plant where M/s Micco have supplied entire pipeline for water, gas, hydraulics and ...

Automation and electrical systems support and services . Processes & technologies. Ironmaking and steelmaking; Flat products; Long products

Products › Customer Service › Morgårdshammar Guide Systems Danieli
Danieli Morgårdshammar signifies reliability and innovation in guiding technology. /116. Since 1944 when Mr. Erik Norlindh patented the first roller guide for MH Sweden, Morgårdshammar has been the front-runner in this field. Our top-quality products position Danieli with Morgårdshammar the worldwide leaders for guide supplies.

Productivity record at Rajhi Steel bar and wirerod mill ‹ Danieli
The Danieli bar and wirerod mill at Rajhi Steel, KSA, produced 101,036 tons of finished product during March 2020, and 286,312 tons during Q1 2020. Supplied by Danieli in 2010, the Rajhi Steel long-product minimill is designed to produce 1 Mtpy of deformed bars, 10 to 40-mm-dia, and plain/deformed wirerod 5.5 to 16-mm-dia, in low-, medium- and ...

Danieli morgårDshammar to proDuce qualitY coils at the
1-Mtpy wire rod mill for 5 to 20-mm-dia wire rod for deep-drawing purposes, welding wire and weldable grades for reinforced concrete ... Long product rolling mills 126.6 mps world record speed reached in a 10-stand DWB for 5.5-mm-dia carbon steel 110-mps high-speed wire rod line for superior-quality

Mittal Corp establishes mill with technology from Danieli
This state-of-the-art mill is capable of producing 1.2 m tons of bar and wire rod annually. Rated the most advanced in India, the mill was established with state-of-the-art technology from Danieli Morgardshammar, Italy. Team Wire & Cable India interacted with Mr. Ramesh Mittal, Chairman, Mittal Corp Limited during Wire South East Asia ...

Riva Group modernizes their four-strand wire rod mill
The latest and most recent intervention for Riva Group is the modernization of the four-strand wirerod mill at Riva BES – Brandenburger Elektrostahlwerke, Germany, through the supply and installation of four laying heads and pinch rolls, supplied at one time. The upgraded mill comprises four rolling lines to produce up to 270 tph of low ...

Steel News
8/9/2023 - The company announced today it has been tapped to supply two new, high-speed bar and wire rod mills for Rungta Mines' sites in the Dhenkanal and Kamanda …

Sund Birsta Will Modernize Wire Rod Coil Handling
The two-strand wire rod mill supplied by Danieli in 2005 has been operating continuously with good results and now, after more than 10 years of production, MMK finds it necessary to add a second compactor to its handling system. The original compactor from Sund Birsta has been performing very well, processing all the finished produtcs from the ...

Danieli Morgardshammar
Two-pipe rotor to produce 4.5 to 27 mm dia top-quality wire rod at any time for any material K-SPOOL The heaviest, the fastest, the winning combination to produce 8 ton spooled coil while rolling in endless mode

Rungta Mines Contracts Danieli for 2 High-Speed Bar & Wire …
Rungta Mines Limited selected again Danieli technology and reliability for the supply of two new, high-speed bar and wirerod mills to be installed at Dhenkanal and Kamanda Steel …

Wire Rods and Wire Rod Mills – IspatGuru
In the wire rod mills, it is normal to use rolls with grooves. Common groove sequences in the intermediate mills are 'square oval' and 'false round (round) oval'. It is also widespread to use 'diamond-square', …

DANIELI Germany is moving its headquarters to …
The entire DANIELI Germany team wishes you happy holidays and Read more. Read more. 2023, 21 November ... 2023, 11 May News; Riva Group modernizes their four-strand wire rod mill. Again, Riva Group trusted DANIELI technologies for its long-product rolling Read more. Read more. 2023, 5 May News; New 2.1 million tons per year …