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Koro TopDrain 1000 Sales & Service | Australia
The KORO® TOPDRAIN® 1000 sand slitting machine cuts two slits in the ground 1m apart, removes the spoil via the conveyor system, back fills the two 40mm slits with sand and compacts the sand drainage slits …

Focus on sand slit drainage | SportsField Management
Sand slit drainage is a common practice for drainage on native soil fields. HERE is a great article from Ohio State on the history of sand slit drainage. Is this a type of drainage for your athletic field? By Jamie Mehringer, @JamieMehringer. Share this: Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)

Understanding Sports Pitch Drainage — Turfdry
In cases where functional, but inadequately spaced primary drainage systems exist, secondary drainage solutions such as sand-slitting (typically 300mm x 50mm excavated trenches filled with sand-over-gravel) or sand-banding (non-excavated slits at fixed 260mm centres, injected with sand) may prove effective in encouraging surface water that ...

We have a range of specialist drainage machinery and huge expertise in trenching, pipe installation, verti-draining and lateral drainage. ... Sand slitting or sand banding are both secondary drainage methods. Sand slitting is achieved with the use of specialist trenchers that insert slits or trenches into the soil. They can be 50 to 75mm wide ...

Sports Turf Solutions: The SandMaster
The SandMaster is a one-pass aerator and slit drainage machine that allows the use of wet or dry sand, gravel or other soil amendments. The SandMaster is accompanied by the Verti-Quake, …

Exploding the myths about sports turf drainage | Pitchcare
Exploding the myths about sports turf drainage. Gordon JaabackJul 26, 2012in Consultancy. A number of factors contribute to the success in a sports pitch drainage programme. Installing and maintaining a system is an expensive undertaking. A complete system, incorporating slit drainage and sand dressing, can amount to in the …

Slit Drainage | Pitchcare
Under Drainage. Water in slit drains takes time to move laterally. The bigger the slits and the better the backfill, the quicker and farther the water moves. Also, the shorter the distance to the discharge points, the greater the drainage rate that is provided. Discharge is normally into the backfill over pipe drains.

A guide to Sportsturf Drainage Techniques for Golf …
Sand Slitting. One of the commonest systems has been sand slitting or slit trench drainage. This consists of 50mm wide gravel / sand filled trenches spaced one to …

SAND BANDING | Total Turf Care
Sand Banding. Sand banding or slitting is the process of installing sand trenches at approximately 50mm wide x 200mm deep at 1-2m centres across the sports ground. These trenches are normally installed in conjunction with sub-soil ag-pipe drains. The sand bands then link in with the ag-pipe drain network to remove the water from the playing ...

A guide to Sportsturf Drainage Techniques for Sports …
Sand Slitting One of the commonest systems has been sand slitting or slit trench drainage. This consists of 50mm wide gravel/sand filled trenches installed using a Supertrencher, spaced one to two metres apart. They are typically 250mm deep, backfilled with 100mm of gravel, and topped off with 150mm of coarse sand.

Stec Groundquake Sand Injector – Martyn's …
The Ground Quake Sand Injector is unrivalled in quality, engineering and output. With one person, one tractor, and the Ground Quake Sand Injector you can quickly and easily de-compact and sand slit in one pass. …

Turf Drainage Systems Ltd.: Slit Drainage
This system is a network of trenches, using small diameter perforated pipes and sand to drain away excess water from surface and sub-surface. Projects are surveyed, carefully designed and installed using an …

Sports Field Drainage
Koro Top Drain. The Koro Top Drain is a unique multifunctional machine that trenches, removes spoil, injects sand and re-compacts all in one operation. It is designed for sports field drainage and golf course …

Football Pitch (Sand-Gravel Slit) Construction Specification
28 Stratford Office Village, Walker Avenue, Wolverton Mill East, Milton Keynes, MK12 5TW

The LDCA Guide to sportsturf drainage | Pitchcare
Drainage pipe should be laid on a pre- formed trench bed, and backfilled as specified using machinery specifically designed to place backfill into the trench without spillage of the backfill onto the surface. ... Secondary drainage, such as sand slitting or banding, may be added to a primary piped drainage system to increase surface ...

