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Radial consolidation with vertical drains and general time …
A simple-to-use analytical solution for radial consolidation with vertical drains under equal strain conditions is presented in this paper. This solution accounts …
Soil Consolidation and Oedometer Test | Geoengineer
The testing procedure to quantify the critical soil properties associated with soil consolidation is the Oedometer Test. The term "Oedometer" derives from the Ancient Greek language and means "to swell". The test is one of the most commonly conducted, and important, laboratory tests in geotechnical engineering.
Consolidation for Radial Drainage under Time-Dependent …
Radial consolidation clay behaviour under haversine cyclic load. Article. Dec 2014; s. S. Razouki; The behaviour of a soft clay deposit during free-strain radial flow consolidation to vertical ...
Consolidation of a Clay Cylinder with External Radial Drainage
In this study, processes of consolidation for a clay cylinder with external radial drainage are investigated under four conditions as an application of the consolidation theory proposed by H. Yoshikuni. The prepared conditions for calculation of consolidation are as follows; 1) The K 0 -consolidation with the average vertical load …
Evaluation of Settlement in Expanding Piers due to Radial Consolidation
Effect of the expansion on the settlement of the piers for soft clay (a) 0.1 m to 0.15 m (b) 0.10 m to 0.2 m (c) 0.10 m to 0.25 m Figure 2 (a) shows that an increase of 99% in the vertical loading ...
Piecewise-Linear Model for Large Strain Radial Consolidation
A piecewise-linear model for radial consolidation, called RCS1, is presented. RCS1 accounts for vertical strain, soil self-weight, hydraulic conductivity anisotropy, radial and vertical flows, soil smear, partial drain penetration, unload/reload effects, time-dependent loading, and variable hydraulic conductivity and compressibility …
(PDF) Improved radial consolidation in soft clay using …
A series of laboratory consolidation tests were performed on the pervious concrete pile, sand drains, and stone columns in two different soft clay soils (CI & CH), and their consolidation ...
Figure 5 from Radial consolidation of clay using …
The conventional radial consolidation theory (including smear and well resistance) has been commonly used to predict the behaviour of vertical drains in soft clay. Its mathematical formulation is based on the small strain theory; and for a given stress range, a constant volume compressibility (mv) and a constant coefficient…
Consolidation analyses of PVD-improved marine clay …
The smear and well resistance effects have been considered during the radial consolidation of clay deposits by Muhammed et al. (2020), Stark et al. (2018), Wu et al. (2016), Zhou et al. (2020, 2022). The time-dependent well resistance ( Deng et al., 2013 ) and variation of PVDs discharge capacity ( Deng et al., 2014 ) were taken into account to ...
Radial consolidation of PVD-Installed normally
Radial consolidation of PVD-Installed normally consolidated soil with discharge capacity reduction using large-strain theory. ... Radial consolidation of clay using compressibility indices and varying horizontal permeability. Can. Geotech. J., 42 (5) (2005), pp. 1330-1341.
Radial consolidation considering non-linear compressibility …
Practitioners commonly use analytical solutions to predict radial consolidation behavior around vertical drains. Soil under consolidation exhibits non-linear characteristics in compressibility and permeability that varies with a change of effective stress. In particular, the presence of soil structure in natural clay plays an important role …
Radial consolidation characteristics of soft undisturbed clay …
Radial consolidation characteristics of soft undisturbed clay based on large specimens - ScienceDirect. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. …
Radial consolidation of clay using compressibility indices …
The conventional radial consolidation theory (including smear and well resistance) has been commonly used to predict the behaviour of vertical drains in soft clay. Its mathematical formulation is based on the small strain theory; and for a given stress range, a constant volume compressibility (m (sub v) ) and a constant coefficient of ...
Radial consolidation of clay using compressibility indices and …
Abstract. A system of vertical drains, with surcharge load to accelerate consolidation by shortening the drainage path, is one of the most popular methods of soft ground improvement. The conventional radial consolidation theory (including smear and well …
The Radial Consolidation of Clay Soils | Géotechnique
The radial consolidation theory of Barron (1948) and McKinlay (1961) has been extended to take account of smear at the drainage boundaries, a decreasing permeability and compressibility and non-linear structural viscosity for an homogeneous anisotropic clay. An engineering assessment is made of the errors likely to result in using laboratory ch ...
