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Estimation of TiO2-FeO-Na2O slag viscosity through …
Since slag ing is directly related to the slag viscosity 19, the abrupt increase in viscosity; that is the lack of slag fluidity, caused sudden and massive slag ing during the ilmenite ...

The FFC Cambridge process and its relevance to valorisation of ilmenite
Selected recent innovations are then introduced towards more efficient cathode design and practices. Finally, the prospects of the FFC Cambridge process are discussed for processing the ilmenite ore and the so-called titanium-rich slag to produce Fe–Ti alloys and its commercial potential in the future titanium industry.

High pressure grinding rolls (HPGR)
The two rotating rollers generate such a high pressure that it grinds the feed material to the desired smaller grain size. 's high pressure grinding rolls are known as HRC™. They come in many sizes depending on your …

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Preparation of synthetic rutile from reduced ilmenite …
The dissolution of iron in the hydrochloric acid leach of titania slag obtained from plasma melt separation of metalized ilmenite ... In comparison to unpretreated ilmenite pellets, the ones with HPGR pretreatment showed a significant reduction of 7.649 kJ/mol in the apparent reaction activation energy during the solid-state reduction process ...

Energies | Free Full-Text | An Energy Efficient Advanced
The present research aims to analyze the comminution behavior of ferrochrome slag using high-pressure grinding rolls. The laboratory bench scale high-pressure grinding rolls were used to study the three significant variables on the grinding efficiency of ferrochrome slag. The Central Composite Design was used to study the …

Morphological Characterization Of Titania Slag Obtained …
Srikant et al. 13 carried out investigations with microwave heating of low grade ilmenite sample for up to 60 min to produce titanium product in the form of titania slag with low rich grade of 76.5%.

High Pressure Grinding Rolls (HPGR)
– Three HPGR units (2x2.65 MW each) Mine Operations Using HPGR • Anglo Platinum, Mogalakwene Platinum Mine, South Africa – 2.2 m Dia x 1.6 m wide, 5.6 MW (2x2.8), processing 2,400 tph . Projects Adanac Moly Corporation Ruby Creek Project, Feasibility Study 20,000 tpd Moly Ore

Slag-refractory interactions during the smelting of ilmenite
A typical ilmenite slag consists of 54% TiO2, 34% Ti2O3, and 10% FeO, the balance being minor impurities (Garbers-Graig and Pistorius, 2006). This composition lies on the eutectic point therefore ...

Improving the production efficiency of high …
To manage these factors, flux addition in ilmenite slag was investigated. There are previous studies for the effect of flux additives on …

HPGR. HPGR or high-pressure grinding rolls have made broad advances into nonferrous metal mining. The technology is now widely viewed as a primary milling alternative, and there arc a number of large installations commissioned in recent years. After these developments, an HPGR based circuit configuration would often be the base …

Titanium Slag Production Process: Technologies To Improve …
Titanium slag is obtained from ilmenite concentrates. Ilmenite is a natural mineral containing up to 52.8% titanium in terms of titanium dioxide. Ilmenite is an association of titanium oxide with iron. Therefore, the first production stage aims to separate titanium dioxide from iron oxides. Ilmenite concentrate is reduced in ore-thermal ...

How HPGRs compare to conventional milling | Weir
Other points of comparison between HPGR and mills. In addition to their reduction qualities, High Pressure Grinding Rolls have a few less-important advantages over conventional mills. For example, they occupy less physical space compared to most ball and rod circuits, and vibrate comparatively little thus requiring less supports.

Our Dynamic HPGR Technology for Mineral Grinding | Weir
Where HPGR technology has replaced traditional methods of crushing and grinding (e.g. SAG or ball mills), it has: Provided excellent throughput capacity and energy efficiency. Decreased energy consumption by up to 40%. Substantially reduced water consumption. Reduced recirculation and wear within crushing and grinding circuits.

polycom® HPGR
In the cement industry, high-pressure grinding rolls have proven their worth - not least due to their low energy requirements - and have been used worldwide for decades for grinding cement raw material, cement clinker, and granulated blastfurnace slag. The efficiency of the polycom® HPGR is outstanding! Compared to a roller mill, it can save up to 20 percent …

Mechanism of strengthening consolidation and reduction of …
This represented a reduction of 7.649 kJ/mol compared to untreated ilmenite. While HPGR technology improved the kinetic conditions of ilmenite reduction, it did not alter the controlling mechanism of the reduction reaction. The reduction process …

Titanium Slag Project Update
The titanium slag project started in early 2013. Construction was completed in mid-2014 and started to operate in September of the same year. Until March 2015 over 20,000 tonnes of qualified titanium slag has been produced, as well as 14,000 tonnes of reduced ilmenite. Henan Billions has received a positive response from users of both titanium ...

Slag – Refractory Interactions During Ilmenite Smelting
The interaction of four types of commonly used refractories (i.e., burned magnesite brick, magnesia carbon brick, corundum castable, and SiC castable) with slag formed in the smelting of titanium (wt. [TiO2] = 80%) in an electric furnace at the Panzhihuan Iron and Steel plant was studied. Erosion of refractories by titanium slag …

hpgr ilmenite slag
Home hpgr ilmenite slag - lowis.frHPGR High Pressure Grinding Rolls Mills To Grind Barite Made In The Usa - Mode Design Berlin - barium high pressure grinding rolls HPGR technology as an alternative to crushers and mills HPGR technology is a qualified alternative for large-scale comminution circuits and is becoming increasingly popular.

