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Frac Sand Mining | Sierra Club
Frac sand mining requires clearing land of forests, grasslands, meadows, and wetlands, eliminating valuable ecosystems and habitats. But it also generates alarming levels of air and water pollution. The mining …

Badger Mining Corporation | Superior by Nature, …
Badger Mining Corporation (BMC) is committed to producing high quality industrial silica sand products, operating our facilities in an environmentally responsible manner, ensuring the health and wellness of our associates …

Wisconsin Industrial Sand Association
WISA Executive Team. WisconsinSand is the online home of the Wisconsin Industrial Sand Association (WISA), an organization formed to promote safe and environmentally responsible sand mining standards, promote a fact-based discussion and create a positive dialogue among the industry, citizens and Wisconsin government …

Quick Sand: Frack Sand Mining in Wisconsin
Quick Sand: Frack Sand Mining in Wisconsin. July 16, 2015 / by Ted Auch, PhD. Each silica sand mine displaces 871 acres of wetlands and more than 12 square miles of forests and agriculture land in Wisconsin to provide the shale gas industry with fracking proppant. By Juliana Henao, Communications Intern. Silica sand is used by the …

Frac Sand Health and Environmental Impacts
Frac sand linked to lung disease in workers. The chronic silicosis caused by silica exposure poses unique dangers for employees working at frac sand mining sites. Because long-term exposure can be fatal, the Labor Department's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued draft regulations designed to reduce the health risk and …

Breaking Down the Bedrock of Frac Sand Mining
This episode about frac sand mining in Wisconsin's Driftless region is the fourth piece in the series Ground Truths: Stories from Wisconsin's Frontlines of Environmental Action. ... Frac sand mining, …

AMI Silica
Environmentally Conscious Premium Domestic Sand. AMI Silica Inc. is positioned to be a leading supplier of premium quality domestic silica sand with strategically located …

Sand (silica) mining
Sand (silica) mining Mining in Wisconsin - state and local government documents : Sand (silica) mining State and local government information on metallic and sand (aka "silica" …

Assessing the Silica (Frac) Sand Mining Environmental …
In Wisconsin, silica sand mining and processing operations doubled from 2011 to 2012. In May 2013, there were 112 permitted and nineteen proposed silica sand facilities, including mining, processing, and rail loading sites. Map: Wisconsin's Frac Sand Industry, WISCONSINWATCH.

Danger in the Air | Environmental Working Group
An analysis of inhalable dust samples at sand mining sites in Wisconsin reported silica concentrations in the range of 1-to-40 percent, with an average of 14.5 percent (Pierce 2013). Finally, a recent study of workers at fracking sites in five states found that silica constituted 53 percent of inhalable dust (Esswein 2013). Conclusion

Frac Sand Mining in Wisconsin: Understanding Emerging …
A unique geological history combined with existing railroad networks has positioned Wisconsin as a major supplier of "frac sand" and thus a key link in a wider hydrocarbon commodity chain. The unprecedented growth of frac sand mining, however, has raised new social and environmental concerns, becoming the target of grassroots …

Respirable Crystalline Silica from Sand Mining, P-00369
Respirable Crystalline Silica from Sand Mining Sand Mining in Wisconsin ... control and manage worker exposure to silica dust and RCS. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources requires a fugitive dust control plan under Wisconsin Administrative Code, Section NR 415.075(2) before the facility begins operation. ...

Frac Sand Producer In Wisconsin Faces Bankruptcy As Industry Shifts
A major frac sand mining company with operations in Wisconsin is facing bankruptcy while an industry analyst says up to 75 percent of mines in Wisconsin that supply oil and gas producers might have to close due to an ongoing oversupply of sand. Emerge Energy Services LP, which owns Superior Silica Sands, entered into a debt …

White Papers & Other Resources
Wisconsin Industrial Sand Association 2809 E. Hamilton Ave., #161 Eau Claire, WI 54701-6863 (608) 352-9472 | (608) 352-WISA info@wisconsinsand

Products & Technical
If you have an inquiry for BadgerFrac or BadgerCoated (oil and gas proppant), please contact our 24/7/365 Customer Resource Team at 715-662-2400, or if you have an inquiry for our BadgerCast (foundry sand), please call 800-285-0038. You can also always contact us via the website or email us at BMCinfo@badgerminingcorp.

