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Geometrical optimization design of plate-fin heat …
Xie et al. 6, 7 and Mishra et al. 8 used a genetic algorithm (GA) to optimize a PFHE, in which the specified heat duty and flow restrictions were alternately considered, and the fin geometries ...

Geometrical optimization of xanthate collectors with copper …
Geometrical optimization of xanthate collectors with copper ions and their response to flotation | Request PDF. July 2011. DOI: Authors: Bamaprasad Bag. CSIR …

Geometrical optimization for strictly localized structures
Although it has been well presumed that the π resonance shortens the single bonds and lengthens the double bonds with the delocalization of π electrons across the whole line in polyenes, our optimization of the strictly localized structures quantitatively shows that when the conjugation effect is "turned off," the double bond lengths will ...

Sensitivity and quality factor improvement of photonic …
Fallahi, V., Kordrostami, Z. & Hosseini, M. Sensitivity and quality factor improvement of photonic crystal sensors by geometrical optimization of waveguides and micro-ring resonators combination.

[PDF] Riemannian optimization on the simplex of positive …
A novel Riemannian geometry for the matrix simplex manifold is discussed and derivation of second-order optimization related ingredients is shown. In this work, we generalize the probability simplex constraint to matrices, i.e., X 1 + X 2 + . . . + X K = I, where X i (cid:23) 0 is a symmetric positive semidefinite matrix of size n × n for all i = { 1, . . ., K } . By …

Modeling interactions between ethyl xanthate and Cu/Fe …
Analyses on the geometric parameters, interaction energies, natural bond orbital (NBO), and frontier molecular orbital reveal that there are two main structures in …

Geometrical optimization of xanthate collectors with copper …
Quantum chemical calculations have been employed to understand the nature of interaction between xanthate and Cu-as part of an ore and Cu-as part of a slag. A semi-empirical …

Geometrical Optimization of Hydrodynamic Journal …
Where h f is the thickness which determines the passage from a full fluid film to a mixed lubrication regime., Ra s is the average roughness of the shaft and Ra b is the average roughness of the sleeve. Pmax is an imposed 30 MPa to accommodate the future use of polymeric materials and ΔT lim is 10 °C. The search limits are D min = 35 mm …

Optimization of geometrical characteristics of …
In this paper, an attempt was made to design effective non-homogenous armor in form of perforated. plate mounted at close distance from basic armor plate. Perforated plate with three perforation ...

Manopt, about
The purpose of Manopt is to facilitate experimentation with optimization on manifolds, as well as sharing geometries and algorithms. This blog post gives a quick tour. See also PyManopt and Manoptjl for …

A New MBH Adduct as an Efficient Ligand in the Synthesis of
For geometrical optimization as well as frequency calculations, the B3LYP and 6-311++ G (d.p) basis set was utilized. Subsequently, the synthesized ligand (MNHA) was found to be in good agreement with the observed FT-IR spectrum, after computational resolution. ... Mahapatra B.B., Mishra R.R., Sarangi A.K. Synthesis, Spectral, Thermogravimetric ...

Information Geometry for the Working Information Theorist
Kumar Vijay Mishra, M. Ashok Kumar, Ting-Kam Leonard Wong. Information geometry is a study of statistical manifolds, that is, spaces of probability distributions from a geometric perspective. Its classical information-theoretic applications relate to statistical concepts such as Fisher information, sufficient statistics, and efficient estimators.

Numerical optimization on the geometrical factors of …
2.2. Geometrical optimization of natural gas ejector. As noted in Section 1.2, it is vital to optimize the structures of the mixing chamber, mixing tube and diffuser to maximize the ejector's performance. In Fig. 1, the inclination angle θ1 and the nozzle exit position Lmc are correlated with the mixing chamber.

Geometrical optimization of xanthate collectors with copper …
@article{Bag2011GeometricalOO, title={Geometrical optimization of xanthate collectors with copper ions and their response to flotation}, author={Bamaprasad Bag and …

Topology optimization guided by a geometrical pattern …
This article is organized as follows. Section 2 describes related work upon which some components of the present work are based. Section 3 describes the mathematical algorithms used to define and solve the topology optimization subject to an appearance constraint for a predefined geometrical pattern library. Section 4 shows the …

Geometrical optimization of xanthate collectors with copper …
Various conformations of six different alkali-xanthates viz. ethyl, propyl, iso-propyl, butyl, iso-butyl and amyl xanthates are optimized to obtain their final geometry …

Geometrical optimization of xanthate collectors …
The ground state dipole moment of the xanthate molecules The geometrical optimization for the copper–xanthate struc- increases …

Simulation and optimization of geometric parameters of a …
DOI: 10.1016/J.ENCONMAN.2014.03.042 Corpus ID: 109375984; Simulation and optimization of geometric parameters of a solar chimney in Tehran @article{Kasaeian2014SimulationAO, title={Simulation and optimization of geometric parameters of a solar chimney in Tehran}, author={Alibakhsh Kasaeian and Mehran …

Publications – Bamdev Mishra
Gave a talk on manifold optimization in machine learning summer school 2019. Gave a couple of talks at GIAN 2019 at IIT Bhubaneswar. The talks focus on industrial machine learning problems and the role of geometric optimization. Gave a talk on manifold optimization: applications and algorithms at IIIT Hyderabad, 2018.

