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Major Mines & Projects | Koniambo Mine
The Koniambo orebody extends over 20 kilometers long and 5 kilometers wide. On this area of approximately 21 square kilometers has a mineralization of lateritic origin with high contents of nickel. The laterite profile of the deposit can be described as having a thin layer of rich duricrust that is superimposed on a layer of limonite covering ...

French Ministers Visit New Caledonia, With Nickel and the …
September saw Glencore, the Swiss multinational commodity trading and mining company, announce it would cease funding the loss-making Koniambo Nickel SAS (KNS) business it co-owns in the territory ...

Glencore Transitions Koniambo Nickel Mine to Care and …
In an unprecedented move that underscores the ongoing challenges presented by the global pandemic, Glencore has announced its decision to transition its Koniambo Nickel SAS (KNS) mine into care and maintenance. The announcement, made on February 18, 2024, reflects a strategic pivot aimed at safeguarding the health and …

French President Hollande inaugurates Koniambo Nickel
French President Hollande inaugurates Koniambo Nickel. Baar, Switzerland / Kone, New Caledonia . 17 November 2014

Glencore Announces Strategic Divestiture of Koniambo Nickel …
mininginsightsGlencore Seeks New Horizons for Koniambo Amid Industry DownturnIn a decisive move reflecting the turbulent nickel market, Glencore (LON: GLEN) has announced its intention to divest its stake in the Koniambo Nickel SAS (KNS) operation in New Caledonia. This decision comes in response to the sharp decline in …

Glencore announces funding decision on Koniambo Nickel
Glencore announces funding decision on Koniambo Nickel. posted: 27/09/2023. Noumea, New Caledonia. 27 September 2023. Glencore has been working for years to identify a path toward a cost effective, reliable Koniambo Nickel SAS (KNS) business that can meet production and financial targets. While significant progress has …

Glencore and SMSP to place Koniambo mine in care and …
Swiss mining company Glencore and its joint venture partner Société Minière du Sud Pacifique (SMSP) have decided to move the Koniambo Nickel operation (KNS) into care and maintenance. KNS is a large mine located in the north of New Caledonia in the North Province. The project company is responsible for the …

Koniambo Nickel to close
Glencore and Société Minière du Sud Pacifique SA (SMSP) will transition the Koniambo Nickel SAS (KNS) into care and maintenance. KNS is a joint venture where SMSP owns 51 per cent of the project's capital and the remaining 49 per cent is owned by Glencore. It is located in the northern province between Voh and Koné in New Caledonia.

| Koniambo Nickel SAS
Uses of nickel; Our engagements. Health and safety of our employees; Sustainable development; An economic, human and social partner; Dialogue: proof of collective intelligence; Careers. Our job offers; Our internship offers; Our businesses, your future; Live the Koniambo Nickel experience; Our competence model: training and skill …

Nickel mining in northern New Caledonia
Koniambo, a second large nickel smelter built in the last 10 years in New Caledonia, has had more positive news. In December 2017, the second furnace of the …

Glencore to halt New Caledonia nickel plant and sell stake
Feb 12 (Reuters) - Glencore (GLEN.L) said on Monday it will sell its stake in Koniambo Nickel SAS (KNS) in New Caledonia and that production at KNS's processing plant will be halted for six months ...

Nickel mining in northern New Caledonia
The Koniambo nickel smelter has a production capacity of 60,000 tons per year. With only one furnace, 9892 tons of nickel-metal were produced in 2015, 15,000 in 2016, and 20,600 tons are expected for 2017 according to the actual president of KNS, Marc Boissonneault (Outremers360°, 2017). In 2015, an executive manager of KNS …

Koniambo nickel operation Report | Wood Mackenzie
Report summary. Koniambo's nickel is contained in both saprolite and limonite with grades that compare favourably with other laterite deposits in the world. Pre-feasibility work on Koniambo commenced in 2000, and in 2001 the decision was taken to employ Falconbridge's proprietry technology, known as "FL Laterite Smelting technology".

Glencore To Transition Koniambo Nickel To …
glencore plc - koniambo nickel to transition to care+maintenance. glencore - all local kns employees will be retained for a period of six months to aid in transition. glencore: glencore will fund operation according to an agreed budget as it begins an orderly transition to a state of care and maintenance.

Nickel calédonien : Le conseil de direction de KNS reporté …
Pour rappel, Glencore, actionnaire de référence de Koniambo Nickel, a annoncé mettre un terme à son financement le 29 février si aucune solution pour sauver la filière nickel en Nouvelle-Calédonie n'était trouvée d'ici là. L'échec des discussions lors du dernier groupe de travail, réuni du 17 au 19 janvier, avait renforcé la ...