Respirable Crystalline Silica from Sand Mining, P-00369
Smaller particles stay airborne longer and thus can travel further than larger particles. Respirable crystalline silica (RCS) refers to particles of crystalline silica less than four microns in size, or particulate matter 4 (PM4). PM4-sized particles can penetrate deep into the lungs, where the most critical effects of RCS– silicosis and ...

Local sand producer, Blue Diamond, is on the rise
Jan 4, 2023 Updated Jan 4, 2023. Blue Diamond Proppants, a local partnership of five entities, emerged in April of 2022 after Superior Silica Sands divested its Wisconsin operations. Blue Diamond purchased one mine in the Town of Sioux Creek and a drying and transloading facility on Hwy. 8 near Poskin (pictured). Photo by Ryan Urban. Even …

Frac Sand Company Liquidating Western Wisconsin Mine
A frac sand mining company that declared bankruptcy last year is liquidating one of four Wisconsin mines. Prior to the filing, Texas-based Hi-Crush Proppants was one of the state's biggest producers of sand used in hydraulic fracturing for oil and natural gas. Hi-Crush's mine in the city of Whitehall opened in 2014 and boasted …

The Future of the Frac Sand Industry in Wisconsin
In recent years, Wisconsin's frac sand mining industry has experienced a significant economic downturn. As of 2016, Wisconsin had 128 frac sand mining operations and processing plants, with 92 of them still active. Due to the recent "bust," 36 of the mining operations have either completely stopped or have significantly decreased ...

Badger Mining Corporation | Superior by Nature, Quality by …
BADGER MINING CORPORATION. Badger Mining Corporation (BMC) is committed to producing high quality industrial silica sand products, operating our facilities in an environmentally responsible manner, ensuring the health and wellness of our associates and of the communities in which we operate. The sand and coated sand products …

W. Central Wisconsin Landscape & Silica Sand Mining Effects
The WI DNR doesn't include silica sand mining in its list of 14 threats to vernal pools or potential conservation actions, however. These ponds are depressions with impeded drainage (usually in forest landscapes), that hold water for a period of time following snowmelt and spring rains but typically dry out by mid-summer ...

Arsenic Levels At Bankrupt Frac Sand Mine 7 Times Higher …
A state review of a potential frac sand mine reclamation project in Chippewa County has found high concentrations of arsenic and other heavy metals at the site and left the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources with "reasonable concern" groundwater contamination may have occurred.. On Nov. 11, the DNR responded to a …

From Farmland to Frac Sand | Civil Eats
Silica mining is also prevalent in other parts of Illinois and regions of Wisconsin and Missouri. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), LaSalle County's farmland acreage dropped 5 percent from 2012 to 2017, to 573,000 acres.

Sand mining surges in Wisconsin
This western Wisconsin community is in the midst of a land rush — call it a sand rush — fueled by exploding nationwide demand for fine silica sand used in hydraulic fracturing of oil and natural gas. At least 16 frac sand mines and processing facilities are operating, and an additional 25 sites are proposed, in a diagonal swath stretching across …

Research & Commentary: A Summary of the Impacts of …
In Wisconsin, where approximately two-thirds of all U.S. frac sand production currently exists, the industry would directly support 4,900–7,100 jobs if all …

Environmental Impacts of Industrial Silica Sand (Frac …
In Wisconsin, industrial sand mining employed 189 people in the state in 2002. That figure will grow to nearly 3,000 when existing and proposed ... The benefits of industrial silica sand mining are realized in economic terms, whereas the costs are merely theoretical, in the form of potential environmental impacts. ...

Frac Sand Mining in Wisconsin: Understanding …
A unique geological history combined with existing railroad networks has posi-tioned Wisconsin as a major supplier of "frac sand" and thus a key link in a wider hydrocarbon commodity chain. The unprecedented growth of frac sand mining, however, has raised new social and environmental concerns, becom-ing the target of grassroots organizing.

Roadway Impacts of Industrial Silica Sand (Frac Sand) …
mining.7,8 This new Policy Study, "Roadway Impacts of Industrial Sand (Frac Sand) Mining," examines the impact of industrial sand mining on local, county, and state roads. Because local units of government generally have the primary regulatory responsibility for industrial sand mining in the Midwest,9 this Policy Study is written especially ...