Geometrical Optimization
It is a deterministic computational method for examining the time-dependent behavior of particle physical motions in the molecular world. It is also frequently used to examine the …

Exploiting QM/MM Capabilities in Geometry Optimization: …
We present a microiterative adiabatic scheme for quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) energy minimization that fully optimizes the MM part in each QM macroiteration. This scheme is applicable not only to mechanical embedding but also to electrostatic and polarized embedding. The electrostatic QM/MM …

gopt talk nips16
Suvrit Sra (MIT) Geometric Optimization Nonconvex optimization on manifolds 32 min x2M f (x):= 1 n Xn i=1 fi (x) [Zhang, Reddi, Sra, NIPS 2016] • is a Riemannian manifold • …

Geometric Optimization in Machine Learning
This chapter studies models that might be nonconvex in the Euclidean sense but are convex along the PD manifold; and ones that are neither Euclideans nor geodesic convex but are nevertheless amenable to global optimization. Machine learning models often rely on sparsity, low-rank, orthogonality, correlation, or graphical structure. The structure of …

Geometrical optimization of the structure of carboxylic
Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids are used in the flotation of iron values present in iron ore. Among the several fatty acids, oleic acid and its sodium salt are widely used. To substantiate the flotation results, the quantum chemical calculations of a few such acids have been carried out by adopting the semi-empirical AM1 method. These acids …

(DOC) List of Papers by Amarendra Mishra
The prediction distribution of generalized geometric series distribution (GGSD) and of its truncated and size-biased forms is derived and studied under the non-informative and beta prior distributions. ... Population Research Centre, Department of Statistics, Patna University, Patna-5. Pandey, D. K. and Mishra, A (1984) An optimization problem ...

Manifold optimization for optimal transport | Semantic …
This work discusses optimization-related ingredients that allow modeling the OT problem on smooth Riemannian manifolds by exploiting the geometry of the search space and makes available the Manifold optimization-based Optimal Transport repository with codes useful in solving OT problems in Python and Matlab. Optimal transport (OT) …

Modeling interactions between ethyl xanthate and Cu/Fe …
The geometric and electronic structure properties of complexes of copper (Cu) and iron (Fe) ions with various valences and spin states with ethyl xanthate (EX) were calculated by the density functional theory (DFT/B3LYP). Analyses on the geometric parameters, interaction energies, natural bond orbital (NBO), and frontier molecular …

Molecular Geometry Optimization, Models | SpringerLink
Numerical geometry optimizer for water, H 2 O, for the Born-Oppenheimer energy surface ()–().Water corresponds to M = 3, Z 1 = Z 2 = 1, and Z 3 = 8, N = 10. The positions of the atomic nuclei are visualized as spheres. Data as predicted in Ref. [C05]: O–H bond lengths 0.95870 A ∘, H–O–H bond angle 104.411 ∘.The high dimensionality …

[PDF] Differentially private Riemannian optimization
A framework for performing differentially private Riemannian optimization by adding noise to the Riemannian gradient on the tangent space is introduced and privacy guarantees of the proposed differentially private Riemannian (stochastic) gradient descent are proved using an extension of the moments accountant technique. In this paper, we …

Geometric Optimization Revisited | SpringerLink
Abstract. Many combinatorial optimization problems such as set cover, clustering, and graph matching have been formulated in geometric settings. We review the progress made in recent years on a number of such geometric optimization problems, with an emphasis on how geometry has been exploited to develop better algorithms.

McTorch, a manifold optimization library for deep learning
Bamdev Mishra. Published in arXiv 3 October 2018. Computer Science. TLDR. McTorch is introduced, a manifold optimization library for deep learning that extends PyTorch that decouples manifold definitions and optimizers, i.e., once a new manifold is added it can be used with any existing optimizer and vice-versa. Expand.

3D finite element investigations on textured tools with …
Design and optimization of a new geometric texture shape for the enhancement of hydrodynamic lubrication performance of parallel slider surfaces. Biosurf Biotribol, 2 (2016), pp. 59-69, 10.1016/j.bsbt.2016.05.002. View PDF View article Google Scholar [8] ... S.K. Mishra, S. Ghosh, S. Aravindan.

Geometric Optimization in Machine Learning | SpringerLink
Some examples are already known [27, 43, 65], and geometric optimization yields results that are more general than previously known examples. We refer the reader to for the precise details, and provide a quick ... B. Mishra, A Riemannian approach to large-scale constrained least-squares with symmetries. Ph.D. thesis, Université de Namur (2014)

Some New Test Functions for Global Optimization and Performance …
Abstract. In this paper we introduce some new test functions to assess the performance of global optimization methods. These functions have been selected partly because several of them are aesthetically appealing and partly because a few of them are really difficult to optimize, while all the functions are multi-modal.

Geometric Methods on Low-Rank Matrix and Tensor …
Abstract. In this chapter we present numerical methods for low-rank matrix and tensor problems that explicitly make use of the geometry of rank constrained matrix and tensor spaces. We focus on two types of problems: The first are optimization problems, like matrix and tensor completion, solving linear systems and eigenvalue …

A geometrical optimization method applied to a heaving …
A methodology for the geometrical optimization of wave energy converters (WEC) based on statistical analysis methods and the hydrodynamics of the system in the frequency domain is presented. The optimization process has been applied on a one-body heaving point absorber for a nearshore region of the Rio de Janeiro coast. The sea …