High-Titanium Slag Preparation Process by Carbothermic
As the titanium industry rapidly develops, low-grade ilmenite resources are drawing global attention. The direct use of low-grade ilmenite can result in low …

Phase equilibrium studies of titanomagnetite and ilmenite
The phase equilibrium information of slag plays an important role in pyrometallurgical processes to obtain optimum fluxing conditions and operating temperatures. The …

An overview of the Namakwa Sands ilmenite smelting …
The smelting process comprises the carbonaceous reduction of ilmenite to produce titania slag with a TiO2 content of 86%, and iron with a carbon content of 2.5%. The Namakwa Sands smelter, situated near the Saldanha Bay harbour, commenced smelting operations in 1994, when a 25 MW DC-arc furnace was commissioned.

Enhanced reduction of ilmenite ore by pre-oxidation in
Introduction. With the depletion of natural rutile, ilmenite ore (FeTiO 3) becomes the most important resource for the production of titanium metal (Ti) and Ti-based compounds [1,2].In the industry, the ilmenite is usually reduced to form metallic iron and titanium slag [[3], [4], [5]], in which Ti is enriched for the subsequent intensified sulfating …

Analysis of Ilmenite Slag Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy …
Ilmenite smelting is a reduction process in which the FeO in ilmenite is reduced to Fe, giving a titanium-rich slag on top of pure pig iron [].Slags analysis is of great importance in ilmenite smelting as the slag contains the titanium oxide and the pure pig iron is the by-product [2,3].The slag composition is checked during the process to see …

A Novel Process for Preparing High-Strength Pellets of Ilmenite …
The addition of Na2CO3 to the ilmenite concentrate enhances the carbothermic reduction by promoting the gasification of C and fluxing the slag phase, lowering its melting point and increasing ...

Minerals, slags, and other feedstock for the production of …
The production of raw titanium metal relies on natural and man-made feed materials, including natural rutile, titanium dioxide slags of different grades ("chloride slag," UGS, and "sulfate slag"), and synthetic rutile. Natural rutile was the feedstock of choice at the early years of the Kroll process, but nowadays it comes in limited ...

Pellet feed grinding by HPGR
The experiments confirmed that HPGR technology significantly increased the specific surface area of particles within the ilmenite pellets, thereby enhancing the bonding between particles. This, in turn, facilitated a more thorough oxidation reaction during the roasting process and a more significant formation of microcrystals of hematite among ...

The principal mineral sources of titanium are rutile, anatase (both TiO2), ilmenite (FeTiO3) and leucoxene (a weathered ilmenite of variable concentration of TiO2 but similar to pseudorutile Fe2Ti3O9). These titaniferous minerals along with their value added products like Synthetic Rutile and TiO2 slag constitute "Titanium Feedstocks" for TiO2 pigment, Ti …

Chemical composition of Kahnooj ilmenite concentrate and slag
Download Table | Chemical composition of Kahnooj ilmenite concentrate and slag from publication: Application of response surface methodology and central composite rotatable design for modeling and ...

HPGR effect on the particle size and shape of iron ore pellet …
In this study the effect of HPGR operational parameters on the dimensional properties of pellet feed was examined and optimized using factorial methodology. The operational parameters considered include feed moisture, specific pressure and roll speed. For this study, size and shape of particles with Blaine number in the range 1800–2200 cm2 g−1 …

Metallurgical process options for beneficiation of ilmenite …
Fe + H2SO4 (l) = FeSO4 (s) + H2 (g) (5) The sulfate process was the first commercialized technology to convert ilmenite to titanium pigment. From this point of view, upgrading the titanium slag ...

Synthesis and Characterization of Titanium Slag from …
Titanium rich slag has emerged as a raw material for alternative titanium source. Ilmenite contains 42–50% TiO2 as the mineralogical composition depending on …

High Pressure Grinding Roll for advanced crushing |FL
Our HPGR is a perfect complementary tool to work in conjunction with, and even enhance the performance of traditional grinding mills and fixed-gap crushers. The HPGR exposes feed material to very high pressure for a short amount of time. The compression typically causes the rock to crack and cleave along the grain boundaries, weakening the rock ...

(PDF) An Energy Efficient Advanced Comminution Process
The CCD matrix was used for the design of HPGR exp eriments for ferrochrome slag. The effect of three significant operating variables, namely, roll gap, applied load, and roller speed was studied.

(PDF) The evolution of HPGR modelling
Abstract and Figures. This paper reviews the history and methodology behind the modelling of the HPGR. Since the first models created by Guevara and Menacho, Fuerstenau and Austin to the most ...

Effect of the particle size and microstructure
In comparison to unpretreated ilmenite pellets, the ones with HPGR pretreatment showed a significant reduction of 7.649 kJ/mol in the apparent reaction activation energy during the solid-state reduction process with bituminous coal. ... Magnetic separation-sulphuric acid leaching of Cu–Co–Fe matte obtained from copper converter …

Synthesis and Characterization of Titanium Slag from Ilmenite …
Titanium rich slag has emerged as a raw material for alternative titanium source. Ilmenite contains 42–50% TiO2 as the mineralogical composition depending on the geographical resources. Application of titanium in paper, plastic, pigment and other various industries is increasing day by day. Due to the scarcity of natural raw mineral rutile …

A Novel Process for Preparing High-Strength Pellets of …
The addition of Na2CO3 to the ilmenite concentrate enhances the carbothermic reduction by promoting the gasification of C and fluxing the slag phase, …

High-Titanium Slag Preparation Process by …
High-Titanium Slag Preparation Process by Carbothermic Reduction of Ilmenite and Wet-Magnetic Separation. As the titanium industry rapidly develops, low-grade ilmenite …