Laboratory study on radial consolidation and deformation in clay
Stone columns reduce the drainage paths in soft clay, which accelerates consolidation and increases the load carrying capacity due to the subsequent reduction in settlement [15,10,13,20,26,1,23,28
A Large-Strain Vacuum-Assisted Radial Consolidation Model …
A calculation model has been developed for large-strain radial consolidation incorporating lateral deformation in order to solve the problem of poor consolidation prediction for dredged sludge at high water content in vacuum preloading process. ... (1979) Consolidation of clay by band-shaped prefabricated vertical drains. Ground …
Analytical Solutions for Radial Consolidation of Soft Ground …
radial average degree of consolidation at any depth (dimensionless); ... "Consolidation of clay by band-shaped prefabricated vertical drains." Ground Eng. 12 (5): 16–18. Google Scholar. Hansbo, S. 1981. "Consolidation of fine-grained soils by prefabricated drains." In Vol. 3 of Proc., 10th Int.
Consolidation Behavior of Clayey Soils Under Radial Drainage
The clay specimens were prepared in the consolidation ring of a diameter of 6 cm and a height of 2 cm for vertical and radial drainage. A similar apparatus set-up was used by Sridharan et al. [13 ...
Piecewise-linear large-strain model for radial consolidation …
Piecewise-linear consolidation models are generally recognized to have greater versatility with respect to initial conditions, boundary conditions, soil properties, and soil heterogeneity than models based on material coordinates [27].Fox et al. (2003) [28] presented a large-strain radial consolidation model called RCS1 based on the …
A large-strain radial consolidation theory for soft clays …
The clay layer in the configuration shown by Fig. 1(b) will ... A LARGE-STRAIN RADIAL CONSOLIDATION THEORY FOR SOFT CLAYS 1021 Downloaded by [ University of Leeds] on [16/10/17]. Published with ...
The main object of the present work is to study One-dimensional consolidation of saturated soft clay with radial pore water pressure dissipation under constant magnitude of constant pressure using central vertical sand drain of different diameters and their maximum and minimum drainage path and geometrical shapes like circular, band, tripod and plus …
A large-strain radial consolidation theory for soft clays …
A system of vertical drains with combined vacuum and surcharge preloading is an effective solution for promoting radial flow, accelerating consolidation. However, when a mixture of soil and water is deposited at a low initial density, a significant amount of deformation or surface settlement occurs. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce large …
University of Wollongong Research Online
RADIAL CONSOLIDATION OF CLAY USING COMPRESSIBILITY INDICES AND VARYING HORIZONTAL PERMEABILITY . Buddhima Indraratna . PhD, DIC, MSc (Lond.), FIEAust., FASCE . Professor of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Wollongong, Wollongong City, NSW 2522, Australia Tel: +61-2-4221-3046; Fax: +61-2 …
the radial consolidation theory of barron (1948) and mckinlay (1961) has been extended to take account of smear at the drainage boundaries, a decreasing permeability and compressibility, and non-linear structural viscosity for an homogeneous anisotropic clay.
Accelerating the Consolidation of Soft Clay Soil Using …
Permeability of this pervious concrete pile is an important parameter as the radial consolidation of the soft clay depends on this permeability of the pile material. This has been determined using the constant head permeability apparatus, which is used for fine aggregate. Also, the results of the performed tests have been indicated in Table 3.
Radial consolidation characteristics of soft undisturbed clay …
This paper describes an experimental programme that measures radial consolidation using a conventional Rowe cell and a large-scale consolidometer, where the samples of undisturbed soil obtained ...
Influence of Radial Coefficient of Consolidation on Ground …
The design of ground improvement system with PVD and preload is done for different values of radial coefficient of consolidation to highlight its influence in ground improvement program in soft clay. The study revealed that the overall degree of consolidation ( U ) is not much affected for c r / c v values of 2.5–4.0 at closer spacing …
One-dimensional elastic viscoplastic finite strain consolidation …
A 1-D consolidation model fully coupled with elastic viscoplastic constitutive model, called EVPC, is developed using piecewise-linear method for long-term settlement of soft clay. The EVPC incorporates the idea of 'equivalent time' to account for large strain, soil self-weight, compressibility and permeability with spatial variability and ...