Turf Drainage Systems Ltd.: Slit Drainage
When installing a Slit Drainage System, we "buzz" out a trench 12" to 24" deep, The machine is laser controlled for accurate grade, the spoils are loaded and hauled away and a 1 1/2 " or 2" drainage pipe laid in behind. The trench is then backfilled with a coarse sand. A 3" wide sand filled channel is all that is visible.

KORO® Top Drain
KORO® by IMANTS Top Drain® 1000 Complete one-pass surface drainage system. The TopDrain 1000 is a unique multifunctional machine that trenches, removes spoil, injects sand and re-compacts all in one …

Secondary Drainage – Aussie Drain
Sand Slitting. Sandslits are narrow trenches of 50mm – 100mm wide, 250mm – 350mm deep at 1 – 2 metre spacings crossing the Primary Drainage system. The sandslits are backfilled with ~50mm of granular backfill and topped up with a freedraining sand. Sand slits enable surface water to drain into the Primary Drainage system faster.

Agricultural Land Drainage Trencher | Land Drainage Machinery
An AFT Sandbander machine is ideal for this type of situation as it is used for sand-slitting in areas of the ground that are vulnerable. The drainage for the damaged areas was instantly improved, and the water could visually be sees to dissipate. The AFT Sandbander is a new revolutionary way that sand-slits are created on sports surfaces.

Design and operational considerations for the use of mole …
Reducing mole-drain-spacing from 1.5 to 1.0 m significantly reduced t 10 from 90 to 30 days. Secondary slitting parallel to the mole-drain direction significantly reduced t 10 from 90 days to 32 days at 1.5 m and from 100 to 66 days at 2.0 m spacing. There was no significant effect of secondary slitting on t 10 at 1.0 m.

Cricket Drainage | Chappelow Sports Turf
Typical secondary drainage operations include sand slitting and gravel/sand banding among others. With a number of Blec Sandmasters in our fleet of machinery, Chappelow Sports Turf is able to relieve compaction and create drainage channels which it fills with sand in one pass; ideal for rejuvenating secondary drainage systems.

Football Pitch (Sand-Gravel Slit) Construction Specification
13. Apply a sandy-soil (Material Specification - C) to a firmed depth of 75mm over the blinding sand. 14. The depth of gravel, blinding sand and sandy-soil will be to a tolerance of ±10mm. (D) Sand-Gravel Slits. 1. Excavate the Sand-Gravel Slits to the following dimensions: Width: Minimum = 50mm, Maximum = 55mm, Depth: Minimum 250mm; 2.

Primary & Secondary | Chappelow Sports Turf
We use our own specialist machinery and equipment, all of which are fitted with low ground pressure tyres specifically for these operations to ensure minimal compaction to playing surfaces. ... Typical secondary drainage operations include sand slitting and gravel/sand banding among others. If you'd like to discuss your next project with us ...

Turfdry specialise in the design and installation of quality drainage systems for sports pitches, golf courses and amenity areas. Turfdry's drainage services include site surveys (with full GPS survey facilities), drainage design, and the installation of a wide range of drainage systems including conventional plastic pipe drainage schemes; secondary …

Our history | Sheltons Drainage
Shelton Gravel Band Drainage Shelton System 25 Shelton System 25 with 25mm dia. pipes; Developing 25mm wide trenching for secondary drainage systems. The first wheel digging specialist sports turf drainage machine (Shelton Supertrencher Mk1) in production, enabling sand slitting in 50mm wide trenches.

Randwick Racecourse Sand Grooving
During November 2019 we completed the sand grooving works required on the Course Proper at Royal Randwick Racecourse. The total area of works was 8.7ha (87,000m2), at a depth of 125mm, and was completed in twelve days. Sand grooving is method of cutting 125mm deep, and 20mm wide trenches, 200mm apart, and filling with washed drainage …

Sand-Banding Turf Services
Sand-Banding. Sand-banding is the ideal secondary drainage system, designed to work with existing lateral drains. Sand-banding provides rapid surface drainage and is ideal for areas prone to waterlogging. Our machines create slits at 250mm centres, 140-200mm deep, 10-15mm wide, which are then filled to the surface with sand.