Glencore to sell stake in fraught New Caledonia nickel …
Credit: THEO ROUBY/AFP via Getty Images. Swiss mining giant Glencore announced on Monday plans to sell its stake and suspend operations at the Koniambo Nickel SAS (KNS) joint venture (JV) in New Caledonia as prices for the metal continue to fall. The world's top miner will sell its 49% stake in the JV, with the nickel mine and …

Tim Cousins
Koniambo Nickel SAS. Tim Cousins Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 67 606 350 298) trades as Tim Cousins and Associates. Quick Links. Home; Engineering; Fire & Explosion; Approach; Team; Clients; Projects; Contact Us; Find Us. Level 40, 140 Williams St Melbourne 3000 +61 3 9098 8784. [email protected].

Glencore to halt New Caledonia nickel plant and sell stake
Recasts, adds detail, background. Feb 12 (Reuters) - Glencore Plc GLEN.L said on Monday it will sell its stake in Koniambo Nickel SAS (KNS) in New Caledonia and that production at KNS's processing ...

Koniambo Nickel power station
Koniambo Nickel power station is a two-unit coal-fired power plant with a total capacity of 270 MW. The plant was completed in 2012, and is owned by Koniambo Nickel SAS. The plant powers the Koniambo nickel mine. The power station appeared to still be operating as of January 2024.

Koniambo Nickel
Koniambo Nickel. 6,741 likes · 7 talking about this. Industrie de classe mondiale basée sur le développement des hommes et le respect de l'environnement.

Koniambo Nickel Mining Project | dedicated to Project …
Project Control Engineer, Hatch Associates Pty Ltd, Koniambo Nickel Mining Project. Posted Wed, 18:33 by Bhupendra Kumar. START Date: June, 2012. END Date: May, 2013. Projects Executed . Ø Koniambo Nickel Project – Construction of Nickel Refining Plant at Koniambo Massifs in New Caledonia ...

Falconbridge's Nickel Laterite Koniambo Project in New …
The following day the Koniambo Nickel board met to approve this year's work program. Preparing the earthworks and advancing the project engineering are the top priorities for 2006. Dredging of a port will begin early in 2007, and the main construction period will be 2008-09. Production will begin very late in 2009 or early in 2010.

Koniambo Nickel inaugurated
The Koniambo Nickel project in New Caledonia, a joint venture between Société Minière du Sud Pacifique (SMSP) and Glencore, was officially inaugurated on November 17 by French President François Hollande. The construction of Koniambo Nickel began in 2007 and represents a US$7 billion investment in New Caledonia, …

Glencore announces funding decision on Koniambo Nickel
Glencore announces funding decision on Koniambo Nickel. Save to read list. Published by Will Owen, Editor. Global Mining Review, Monday, 02 October 2023 11:00. Advertisement. Glencore has been working for years to identify a path toward a cost effective, reliable Koniambo Nickel SAS (KNS) business that can meet production and …

Koniambo Nickel Project, New Caledonia
Comprised an open-cut nickel mine and a pyrometallurgical plant, Koniambo Nickel Project is located in the North Province of New Caledonia and was officially inaugurated in November 2014. It is one of …

Failure Analysis of Koniambo Nickel SAS 'Shrinking Furnace'
The investigation of the initial furnace leak revealed an underlying issue with the design of both furnaces known as the 'Shrinking Furnace'. The investigation involved working in New Caledonia, Australia and in Vienna, Austria. Three causation hypotheses were presented in the final workshop held 13th-15th April 2015 in Koniambo.

Xstrata Nickel's Koniambo Project: A Cornerstone Asset
Koniambo – A Cornerstone Asset Foundation for Xstrata Nickel's growth –Robust business case –High grade ore body with 50+ yrs mine life –60ktpa nickel in first quartile cost …

Koniambo Nickel to close
Koniambo Nickel to close. Glencore and Société Minière du Sud Pacifique SA (SMSP) will transition the Koniambo Nickel SAS (KNS) into care and maintenance. KNS is a joint venture where SMSP owns ...

Glencore to stop funding troubled New Caledonia nickel plant
Glencore Plc said on Wednesday it will stop funding the loss-making Koniambo Nickel SAS (KNS) business it co-owns in New Caledonia at the end of February, adding to pressure on the troubled nickel ...

Glencore to sell stake in troubled New Caledonia nickel …
According to Glencore, KNS has contributed $5.6 billion in economic benefits to New Caledonia since 2012 from construction ($1.7 billion) and operations ($3.9 billion), including $3 billion spent ...